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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Here's another fun quote from a Republican Congressman....
  2. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 10:26 AM) Just hitting the wire, Brown is being removed from running FEMAs efforts in LA. AP Piece from 3 minutes ago... As far as I can tell...he's called back to Washington to basically sit at a chair and draw a salary, along with not giving any more interviews. At least that would probably mean he's no longer in charge on the ground there.
  3. According to Star Trek...Joe Dimaggio's 56 game hitting streak will be broken in 2025 by Buck Bokai, a shortstop for the London Kings...so I guess this is a positive first step in that direction. God, someone needs to stop me.
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 09:39 AM) http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,...promoid=rss_top How Reliable Is Brown's Resume? Posted Thursday, Sep. 08, 2005 Wow, someone in the major media is actually running with it...I read about the "questions" about Brown's resume 2 or 3 days ago and figured the Mainstream Media would never bother to pick it up...figured it would be one of those things that just sat around brewing in left wing websites.
  5. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 09:33 AM) Don't look now, but there are 2 storms brewing. One is over Florida, the other one still has slim chance of hitting the N.O. region. Actually the 1 that is over/just east of Florida is probably going to head back out to sea..then hang around for a little while and may very well turn back towards the U.S. We saw one do that last year and wind up hammering Florida.
  6. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 09:36 AM) Looking forward to seeing the green unis tonight. Sox are 4-2 v. Anaheim this year. Although, most of that the Halos were Vlad-less. Seriously though...as a person who gets the LA Times...I think it's actually fairly safe to say that the Angels offense hasn't dramatically improved since the time they got Vlad back. Finley has been terrible all year. Anderson has taken a step back over the last month (and oftentimes, you can basically walk Vlad if the situation allows without much concern) Cabrera has never gotten it going McPherson (the kid who single handedly beat Contreras in 1 of those 2 losses) is hurt They have basically been without a DH all year Lately it's been Vlad or nothing...and he had at least 1 streak of about 60 at bats without a home run that ended this week.
  7. Here's an LA Times piece that I'll bet a lot of those on the other side of the aisle from me will enjoy... Back in the 70's, the Army Corps of Engineers put together a plan for a comprehensive barrier system, complete with flood control gates, that could have been installed around New Orleans in the hopes of preventing the flooding of the city. The plan was about to receive federal approval and funding, and it may well have been cheaper than the levee system which actually was built. The system was never constructed, however, because of an environmental lawsuit...seems that the barrier system could have hurt the aquatic community (shrimp et al) of Lake Pontchatrain. The Corps clearly did a joke of an environmental impact study (consulted 1 biologist who wouldn't even attach his name to the thing)...but on the other hand, it's at least possible that if the proposed system had actually been constructed, it might have survived Katrina.
  8. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 08:04 PM) Didn't Gray Davis just compare favorably to Arnold in someone's poll? Arnold's over, it doesn't matter what he spews. You know you're done when the public starts considering how much more dignified was the political career of Jesse Ventura. Right now out here, Arnold is polling at about a 36% approval rating in field polls...which I believe is slighlty below what Gray Davis was polling when he was recalled. And that was before he decided to veto this bill...that was entirely due to his special election and his poor performance as governor this year.
