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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Well, we need Konerko to come through with 2 outs and a guy in SP.
  2. Crede won't get one...being hurt hasn't helped him, and he's not Chavez - the marquee name. ARow actually I think has a very very good shot, because first of all Torii Hunter has been out for half the season, and secondly ARow put on a show on a public stage for the Yankees and their sportswriters. Uribe...well, he's not the best shortstop in the AL, but he's not the worst either. He needs some more time there. Pitching...god damnit, one of our guys better win that damn glove. There have been none better in the AL this season than Mark/Jon.
  3. There are a whopping 6 people reading this game thread. Wow. Hope y'all are enjoying the game...but why didn't one of ya bring a wireless?! You could have taunted me out here!
  4. And a couple groundouts turn into a force out and a double play....good work getting past inning 1 without a scrape Freddie. Freddie gets past inning 1 and my confidence in this game just goes through the roof.
  5. Well...leadoff single on a 3-1 pitch...not a great way to start. C'Mon Freddy, settle down quick tonight.
  6. Well, let's see if Freddi-o can get off to a good start again.
  7. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 04:53 PM) Yeah I never thought about that stat either, I think that's the best way to compare throughout the history of baseball. Actually that doesn't work well between different era's in baseball either, because as the total ERA goes up, the difference in ERA between the top and bottom teams would also go up... i.e. if the league ERA were 2, and you were 1/2 of a run below it...and then the league ERA increased to 4 and you were still 1/2 of a run below it, the former case would be far more impressive than the latter. And also, if you have to deal with the effect of things like your team pitching in a smaller ballpark than other teams, it becomes even more complex (by that scale, if the Rockies put out Pedro from 99, Randy Johnson from his prime, Clemens from this year, Santana from the 2nd half of last year, and Zito from his Cy Young year, they might have the best pitching staff in history, but they'd probably still have an ERA above the league average). In other words...there are probably more variables in this than we know how to control for...which is why it's nearly impossible to compare pitching staffs across different eras just from stats.
  8. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 03:01 PM) how come the f***ing indians keep playing teams that are slumping. I mean the tigers come in here, hitting the best in the AL, then we s*** them out, and the tribe faces them whilst they are slumping. The Indians may have literally had the easiest schedule in the AL after the AS Break. This was to be totally expected.
  9. QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 02:45 PM) These don't really sound valid. He wanted to push some important guy into the pool, it starts with an "A", ect. Also, my teacher told us that W had a higher GPA than John Kerry in college at Yale? I'm fairly certain you are right that Bush had a higher GPA than Kerry...although I'm fairly sure it wasn't 3.0. I also am quite certain that GWB was actually a cheerleader.
  10. So with all you guys at the ballpark, am I gonna be all by myself here tonight? (Anyone bring a laptop and a wireless connection? That'd rule!)
  11. QUOTE(kevin57 @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 01:46 PM) To keep trotting out Marte to a) build up confidence, B) see what if any value he'll be in playoff situations, or c) both of the above is not an indefensible position, but with a 1-0 lead, even against KC, after his having bombed the night before? I don't know about that one. See...this is the Shingo/Viz problem from earlier in the year...when a pitcher is struggling, the ideal thing to do would be to send him out only when you have a 5 run lead, so that even if he gets a bit bloodied, he still doesn't cost us the game. Problem is...this team isn't killing people with offense, it's killing people with pitching and enough hitting, so there really aren't that many games where we're sitting around up by 5 runs in the 8th inning. When we tried that with Shingo earlier in the year...he and Viz were working like every 7th day or so. It just didn't work.
  12. Due to some sort of a contract dispute, set 5 for west coast DirecTV subscribers was cut off.
  13. QUOTE(OilCan @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 11:09 AM) Yep, unfortunately he made "The List"........whatever he did, I'm sure he learned his lesson and has moved forward. Seriously...if this kid keeps coming up, I'm always going to turn a questionning eye towards him. I don't care how he made "The List" or what he learned from it...he broke the rules, and probably the law in some fashion. I'm going to withhold judgement on him until a.) he's in the big leagues, b.) there's a stronger testing program in the big leagues, and c.) his performance doesn't fall off as he mysteriously loses 10 pounds. As far as I'm concerned, suspicion from me should be part of the worry for these guys in getting caught. He's got a looooonnnnng way to go before he fully earns my trust.
