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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. 1...2...3...ugh...it may be a long night (if such a thing is possible in a game as short as one pitched by Mark).
  2. Man, I'm glad that's over...maybe our team will learn something from the fact they did that all with singles.
  3. QUOTE(SnB @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 05:11 PM) Pssssst, the angels have a good lineup The Angels have scored fewer runs than us this season.
  4. 4 straight singles...I don't like where this is going....
  5. Man I love it when Mark's pitching...1 out during the time it takes for my computer to load up realplayer.
  6. From the Wall Street Journal:
  7. I have an unconfirmed story saying that CNN has filed a lawsuit against government agencies that have been seeking to bar press organizations from showing pictures of the cleanup/recovery of the disaster in New Orleans (a few days ago, FEMA said that they didn't want people taking photos of bodies, etc.)
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 04:10 PM) Can you imagine this board with that team??? Holy s*** this place would have direct links to the suicide hotline. CORPSEBALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Yay...Podsednik gets a day off...and TIMO DOESN'T GET THE START!!!!
  10. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 02:34 PM) True. But there were things that happened pre-gulf war I that tells me it doesn't matter - they have, however, used this to focus their efforts more. Could you specify which "Things" you're talking about? I can think of only a couple really...the bombing in Lebanon, which was directed at U.S. troops intervening in a civil war overseas, dozens of things directed at Israel, a few things organized by Libya, and the dealings from Iran, but nothing that I'd call a completely blatant attack on us by Islamists.
  11. QUOTE(Randar68 @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 09:30 AM) Where is that falling poo icon? Wow. The kid is no more than 190 pounds soaking wet wearing a parka. He made his mistake and payed for it. Now, guys who are multiple offenders deserve your ire and skepticism, but to think there wouldn't be a plethora of guys getting caught by taking things they thought were safe when implementing this new policy was niave and infantile. It's the nature of starting a new system and the lack of education they've had towards it. But hey, if you want to write a kid off who is built like Valido is and stole 52 bases while barely being caught because he took something from GNC he thought was legal, have at it. Keep living in your bunker. Several points in response...first, there are many steroids people can take which don't make people inflate like Barry Bonds...in fact, Rafael Palmeiro may very well have chosen "Winstrol" entirely because it's not supposed to make your body explode in a way that can be seen. I didn't say I'm going to write the kid off...but I'm going to view him with some skepticism until he shows me that he can stay clean for several years...He says that he did something from a supplement, but that's exactly what everyone says.
  12. Since nothing else was on after the football game and I was falling asleep...i flipped on Stephen A. Smith's show on ESPN2 last night...he gave Sosa like 30 seconds, basically saying that Baltimore was about to send Sosa home as well, saying that Sosa hadn't done anything since he was caught with a corked bat and since MLB started testing for steroids, and included the phrase "If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck...." The audience gave him a nice round of applause on that one.
  13. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 01:28 PM) Balta, I don't have time to read this stuff right now... but thanks for the links. I'll read it when I have some more time. I still somewhat stand by the notion that our way of life is their problem with us, but I certainly agree our 'occupation' of their lands is also high on the list. I'm not trying to say that they don't have a problem with our way of life...but what I am saying is that when it comes to actually motivating people to strap bombs to their chests, the thing that does it is the occupation. Bin Laden can curse the infidels all he wants...but without the added layer of people angry about occcupation...he gets no where. That's why he spends so much effort focusing on it.
  14. should be entertaining...This one
  15. Ordonez got exactly the money he would have gotten had he never been hurt from Detroit. He had plenty of options to try to go to different teams and see if they contend...us, the Cubs, etc. He took the biggest contract.
  16. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 11:48 AM) I do however find it comical that most wanted Kennys head on a platter when he didnt do anything at the deadline and wavier wire, but we later found out Jenks was asked to be involved in most of the deals. Hmph, I never heard that.
