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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(elrockinMT @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:34 PM) Who was asking for Nathan? At least now I don't have to change back to the game, and can enjoy a Simpsons rerun.
  2. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:34 PM) Jumping in here late, but I think the scouting of this team has finally caught up with it. "Flying under the radar" works when you don't have the best record in baseball. This team since right before the ASB has been scouted, rescouted, and I bet that the scouts can pretty much tell you when our batters are scheduled to take a s***. They know every tendency, every everything. GOOD TEAMS adjust. Let's see how long it takes. If they don't, it tells you something. Well, we no longer have the best record in baseball. Maybe they'll forget about us?
  3. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:33 PM) And that's why we need a Griffey. Like I said 3 or 4 posts ago...we need a bat. I don't care if it's Griffey or just someone who gets a lot of singles, but we need another piece in this lineup.
  4. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:29 PM) I agree, but I'm now convinced it won't happen. Ozzie is too stubborn to not play our 4 main outfielders/DH when Pods gets back. Not only that, but Timo is our back-up outfielder. I'm not so sure...when Thomas came back, Timo's playing time went almost completely to zero...he started like 1 game while we had Frank because he was putting both Frank and Everett in 2 out of every 3 games.
  5. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:29 PM) THERE GOES THE SHUTOUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man are we pathetic. Clapping our hands because we finally scored a run. Well, the good news is that we've still only been shutout what, 1 time all year?
  6. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:28 PM) Wright owned us last year in that one game when he was with the Braves. Expect more of the same. He ALWAYS owned us when he was with the Tribe.
  7. Ok...I was one of the guys who was most adamant about not dumping any of our big name prospects at the trading deadline (especially for a pitcher)...so now when I say this, it's a flip-flop, and I really mean it. We need another bat. We absolutely need another bat. I don't care if it's a power bat or a guy who hits for average with speed, but we need another bat.
  8. Oh great, we get to face Jaret Wright over the weekend...Along with Mussina on Friday. How much you want to bet that those guys see their ERA's go down after facing us?
  9. By the Way, the Cardinals are about to beat the DBacks 5-0 (where have I heard that score before?) so they'll soon be ahead of us in winning percentage as well.
  10. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:21 PM) Adkins pitching. Well...this is why we brought him up. Ok...everyone...guesses...will his ERA go up or down. It's currently 17.18...below 18. So if he gives up 2 runs, his ERA goes up.
  11. QUOTE(elrockinMT @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:20 PM) Optimism in the face of doom. Seeing Santana was pitching and the Sox offense sucking so bad I thought I would try the power of positive thinking at the start of this game, but then I figured what the heck is it going to matter? Well, that's one way to increase your post total.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:18 PM) Hopefully it would have been, but I have absolutely no confidence that we would shut down that Red Sox team in any game at Fenway. White Sox hitters also have a career .367 batting average against Matt Clement. There's no reason to think that he was going to slow us down either. Wow, Tadahito gets another single for us. Amazing. Jaw dropping.
  13. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:17 PM) I think we won what 12 gms in Aug last year? You have to admit we bounced back in Sept. Let's hope the same karma comes around again. Personally Juggs, I just hope we bounce back in October.
  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:16 PM) Can we get a show of hands who posted in that skeptics corner thread and said we were more concerned after the Yanks series than we were before it? I became concerned when Pods hit the DL. Supposedly speed never goes into a slump...but when we lost the speed, we suddenly hit a slump.
  15. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:14 PM) Take away that lame ass balk call and MB kept us in this game. Take away Hermie's blown save and we're playing for a series win, not looking at getting swept. Had minny come in and dominated and knocked the Sox around, I'd be reaching for the Prozac. But the Sox are playing AWFUL and somehow, someway, they still don't suck so bad. Take away some rain from Boston and this is a 3 game losing streak instead of a 5 game one.
  16. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:14 PM) 10 less pitches in a game here or there certainly can't hurt. Not if you believe Mark himself...the guy usually tells reporters that he feels better when he doesn't get extra rest...stays on the every 5 days, full game schedule.
  17. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:09 PM) perhaps so but we just saw mb stats since july 1st. isn't a bit much to push him at this point? Are we saying that his problem is due to him being tired/worn out? Personally I don't see that from him...it's not like this is something he hasn't done the last few years in terms of innings or pitches thrown. In fact, over the last 3 years before this one his worst month was June...this year it was his best month. He's just not getting pitches in the right spot. I don't know how to explain it.
  18. QUOTE(WinninUgly @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:08 PM) So he is 0-5 vs good teams, and 13-1 vs Average or Below Average teams. That doesn't look that good for our Ace. Some of that is biased because he received 2 no decisions in great performances against the Angels. And interestingly...you're calling the Twins a good team while calling both Baltimore and Cleveland Average teams. Since last time I checked, Cleveland was ahead of Minnesota...I do have to question your methods.
  19. Well...I do have to say this...Thank Jesus, Allah, Buddha, Confucious, Zoroaster, Zeus, and a few others I've forgotten that we have an off-day tomorrow.
  20. QUOTE(whitesoxmanager @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:04 PM) no kidding..i mean if you cancel BP because the team is tired...why push a starter?? we are a couple of injuries away from disaster as it is... Because it's going to be a lot easier to get 1 or 2 extra outs from a starter than it is going to be to get those outs from a bullpen that was blown out last night.
  21. QUOTE(daa84 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:01 PM) usually mark pitches well against minny too. hard to say he hasnt beaten anybody this year with those recrods. oakland is the only team who he never gets Mark has been just off basically since that game in Cleveland after the AS break. He was by far the best pitcher in the league in June. He's just in a rut right now...frighteningly so is the rest of our team. Well...now we need big Jon to be our stopper, and we really, REALLY need him to do a good job of it.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 07:01 PM) Ok, am I missing something, or why the f*** would you let Buehrle start that inning? He was facing a guy that's hit 2 homers against him tonight, and when you're down 5, there's no reason to risk injury or put extra stress on a starter's arm. Bad move Ozzie! How many relievers do we have who didn't pitch last night?
  23. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 06:57 PM) Why did Ozzie cancel BP? I believe that 16th inning probably had something to do with it.
  24. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 06:52 PM) Not starting s*** here, but what teams has Buehrle beaten this year? Is it all like the Royals and such? AND HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOODBYE NO-HITTER! Mark is 2-0 against Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit, and Seattle. Mark is 1-0 against Texas, Toronto and the Dodgers. Mark is 2-1 against KC. Mark is 0-1 against Boston, soon to be 0-2 against Minnesota, and 0-2 against Oakland. Mark is 0-0 but with 3 very good starts against San Diego and The LA Angels. He has an ERA of 0 against SD and 2.08 in 2 starts against LA.
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