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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Just don't forget this when thinking about money...how many more seats does Frank fill? Can Frank put an extra 100,000 fans in the seats a year? That's an additional 3 million dollars. How many extra jerseys does he sell? He'll sell one to me pretty soon. How much extra press coverage does he get the team when he launches a ball 475 feet? How much money could he make for that team as he closes in on 500, all with us? I know I'd pay to be there. A lot.
  2. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 11, 2005 -> 09:11 PM) On Dallas's D 101, it'll take time for them to gel under the 3-4, and I don't think Jason Ferguson the big NT started today either. I'm sure it'll get better during the year, although I was dissappointed with Anthony Henry's performance today with McCardell getting 9 recpetions and 2TD's. Henry also had a ton of tackles and a big interception, if memory serves.
  3. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Sep 11, 2005 -> 08:40 PM) And the Bills D looks as good as ever. Losman did what he has to do all season long, just manage the game, don't have to win it. 8 different targets caught passes for him as well today. But I really expected more out of the Texans today. They have to start winning soon, otherwise Don Capers might go on the hot seat. Depending on injuries, the Bills have exactly 3 question marks this season...only 1 on defense. First, they lost their nose tackle, Pat Williams, to Minnesota. That's about their only question on defense...without him, will they still be able to dominate the run. They were the #2 defense last year I believe, and that was with a fairly banged-up secondary, to which they've added young people and healthy vets this year. 2. The offensive line...it gave up a ton of sacks to "point and laugh at defensive linemen" Drew Bledsoe last year, and lost maybe the best guy on it. 3. Losman. He can't throw picks. If he coughs up turnovers, that team will lose. Those 3 go well, and that's a real good team.
  4. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Sep 11, 2005 -> 08:22 PM) Louisiana being declared a state of emergency does not turn control over to FEMA. That is merely a designation to enable an area to receive federal aid, it has nothing to do with who is in control. White House Press Release.
  5. Ok, things I noticed in the first few games today... Either the Dolphins have improved a lot, the Broncos are going to be horrid, or some combination of both of those. Man did Denver look terrible today. Gus Ferotte was able to pick apart their defense. That's saying something. Minnesota just got itself beaten at home by Tampa. Their offense struggled a good portion of the game. Considering how many people were saying Minnesota was a genuine Super Bowl contender in the NFC...that's a team that needs to panic. I wouldn't want to listen to Twin City sports radio this week...the Moss will be growing on all sides of the trees. J.P. Losman and my Bills...good game man. 0 picks, solid all-around game against the Texans. Willis went over 100 yards. All good signs for my team. And How the Hell is St. Louis having so much trouble with San Fran?
  6. Well, I haven't seen one around, and I'm wanting to make use of it myself, so here is a general NFL discussion thread for the 2005 season. Hopefully one of the Mods will be kind enough to pin this at the top of our Olde Tyme Sports Pub, and we can make use of it throughout the year for any random game that doesn't get its own thread.
  7. On a side note, why isn't there a general NFL discussion thread? Any particular reason? If not, i'll go start one.
  8. Well...tonight's one of those nights I wait for much of the year...and it's going to be damn helpful in taking my mind off this Angels Series. Tonight we get an (incredibly early btw) season premier of the Simpsons (Last few years they've started after the MLB Playoffs have concluded), along with new episodes of Family Guy and American Dad. Since I'm a proud nerd, I figured I'd open up a thread. Feel free to post favorite lines, comments, critiques, etc, if you watch any of the shows. And don't forget about "Evolution Schmevolution"...a 4 part series on The Daily Show this week. End of TV reminders for now.
  9. This is a bit off topic but I don't see a general NFL thread... How the Hell is San Francisco beating up on St. Louis?
  10. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Sep 11, 2005 -> 01:55 PM) When did givin up yards become a bad thing if they dont score. I dont know where you come from but when a defense only gives up 9 points and forces multiple turnovers thats called good. I didn't get this game so I didn't get a chance to watch, but from all pre-season accounts, Washington isn't exactly expected to have a killer offense anyway. Giving up a lot of yards to a team that isn't supposed to be good on offense is a bad omen for when you face teams that are good on offense.
  11. All 3 major national 7 day papers in this country have expansive articles about the disaster which is FEMA's response to the hurricane today. NY Times WaPo. LA Times.
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 11, 2005 -> 06:18 AM) It always comes back to the President, doesn't it. Newsweek. Bush didn't really understand how bad the storm was even until Thursday after it hit. His aides were scared to tell him. Governor Blanco was trying to beg Bush for help. She couldn't get Bush on the phone. Etc. Go read the rest...it's about 5 pages.
