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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. 5 minutes late...this topic has more users in it than some game threads...
  2. QUOTE(Jim Belushi @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 12:45 PM) Someone at work just said that the score is reporting that mlb sources have confirmed it's clemens and damon, however the announcement is pushed back until tomorrow and that 3 more names will follow in a week or so. Can anyone confirm if they heard this? H.Christ...so no matter what, this thread will go on for at least another week. Anyone starting to wonder if maybe, just maybe, the Score has people listening in because they want to hear more about this rumor...so they just keep making up more of them?
  3. QUOTE(WSNS-TV44 @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 08:35 AM) NEXT YEAR?We can't wait that long. Oh come on...you're in the same city as the Cubs and Sox...no team in America has turned "Waiting till next year" into an art like Chicago.
  4. The real key element that this survey misses is the impact that a channel like Fox News has on the rest of the media. When Fox News picks up a story and flaunts it heavily because it leans right...that leaves other channels feeling like they have no choice but to run with it. It keeps things alive. Think about the Swift Boat Liars for Lies mess last year...who was it who kept pushing and pushing and pushing on that to make sure it stayed on the air? That was Fox News first and foremost. And because they kept harping on it...other channels felt like they had no choice but to let people on the air, and other news organizations, newspapers, etc, followed along with op-ed pieces. So you end up with guys like Corsi getting featured repeatedly on Hannity & Colmes...and a few days later Michelle Malkin is on Chris Matthews's show wondering why no one is asking whether or not Kerry shot himself to get a medal. That is the impact of Fox News...by giving 1 party a mouthpiece, it makes it such that every other channel feels to some degree like they have to go along with it. It keeps stories alive on other networks, and provides free advertising for the Republican party. I wouldn't mind the existence of Fox News if 2 things were true: 1. There was a liberal version of it. There is nothing close to one. 2. They were unable to call themselves "Fair and balanced" when they clearly are not.
  5. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 12:01 PM) Don't they get Jared Wright Sunday? Yes we do.
  6. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 12:14 PM) RIP EM!!!!!!!!!! Man, we've needed that.
  7. Go get em Big Jon... I'm leaving town for 2 weeks after tonights' game. Last thing I want is for the last game I watch to continue a skid. It's time to step up and earn that trophy if you really want it. Oh and Jon...the more fly balls you make them hit to center field that don't leave the park...the worse they will feel.
  8. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 11:58 AM) So does that mean that I can just make up a rumor and it will spread? Hmm... The entire Oakland A's starting lineup has tested positive and will be suspended on day 1 of the playoffs.
  9. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 11:50 AM) I'm not a betting man, but if I was, I'm betting this is all hogwash. I'd put myself in the same boat as you...the odds of this leaking out, and of MLB releasing 2 names at the same time, is just too remote. The 1 thing that does make me curious is the timing...when the Bush Administration wants to release bad news, they do so sometime around 4:30-5:00 EST on a Friday, because that's after most of the major evening news shows have formatted their Friday shows, and because the Saturday papers are the least read of any during the week. It's usually pretty fair cover for bad news.
  10. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 11:32 AM) Although how hard is it to guess a guy that Canseco said was doing roids. You'd have been right last time.
  11. Well...we're now 2 hours from the supposed announcement time.
  12. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 11:27 AM) Is ephedra performance enhancing...? I know it makes you jittery and "fast".. but enhancing like steroids.. ? It is a "Greenie"...it's a stimulant. It is one of those things that a player would take to try to get himself "Up" for the game so that he has energy to last through it and so forth. So yes, it enhances performance. 1 other note..in most cases people wouldn't think that it helps a player build muscle like a normal steroid...but that doesn't mean it wouldn't give an illegal advantage to a player taking it.
  13. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 11:20 AM) Like I said, I agree. I'm moreso talking about something say like ephedra. It's banned, but agents similar have come out and if it's masked, or called something else... I assume if a player tested positive for something like that he would have no issue admitting it. I wouldn't be as pissed if it was something like that versus something that had to be injected. See, I disagree with you on that one... If it is a performance enhancing substance banned by baseball, I don't care how it is administered (orally, shots, cream), and I don't care how effective it is (THG for Bonds's explosion in size compared to Palmeiro's Winstrol that only helps some but doesn't create the explosion in body size). If it's illegal, the baseball players shouldn't be taking it. If they are taking it, even by accident, I don't want them playing in the league until it is out of their system.