  9. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 11:31 PM) I feel sorry for Powell. I really do. But I can imagine a much worse world if we had done nothing. When he made that statement I said to myself $250B. I was against it. Today I'm indifferent. The Madrid & UK bombings lead me to beleive that doing nothing would have brought about another attack. Terrorists have no respect for the lives & property of Americans. They delight in our destruction. They have choosen to wage a cultural war against us. Because our culture is immoral in their minds they see us as evil. We are not willing to change our culture so there is no reason to believe a peaceful solution can be found. See my previous post for the culture war arguement...but 1 more thing I want to point out... You say that the Madrid and UK bombings lead you to believe that doing nothing would have brought about another attack...so...how exactly is that different from what we've already seen? We've probably had some success in that we've kept the attacks confined largely overseas, but I find it difficult to say that "there would have been another attack without it" can possibly be an argument in favor of the Iraq war when we've already seen several attacks against our allies and tens of thousands of attacks on our troops in Iraq (leading to casualties approaching the scale of 9/11 on their own)
  10. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 05:37 AM) OF COURSE we are not going to change our lifestyle. Mainly, the capitalistic lifestyle is what they hate, and why should we change that? The part of our lifestyle that we should change a little is the social aspect, but that's my opinion, and frankly it will not happen, because "we're free" and therefore, we should be able to do whatever we want with no reprocussions. We will pay for that sentiment someday, but it shouldn't be by those wacky terrorists, who are they to judge? I disagree strongly with this statement. Robert Pape, A University of Chicago professor, has compiled a list of basically every terrorist attack in the world since 1980. The results are astounding, and they directly contradict the "It's our economy they hate" or "They hate our freedom" point of view. Here are some excerpts of his interview with The American Conservative If his data is to believed...and I see no reason why it shouldn't be...the real key variable in drawing terrorists our way is the occupation forces. We left them in Saudi Arabia against the will of the people after GW1, and that spawned the movement that formed Al Qaeda. We left them in Lebanon in the 80's, and the forces there were hit. We're occupying Iraq now, and the forces in Iraq are serving as the rallying point for anti-American activity worldwide.
  11. The LA Times had a "20/20 hindsight" article this morning talking about our future closer...i figured you guys would enjoy it...there's a Colon update also...if he can't pitch, the replacement starter has changed.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 09:06 AM) We'll see Marte frequently this series with G. Anderson on the Angels. Garret Anderson has been absolutely terrible lately...fighting a recurrence of some arthritis he suffered from a few years ago I believe. It's been weeks since he's done anything productive. Good guy to put Marte in against, IMO. Go Get em Mark! We need ya tonight...we've absolutely got to take 2/3 in this series or better. The Angels have gotten themselves into contention several years in a row by pitching well, moving runners over, playing defense and having timely hitting. We've done the same thing this year...and we've done it better than the Angels on almost every front. It's time to make another statement boys.
  13. I came this close to posting this one in Pale Hose Talk...just because it's music to my ears. And methinks a lot of you will enjoy it as well. Merry Christmas Sox fans...from Magglio Ordonez. (emphasis mine)
  14. ARRRGHHHH!!! How many damn leadoff walks have we wasted tonight?
  15. Hmph...Boston is using Foulke in a save situation tonight.
  16. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 07:07 PM) Ozzie seems to be saving Willie to run later in the game. It's kinda disturbing he's the only guy with any speed on our bench with the expanded roster. Doesn't shaggy have good speed?
  17. Ok...come on Gooch...time to save our asses like you have so many times this season. No word on Pods being hurt or anything is there?
  18. It's Shaggy-Time! B.A...just picture Felix Hernandez on the mound...
  19. QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 06:58 PM) let's pinch hit for Wid. Put in Anderson or Gload. No widger. Ozzie hasn't pinch hit for a catcher all year and I can't say I blame him...when you're carrying only 1 backup catcher there's reason to be careful with those guys...what happens if you pinch hit for him and then AJ gets hurt or tossed out of the game?
  20. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 06:56 PM) Which means Ozzie is doing the opposite. And of course...which means it worked perfectly.
  21. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 06:55 PM) Lets walk Sweeney, and bring in Cotts to face Stairs. I find myself in complete agreement with that statement.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 06:50 PM) These games would be a lot easier to take if the Indians didn't win seemingly 80 percent of their games recently. Remember...once again, they have by far the easiest schedule in the AL the 2nd half, at least amongst the Wild Card contenders. That's why that sweep of them earlier this year was so damn huge. I think Minnesota gets a shot at them this weekend.
  23. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 06:50 PM) inning/score? Top 7, 3-2 bad guys.
  24. Cotts and Vizcaino are up in our bullpen. DAMNATION!!!! He gives us 2 walks and we can't get a bloody run across. I'm going to go break something.
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