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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(WSox30 @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 02:44 PM) Ok, I've read the first four pages and all good stuff and maybe this was answered in the next seven pages but... Does anyone know the ruling on when Kapler will be tested? Not in spring training obviously, so was it on his immediate return or will he be untested till next year? I'm sure he was subject to testing at random intervals (whenever his name was drawn) the moment he resigned with the Red Sox.
  2. Here's what you Bears fans have to hope for if you're smart... Benson holds the majority of the year. The Bears offense tanks it even more than last year. The Bears wind up with either the #1 pick, or the #2 pick behind a team like S.F. that already has a quarterback. Benson signs late in the year when the Bears are 0-12 and finally pay him the money. Bears get high draft pick because of his holdout, and wind up with a new and improved backfield to start the year next year. It's not out of the question.
  3. Well, I do have to say that since I'm heading on a 2 week field trip to Yellowstone as of Saturday morning, I hope to God that if this does happen, it happens on Friday. I might totally miss it otherwise!
  4. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 02:25 PM) I actually thought Buehrle pitched pretty good last night. That balk call was BS and cost him a couple of runs. Outside of that he kept the Sox in the game. Maybe he feels pressured to pitch a shutout knowing the offense is slumping? Or maybe it's us who feel that pressure. That's happened a couple of times where 1 call or 1 error will just kill Mark all of a sudden and cause a big inning...like back against Oakland before the break
  5. QUOTE(winodj @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 12:49 PM) Nope he called it "forged documents." I agree. So could someone defending Rush tell me what exactly she could have forged?
  6. Hypothetically speaking...let's just say that it was a certain player on the Red Sox who played against us in our series against them last week - not even the specific one being mentionned, just pick a player on that team. How would you guys feel about us having played against a guy who had already tested positive for the things but was appealing? Even if the guy didn't end up making a huge difference in the games, how would you react to that? I'd be furious that the guy could cheat and then help his team beat us because he still had an appeal going through.
  7. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 01:33 PM) OK mister, just heed DJ's advice and "don't strap it on" (10 second pause)... "We got another email here..."
  8. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 09:27 AM) I think he was just over-doing it (and not saying she faked his death) but the audio clip is here. Here's the text of Rush denying he ever said it...along with a screen capture of his own web page showing his text. Liar
  9. QUOTE(The Critic @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 09:25 AM) Sounds good - it's almost time for me to car-shop, and when I do that's where I'm starting. The insight actually gets better mileage than even the Prius...but that's because the Insight is a smaller car. Honda also makes a civic hybrid that works quite well in mileage, but Honda's hybrid systems in both the civic and the Insight aren't as advanced, IMHO, as the system in the Prius. The Prius is also larger than the Civic, although it may cost a wee bit more than either the insight or the civic.
  10. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 10:12 AM) I used to believe this as well. But I can't find anything that proves this theory other than J.D. Drew and the Dodgers training staff saying it's worse on your legs to play corner OF. I'm a little skeptical now. I have no idea how it works either, but the exact same thing has been said repeatedly about Griffey as well as Drew - that you don't want him playing anywhere but CF (and it's been said in places other than here)
  11. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 08:53 AM) If people were really looking to sue anyone who posted something about someone possibly doing steroids on a message board then they should have gone after Dan Patrick for saying on the radio that McGuire and Sosa both took steroids, which has never been proven. If that were to happen...then I think both of them would have to actually be able to prove that they didn't. In particular with Mr. McGwire and his andro/unwillingness to talk about the past, that would be almost impossible. As public figures, it's nearly impossible for them to prove libel claims.
  12. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 08:56 AM) Not a Limbaugh supporter or regular listener at all, but sometimes WLS is on my radios since I listen to Roe in the afternoon. Rush said that he 100% did not insinuate that she was faking his death, and challenges the people who are spreading this to find the quote. I think he was just over-doing it (and not saying she faked his death) but the audio clip is here.
  13. QUOTE(The Critic @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 09:20 AM) This whole thing is 30 years too late. I remember the gas lines in the 70s and IMO THAT was the time to start developing alternative-fuel vehicles. I'll be looking at the Prius and the Insight when it comes time for me to get a new car, but I'm not sure what the availability is for those cars now and in the near future. But I'm not worried, because a stable, democratic Middle East is SURE to bring back $1.50-per-gallon gasoline..... The Prius is generally widely available...Toyota had a lot of problems with the new 04 model when it first came out because they were in such high demand...waiting lists up to 6 months. They have since ratcheted up production on that model quite a bit, and I believe in almost every case they're either in lots or can be delivered quite rapidly.