  17. Yes, we've gone through this before. Omar is the better defender now...but he's starting to tail off with time. His numbers are down quite a bit from when he was with Cleveland. Uribe is in his first full year at shortstop...and he had a fairly rough start there this year with a bunch of errors early. He's settling down more with time (although I think he had an E last night didn't he?) The real key matter is whether or not Uribe can keep his bat hot. If he does that...no one on Earth would rather have Vizquel. We saw that to start the year last year...a hot Uribe can carry an offense almost single handedly. Let's just hope he stays on fire through the end of October. And man...would our rotation have been worse without Jose? Hell yeah. Man I'm glad we didn't drop him. Also worth noting here...in his last start...Jason Schmidt left after 4 2/3 innings with some sort of a groin tweak...I haven't heard more about him since.
  18. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 11:31 AM) he needs a good nickname though Baby Huey just isnt cutting it. How about "Next year's closer?"
  19. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 10:14 AM) I think we have an answer for Vlad. Check out these numbers over the last month H/AB R H HR RBI SB BB AVG OPS 29/92 21 29 6 15 5 22 .315 1.038 31/96 17 31 8 15 0 9 .323 .998 Whose numbers are these you ask?? Well the top one is Vlad and the bottom one is none other than our very own Paul Konerko. I know we don't compare Kong with Vlad, but If Paulie can cancel him out...I like our chances with the rest of our offense against the rest of theirs. I keep asking this in ESPN chats and not getting posted (I wonder why...) at the start of this month, all the talking heads on ESPN said that the MVP in the AL would probably be decided by whoever steps it up in September like Vlad did last year. Thus far...out of the big names in the AL, the only one who's stepping it up and carrying his team on his back to a lot of wins is our own dear Paulie. He's closing in on the lead in home runs, he's driving his average way up there, and his team is winning. So what else does Konerko have to do to at least get his name mentionned in that talk?
  20. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 11:23 AM) Apparently you havent notice their play. The team is WAYYYYY off. Their attitude is that of our past sox teams. No matter how many bats you add, you are still going to fail. They do not have the core, and are extremely selfish. I dont see detroit doing much in the future. I think you're completely right in that assessment. Take a look at the Yankees. They have added a huge amount of bats. A ridiculous amount of power. But what sort of attitude does that team have? ARod, Sheff, etc...all of these guys seem incredibly focused on their own numbers. That team was built based on hiring the guys with the biggest numbers and not caring if they worked together. And what has it gotten them? An offense that worked exactly like ours did last year - they hammer some terrible pitchers, but if a pitcher holds them in check, they don't sacrifice themselves in order to help the team. And then they can't beat the Devil Rays. The Yankees can do this and still win some games because they have so much money, but the Tigers will never challenge the Yankees in spending. The Tigers can add another bat or another pitcher, but they will never be able to hire enough guys that if their team doesn't mesh and work together, they won't be able to keep up.
  21. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 11:13 AM) It sucks when your allergies starts making breathing difficult... What's it like when allergies stop making breathing difficult?
  22. See, here you are conflating the 2 key issues...by doing nothing in Iraq, I am in no way assuming that the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 would do nothing. I am in fact assuming that the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 would love to hit us again. Which is again 1 reason why Iraq does not work as a way to fight Al Qaeda...prior to the war, Al Qaeda's presence in Iraq was incredibly limited. Secondly, you ask why the rhetoric of the terrorists didn't reflect the occupations...I would in fact argue strongly that they did. For example, if we take the obvious example of Bin Laden's official declaration of war against the U.S. from the mid 90's, let's see some of the points he makes about why he wants this war against the U.S. Here are some various excerpts from the speech...all of which hammers on 1 point...the U.S. forces in the land of Mecca and Medina. He also spends a lot of time talking about the occupation and "crimes" of Israel against the Palestinians. His words focus strongly on the occupations as a motivating element to get people to follow him. The idea of occupation by a foreing power simply permeates his words and the speeches he used to get people to follow him.
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