  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 11:14 AM) Steve.. what if it's a banned substance in something innocent..? Like in a suppliment? Or power bar or drink? I agree they need to be extremely careful.. but there is the "what if"..no? If you're being paid a minimum of $500,000 a year...how hard would it be for you to ask either your agent or some nutritionist to check into a supplement before you take it just to make sure there's no risk of cross-contamination? Laziness is not an excuse.
  15. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 11:04 AM) What a perfect article. I can't say how many times I have tried to tell people to enjoy the trip instead of freaking out about the destination. Everyone flipping out all of the time, is what makes this such a miserable place to come lately. Who wants to hang out somewhere, when everyone is crying about something. I think a menstration party would be more fun than talking about the Sox on here lately. I'm a White Sox fan. It's in my blood to freak out about everything that goes bad until the final goal is completely in hand. I think there's some of it in all of our blood...because everyone here has seen us go into Minnesota too many times in August and be swept and end up having it cost us the season. I have enjoyed the ride. I'm just scared of it ending with a crash.
  16. QUOTE(The Critic @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 07:54 AM) The Cardinals are the TRUE "best team in baseball" without having Rolen, Walker, Sanders, Molina, etc. for parts of the season. They find guys ( including minor-leaguers ) to plug in to their roster and they just keep on rolling. Even as talented as he is, I think they'll be fine without Rolen. They started off with one of the best benches in baseball, with guys like Taguchi and Mabry sitting around waiting for playing time. That has helped a lot. Also, they haven't gotten hurt at the positions they're strongest at...up the middle and at 1b. The guy who has really hurt them while he's been out has been Molina...that's the 1 injury that saw their record get worse. And of course, there's always 1 last point...I don't care how many people get hurt, when you put Pujols in a lineup...that's a solid lineup.
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 10:51 AM) From where... rumor from where..? Welcome to baseball message boards. Right now this is a rumor. We have no idea who the sources are for these people, nor do we know how credible they are. This is rumor mongering at its finest. The last time there was one of these rumors floating around, it was floated by the Dan Patrick show among others, and turned out for nothing.
  18. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 09:46 AM) Eckstein comes from a family with a history of a lot of medical problems. I will basically guarantee he's never done steroids. I think a lot of these rumors are coming from the same suggestion everyone is making that it's all-stars from the NL Central and AL East. And BTW, that J. Damon comment sounds like quite the alibi already. Eckstein is sitting there holding I believe a spare kidney that at some point in his life will be used to save the life of someone in his family...I believe it's jsut a question of who needs it first. If he took the stuff...he'd be endangering the life of not only himself, but of another member of his family. My jaw would drop if it were him.
  19. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 10:42 AM) Gotta wait til 3:30...according to the rumor. In what time zone?
  20. Some of this is probably due to the continuing upgrades in the park...you add in the Fundamentals area and the scout seats and you're going to change the air flow patterns. Usually these are calculated based on whether or not a team's home run numbers go up or down when they go on the road into that park, not based on how the home team does...otherwise Texas and NY would be dominating this year. And also...some portion of this may very well be due to our pitching staff being so much better than last year.
  21. That team was fine without Rolen earlier this seaosn. They're in trouble if they don't get Molina and Sanders back.
  22. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 04:16 PM) Teinowitz giving more hints, 'one in the AL and one in the NL, both in the AllStar Game this year'. Jurko saying that he'd guess the Cubs would love one of these guys as a FA next year, implying Damon. Mac also asked something implying Damon. Now he's saying that one guy is a pitcher and the other isn't. Also that one of the guys has been on their show (so they're basically backing up Damon and Clemens) That Neyer quote is also very interesting. Tomorow should be very interesting! MLB will probably take a big hit from this, anyone think Selig would resign? If anyone should resign it should be Fehr. Selig will manage his way through this...he can always just keep saying he wanted to do more but the Union wouldn't let him. He has a stronger proposal on the table right now.
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