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 10:10 PM) If we make the playoffs, I'm happy....END OF STORY! I'm only happy if we win 11 games in the playoffs.
  15. Remember the ovation Freddie got when he first came out to pitch his first game last year? Multiply that by a factor of 8. You want to welcome a guy into the clubhouse? Let us do it.
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 09:02 PM) Lucky they're not playing Ditka for a series, they would score negative runs!! (sorry, but that joke on SNL never got old to me, still laugh everytime I see it!) "Ok, Ditka versus a Hurricane" "Ditka" "Ditka" "Ditka" "wait wait wait...the hurricane's name is Hurricane Ditka"
  17. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 08:54 AM) "Nooooooooooo, Addy, you're crazy. It can't be dead-arm." Puh-leeze. :rolly I might agree with you, but Mark's career numbers don't show any reason why this should be a dead arm period. Historically, Mark's worst month in terms of ERA, hits, etc, has been June. In the last 3 years, he's posted an ERA over 5 in June...it's dropped to 4.25 in August and 3.42 in September. On top of that, he's thrown 220+ innings every year since 2001. He's not on a pace to do anything out of the ordinary at all when it comes to innings this year. If this was Mark's 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd year working 220+ innings, I might say yeah, the work load might finally be catching up with him. But it's not. This is his 5th year working 220+ innings. I just can't comprehend how a guy could be able to work so many innings for 4 straight years and then suddenly have it catch up with him in the 5th year. If fatigue were a problem, it would have shown up in previous years. But it hasn't...in previous years he's gotten better as the seasons went on. Mark has to be having some sort of a mechanics issue. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.
  18. QUOTE(farmteam @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 09:23 PM) Most companies have at leat one hybrid model nowadays. Yeah, but very few of them actually use the technology to increase fuel efficiency...a lot of them are using the hybrid engine setup simply to get more power out of an engine without worrying about fuel consumption. Ford and GM are good examples of this sort of behavior. Honda and Toyota have the best hybrids around for fuel consumption (the prius and the insight)
  19. QUOTE(Yossarian @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:31 PM) This economic "recovery" will be over so fast it will make your head spin. I hope SS2K5 is right. This is the best case scenario at this point. Unfortunately, I don't think SS2k5 is right. I think the price of oil is going to keep going up and up and up. The problem is that it's not just the U.S. economy that has a growing desire for oil...China and India both have dramatically increased their oil consumption in the last few years, and because they have such low labor costs, even if oil prices keep going up, it still remains far more cost-effective for most factories to open there. In other words, increasing oil prices may very well hurt us a lot more than it'll hurt either of them. Right now, oil supply is bumping right up against demand for oil in this world, and there's really nothing that can be done about it. Even with prices this high, the demand for oil in this country is still growing. It seems almost impossible for demand for oil to drop here without prices literally doing real damage to people...$100 a barrel or more...and even if it gets that high, it may not be enough to keep up with growth in oil demand from Asia. There just isn't enough oil left in the ground for it to be cheap.
  20. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:43 PM) I don't really want to bring this up, but I gotta ask, where do you think we'd be with Magglio on our team? A lot worse...since a.) he'd have missed half the season, and b.) our entire budget would have been spent on him.
  21. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:17 PM) Vacuums suck. I used to sell vacuums. You'd be surprised how many don't actually do anything. Anywho...we need another bat in this lineup.
  22. QUOTE(Soxfest @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:41 PM) :finger Man does this feel s***ty.
  23. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:38 PM) Griffey = no less than $23.5M/3yr. The Reds won't do it for a penny less. That's the way the richest man in MLB (Lindher) thinks. Jerry Reinsdorf has said to KW that the purse strings were open this year. He's said that he'd value a White Sox championship more than all those titles with the Bulls. I'd like to think he means it. We need that bat. You know 1 thing that probably really is hurting us as well? The simple intimidation factor. There's just no one in our lineup that is really really frightening when you look at it on paper. Konerko's close, dye is when he's on fire, but other than that...who's there that you don't want to face?
  24. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:38 PM) Holy s***, Hawk is such a tool. Now he's saying it's a compliment it's the first time we've lost 5 in a row? How long will he keep saying this type of s***? Is Hawk going to have a fiesta for Ozzie and Timo if we lose 10 in a row? Has St. Louis lost 5 in a row this year? I know Oakland has, I know the Yankees have, I'll bet Boston has, and I'm pretty sure the Braves have.
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