  13. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 11, 2005 -> 05:22 AM) Food for thought. Once there is stock footage available it will almost certainly eventually be used down the line in negative campaign ads the likes of which we've never seen before. Can you imagine an ad with a soundtrack simply repeating Bush's "But what whent wrong" over and over as accompanyment to bloated bodies floating down the street, holed up in attics, piled up to be stuffed in body bags? Of course, precisely the same footage can be run to the tune of Nagin's "If you stay, you're on your own. . . " Lots of PACs took a lesson from the seeing the effectiveness of the Swift Bulls***ters for Defeating Kerry in Any Way Possible. Thing is, lots of the body images already exist, despite the current media gag order. Lots of people have been taking snapshots of all aspects of the carnage since day one, and those are going to get out. The images of the dead are not nearly as controllable here as they are in the case of US soldiers coming home in flag-draped caskets. I believe a guy, maybe even in Illinois, tried to use some of the 9/11 images in a campaign ad against his opponent in 2002. The outcry was so bad that the ad was pulled after less than a day. Again, it's all a question of how the footage is used. I don't think images of bodies will make campaign ads, because the people watching the ad will be disgusted. You want to know what pictures are going to make great campaign ads? It won't be pictures of the bodies or anything else like that, i'll be the picture of Bush holding up McCain's birthday cake on the Tuesday after the storm hit, or strumming the guitar in San Diego the Wednesday after the storm hit.
  14. I don't know if I'd say we'll be fine, but I will say that once we get there, we've got as good a shot as any of the other 8 teams, and probably a better shot than most of them. It just takes a couple guys stepping up. We've seen these guys on this team do it already this year.
  15. For crying out loud...go and think of me. I haven't seen a game all year live and it's been killing me.
  16. I think I can reassure you pretty well... In 2001, Arizona beat the Yankees. They did so on the backs of 2 great pitchers and a lot of luck. In 2003, Florida beat the Yankees. They did so on the back of basically 1 pitcher who got incredibly hot. In 2004, the Red Sox came back from an incredibly deep hole, one from which no team had emerged from in history. We have a good team. There are other good teams out there. We've beaten those good teams when we've been playing well. Aside from that 7 game losing streak, we've beaten Cleveland, Boston, and New York. We can win those games. We just need a few people to get hot. It can happen. It has happened before.
  17. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Sep 10, 2005 -> 06:41 PM) If I remember right, during 9/11 the media didn't want to show pictures of the bodies and such. Something about not wanting to 'inflame the populace'. How come they DO want to show the bodies now? Actually I'm fairly certain that they did show pictures of what bodies there actually were (most of which, especially from the trade center, were unrecoverable as whole people). The ones that they were especially careful with were the pictures of people falling as they jumped from the twin towers...and again, I swear I have seen those images broadcast. The real key will be, of course, how these images are used. The reality is that in that city, they're slowing down some of the pumps because they're afraid the pumps will be clogged with body parts. How do you cover that story? How do you do so without sickening people? Even I don't know. The question will be how the footage is used. I'm sure each person out there has a different line in their head that, when they see it crossed, they'll know it. But that doesn't justify not allowing any images of it at all. Not only is this a catastrophe, but it's also history, and it deserves to be fully documented. If you see someone go overboard...change the channel.
  18. Well, I guess in a way it's comforting to know that even when likely thousands of Americans are lying dead in an abandoned shell of an American city, the Bush Administration still puts Rewarding its campaign contributors at the top of its list of priorities. I mean, if Halliburton and Bechtel can't turn a profit, what is this world coming to?
  19. QUOTE(JoshPR @ Sep 10, 2005 -> 01:58 PM) Choke??? Why is it that a player has a bad game and he chokes? Sheesh cut them some slack, if it was up to a few here the Darn team would go 162-0 and if they would go 161-1 some would still b**** :banghead Whether it was a bad game, choking, or what...here's what matters...both Garland and Buehrle had bad games when they needed to have good games. Both Garland and Buehrle are basically out of the Cy Young race. Right now, there is no more reason not to go with the 6 man rotation for the last motnh of the season. Get the kid some more work (see if he can make a run at Herschiser's 56 inning streak while we're at it), and save the arms of our starters more. There is no more reason not to do it. And following up a 7 game winning streak with a 3 game losing streak is plenty of a reason to b*tch, IMHO.
  20. QUOTE(rangercal @ Sep 10, 2005 -> 08:27 AM) Unlike my maggs jersey, I will always wear my Frank jersey, No matter what. If they re-sign Frank in the Offseason, even to a 1 year deal, I will immediately buy a Frank Jersey. That day. In fact, that hour. I just don't want to see him in any other color if I'm going to invest in one. Yes, I know that it will always work, but I still don't like that idea.
  21. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Sep 10, 2005 -> 12:45 PM) I believe he had a hip injury or 2 I believe not only was he injured, but his best receiver also was hobbled for part of last year. Orton was incredible when he was healthy early in the year...he looked like he deserved a heisman. THen he got hurt and went downhill fast. He could turn out to be a saviour for you guys, but I think the reality is he may turn out to be more of a Brees - he'll need a fair amount of time to adapt to the NFL game and stay healthy before he can give you any real quality.
  22. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Sep 10, 2005 -> 12:54 PM) i wouldn't go that far. They will be in the top ten however they have to get their asses in gear right now. I've heard more than a few people say that Michigan thinks they're better than they actually are. Either today was them being exposed for what they really are, or today will be the wake-up call they needed.
  23. Figgins went back to first base on that pitch...think he's off balance?
  24. Another 2 out baserunner...and a fast one at that...well at least Mark knows how to hold people close.
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