  14. By the way...I believe the elimination number for Detroit is now 1 after their loss today...we win tonight...and we can laugh at Dmitri Young some more.
  15. QUOTE(The Critic @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 03:14 PM) Well, the thread DOES say "...in club history", so all eras qualify. This is a damn fine rotation, though. Of course all eras qualify...but that doesn't matter...what does matter is that it's totally impossible to compare stats from the recently-post-steroid era to the dead-ball era and come up with a meaningful conclusion about overall quality with out all sorts of massaging of the data.
  16. QUOTE(HeGone! @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 04:01 PM) Heck, lets keep going and just stay undefeated in september I've been saying that since I got back from Wyoming...and thus far it's worked!
  17. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 04:05 PM) It feels funny to me to criticize Ozzie for not giving his starters enough rest, but I really thought he'd mix in some guys like Anderson and Gload into the lineup once during this KC series to give Everett and others a rest. BTW, what's the weather expected to be at the Cell tonight? Any chance of a rain out?
  18. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 03:30 PM) I'm surprised AJ gets another day off Probably exhausted from dealing with a newborn and a mother I'm very surprised that no one in the outfield is getting another day off. Ozzie must really mean it when he says he wants to get this division clinched.
  19. These 11 Congressmen voted against the GOP-written bill to provide $50 billion more in funding for Katrina aid. Rep. Joe Barton - TX Jeff Flake - AZ Virginia Foxx - NC Scott Garrett - NJ John Hostettler - IN Steve King - IA Butch Otter - ID Ron Paul - TX James Sensenbrenner - WI Tom Tancredo - CO Lynn Westmoreland - GA If you're in any of those districts, it might be worth calling/emailing and asking for an explanation as to why they didn't want the moneys going to the relief effort. (By the way, they're all Republicans)
  20. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 03:27 PM) Why is the gay community hung up on the word marraige? Why is the heterosexual community so hung up on the word?
  21. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 02:59 PM) getting the talk back to Arnold and CA, didn't the voters there pass the referendum defining marraige as a man and a woman? If that is the case, then the state lawmakers are going against the very wishes of their constituants by trying to get a law passed that goes against the voters. Is the majority right? Who knows. However, the lawmakers were sent there to represent the people of the state, and the people voted for marraige to mean a man and a woman. Why do these reps think they know better than their voters? Leave it to Dems to think that they know what the people want and need, even when the very people tell them otherwise. Arnold is just following the lead of the voters in California by vetoing this bill. Section 300 of California Civil Code defines civil marriage. Section 308 defines recognition of out-of-state marriages. Proposition 22 was inserted at Section 308.5. The issue of any equal marriage law was not on the ballot. This debate was on an amendment to Section 300. There would have been a court challenge if the Governor (am I no longer allowed to call him Governor a** grabber or the gropinator?) decided to sign the bill, but I believe the court challenge would have failed.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 03:02 PM) We can't really b**** about the Tigers, because they were just awful when we played them also. Supposedly they were actually playing fairly well before they ran into out pitching Juggernaut...we just kinda knocked them into a tailspin.
  23. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 03:00 PM) Coco Crisp HRs. This game's quickly getting out of reach. Especially, with the Indians' bullpen now in the game. I hate cereal. Damn Tigers...we had to knock them into a slump right before they played Cleveland.
  24. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 12:03 PM) 19 in a row is solid enough for me Not for me. 43 in a row is what I want right now. Or hell...we can lose the first 2 days of October, as long as we follow that up with an 11 game winning streak. But I'm not letting go of 30-0 in September!
  25. QUOTE(ceffa2000 @ Sep 8, 2005 -> 02:14 PM) Wow, 1906 was lights out. s***, 2 starting pitchers below 2.00 ERA? Buerhle's an inning eater? Maybe by modern standards. But Eddie Cicotte had 340+ IP!!! Dead ball era. Totally different story.
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