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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Uribepopsitup. Ozzie...never cancel BP again.
  2. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 06:51 PM) We get our 2nd hit. How pathetic is this. IT TOOK THEM 7 f***ING INNINGS TO REALIZE THAT YOU NEED TO GO OPPO TO GET ON WITH CHANGEUP PITCHERS. Are you sure they actually realized it and didn't just finally get lucky?
  3. QUOTE(daa84 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 06:49 PM) i would have booed, and i would have booed every single fan who stood up to cheer I would not cheer this guy throwing a no hitter for the life of me. I might boo...and aim it at our hitters more so.
  4. Sweet Jesus we need another bat in this lineup. I almost wish Carl hadn't gotten the hit. Being No-Hit might wake up either KW or JR and convince them to really go ahead and make a move.
  5. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 03:55 PM) Wow. I just realized I'm part of the radical left. Is this going on my permanent record? Yes. Now please step into the black vehicle with the tinted windows. The nice men in the white suits will take care of everything.
  6. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) Very true. But you can only treat that which you know about. If the world is the body then the places where the terrorists are most prevalent are Afghanistan & Iraq. We are applying the best techniques we know of to combat both. You can't sway terrorists any more than you can sway a cancerous virus. All you can do is try to keep weeding it out. But In the same token by which we can use genetics to help cells resist cancerous viruses we should use diplomacy to sway good people from joining terrorist movements. That's not easy for it means we have to address the causes for which they attack us in the first place. That could have an impact on our capitalist ideology as well as our feminist campaigns. The 1 problem though is that you have to make sure your method of treating the cancer doesn't in fact cause more cancer cells to be created.
  7. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 11:21 AM) O'Reilly said yesterday that he never directly equated her actions to treason but whatever. O'Reilly seems surprisingly a lot more reasonable than that other anchor John Gibson. Oh, so he didn't say that it was treasonous, he just cited some other group of unnamed people who he is sure think it is treasonous. Gotcha.
  8. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 01:07 PM) Ozzie will probably go with a mostly righty lineup. AND THAT PROBABLY MEANS NO TIMO!!!!
  9. After last night's game...maybe people will take the lack of BP time and sleep in...thereby allowing their bats to finally wake up.
  10. QUOTE(bkmoney @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 12:37 PM) Wait hold on now. Selig was on PTI last week I think and they asked him if there were any more big names that have tested postive, and he said specificly said there was one young player who had tested positive. Now was Selig just not telling everything? or is this report not true? Because there haven't been any more announcements to my knowledge about that player. The appeal process must have been very very fast for the stories to work together. The Union would murder Selig if he let something slip outside of the normal appeals process.
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 12:22 PM) You really think Palmeiro decided to start taking them this year, when the testing got strict? Don't be so naive. And when he did so...it somehow turned out to be the exact same steroid that Canseco said he helped Palmeiro with?
  12. QUOTE(Hanky Panky @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 12:07 PM) Let's light Santana up for like 12 runs, and let's give Buehrle a complete game shutout. The bullpen needs a rest after last night. There's no pitcher in baseball better at giving your bullpen a rest than the man we're throwing out there tonight.
  13. Come on Mark...we need a stopper today...we need an Ace today. I'm glad you're pitching on the day we need one. Go get em.
  14. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 10:33 AM) There was a stat that said Dye's last sac bunt was in May of 2001. I don't know why Oz would make him try it last night. He tried it on only 1 pitch first of all...but more importantly he did so because the situation absolutely mandated a bunt. A guy on 1b with no one out in the bottom of liek the 14th inning...you just have to do something to get the guy to 2nd. Anything but a strikeout. A bunt was the right call, even if the guy hasn't done it in years. Ozuna and Widger were right where they were supposed to be...sitting on the bench in case someone got hurt. Let's say Ozuna pinch hits for Dye in the 14th and we still don't get the run home. What happens if the next inning someone twists an ankle running (i.e. Shannon Stewart) or gets plunked by a ball and simply can't go on? What do we do? Put Buehrle in at shortstop?
  15. K-Rod loaded the bases in the 9th inning last night with no one out and gave up a walk to tie the game. The Angels ended up losing the game. Vlad is back and hitting well. But Garret Anderson, the only protection for Vlad in that lineup...is down, possibly with a recurrence of the arthritis he suffered from last year. Scott Shields and Brendon Donnelly have both been overworked and have been off lately. The Angels started yet another rookie pitcher last night because their rotation has had guys going up and down (although he also did better than BMac). The Angels are in deep trouble right now, especially if they can't get G.A. back. Otherwise you walk Vlad the Impaler and then just expect that he'll score 1 time in the game and won't drive anyone in. He's been getting the Bonds treatment lately, and it's mainly worked.
  16. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 09:44 AM) Someone should explain to this idiot how trades work after July 31st Because NO ONE would claim Brain Anderson from the wire. Ditto...I'd love to have agreed with Mariotti here...but come on, if you're going to get a big paycheck from the Sun Times and from ESPN, at least have the dignity to learn how the rules of the game work.
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 10:20 AM) Supposedly the following Sox players were put on waivers.. and cleared. Jon Garland, Mark Buehrle, Freddy Garcia and Scott Podsednik. Here's some non Sox players that also (supposedly) cleared. Hank Blalock, Ken Griffey, Michael Young, Russ Adams, Aaron Hill, Brandon Webb, Tim Hudson, Andruw and Chipper Jones, Matt Clement, Johnny Damon, Curt Schilling, Jason Varitek, David Wells, Bobby Abreu, Chase Utley, Garret Anderson, Darin Erstad, Francisco Rodriguez, Scot Shields, Rickie Weeks, Carlos Beltran, and Pedro Martinez. I'm sorry, but 90% of those names I just don't believe at all.
  18. Bobby was absolutely incredible. Even the leadoff double to Mauer...which wasn't entirely his fault...he got around it like it was nothing. I swear, when that guy throws strikes with that fastball...there's only a couple of hitters in all of baseball who can beat him.
  19. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 17, 2005 -> 06:37 AM) That's basically where I am going with this... If "good" news isn't newsworthy, why aren't we reporting REALLY bad news? If it is so important to report body counts, there are literally thousands of people a day starving, why aren't they at least as newsworthy as a couple hundred people in Iraq? So along those same lines, why was the "Crisis" in Iraq worth 1850 American lives and $200 billion dollars over 2 years, when just the money alone could pay for clean drinking water for the rest of the world for decades, saving millions of lives per year?
  20. Well...It's time for some of Joe for 4's patented heroics.
  21. Well, the good news is that Timo is already out of the game...so he can't pinch hit for anyone.
  22. QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Aug 16, 2005 -> 07:43 PM) :banghead :banghead :banghead Well, Rivera still does have more blown saves than Hermy...
  23. Damnation. I blame the Twins fan for the Jinx.
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