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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 10:21 PM) As for those who are asking what's the point of the poll Kinsey suggested that the majority of persons would fall between 2-5 & that bi-sexuals would be the norm. Are you not even the least bit curious to find out if his belief fits SOXTALK at least? One point I would raise is that there's really no good reason to trust Kinsey's methodology. I say this as a defender of his...he did his work 50 years ago in a field that didn't exist at the time. His methods were basically whatever he could think of. But just like alchemists, Kinsey really had no one to compare with where he could say "my method works better and here's why". Kinsey's 7-10% estimate came about in part because of selection biases in his sample, things like interviewing too many convicts, etc. Kinsey is important because he was the first person to really pay attention to human sexuality as a topic for research. He broke a taboo. That is his biggest contribution. Beyond that, he did some work that still probably stands some scrutiny. But he did a significant amount of work that has been replaced by better methods, better statistics, better techniques, and so on.
  2. Pitcher: ERA, because it's incredibly difficult to compare between leagues. Batter: On base percentage, just because it's such a hot stat thanks to people who only pay cursory attention to Moneyball, and walks just don't do as many positive things as hits.
  3. QUOTE(Wedge @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 06:54 PM) We have all of our starters locked up for next year (Garland will still be ours after arbitration) so I don't see a need to try-out Cotts as a starter, particularly when you consider just how disasterously his past attempts in that role have been. Didn't he start up in Montreal last season? Was he not very ineffective after that start? He's got good confidence in his role right now, so leave him there. JR and KW will be smart enough use the fact that JG is arbitration-eligible to sign him to at least a 3 year deal.
  4. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 06:29 PM) But who would you rather face? Oakland or Anahiem? Zito/Harden/Haren or Colon/Lackey/Bird-Washburn? You know what? I really don't have a clue. At least we don't have to face Buehrle/Garland/Garcia.
  5. QUOTE(That funky motion @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 06:25 PM) Great,now get home your mom is worried! Last time we faced Boston...it was a big series. The division was closer, and it was our first time against the big boys in the East. This time...it's still a big series...because we're in the hardest stretch we have this year. And this is a chance to really send a message. Right now, if the Yankees drew us in the 1st round of the playoffs, how do you think they'd react? "Oh god, that guy's going to be in Center Field again". 1 series, and we're in some of their heads. We can get in Boston's head this time. We need to get the bats going again. That's for darn sure. David Wells throws a lot of strikes...so hopefully we won't be swinging at too much out of the strike zone, and that could help. But as usual...the real key is the pitching. And you know what? I'll take Mark and Jon up against any other 2 pitchers in the league. This is their series now. Jon shut down Boston last time, Mark didn't. Mark's due for another good game too.
  6. We just made the people in New York sh*t their pants because they saw how good we actually are. And they didn't face Mark or Jon. Go get em MB. Let's get back on track to 20.
  7. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2005 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 06:09 PM) Why put a ceiling on how good a pitcher he can be? He was projected to be a starter. He was a starter his entire minor league career. As somebody mentioned, it's much easier to go out and find quality relievers than it is to find quality starters. Actually, I'd say it's easier to find average to good starters than it is to find great relievers. Neal has an ERA of 2.08 right now. Do you think he'd have an ERA that low as a starter? In the AL if he did, he'd win the Cy Young award. In other words...numbers as a reliever probably don't translate too well to starting. Hitters face you more than once, you get more tired, etc. Neal Cotts can be a great left-handed relief pitcher. But I don't think he can be a great left-handed starter. He might be able to be a good left-handed starter (ERA ~ 4) but I don't think he could be a great one.
  8. When I was an undergrad, I used the word "f**" to insult a person that I knew from home who I absolutely despised. I did so with an acutal gay friend of mine sitting across the table from me. I apologized profusely once I said it (it seriously just kinda slipped out) and we just let it be. As far as I could tell, he understood that I had no ill intent, and it wasn't spoken of again. I don't see a huge deal here. If that's the worst thing that's said on a baseball field or in a locker room, i'll be amazed.
  9. U2's Mission Impossible indeed. Jurassic Park and Star Wars are probably my favorite by John Williams Patton - Jerry Goldsmith Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan
  10. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2005 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 04:50 PM) I'd rather play the Angels, but if we play Oakland, bring em on. If we can't beat Oakland in a playoff series...do we deserve to win the World Series?
  11. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 04:16 PM) Ahh it's only 4?? I thought it was 6 or 7....ah well, it is just hard to imagine them not making it with the way they have played and the breaks they have gotten the last couple months. I really don't care what they do, I just don't want to see them in the first round, they scare the hell outta me. Cleveland's been playing well also and they have a really easy schedule...and the Yankees probably won't go away either - they're 4 back of the Angels right now I believe. And as far as I can tell, Cleveland is currently 3 back of the Angels after the Halos lost today...pending the outcome of the Cleveland @ KC game tonight.
  12. I think this is the most amazing line I've ever seen in gameday. "With Eric Chavez batting, Jason Kendall scores on defensive indifference. Bobby Crosby advances to 2nd on defensive indifference. Missed catch error by pitcher Francisco Rodriguez." I bet it took them 10 minutes to figure out how to write that.
  13. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 02:06 PM) Come on, Rowand had a great series vs Yankees and having a good season average wise, but you guys make him sound like he's a Kenny Lofton, Griffey type player in there primes? No comparison. Both Griffey and Lofton took over games on D and on Offense. Griffey in his prime could do things that Rowand cannot do, I'll totally grant you that. Lofton? He was quicker than Rowand, but I think Rowand gets better jumps than even Lofton did in his prime. And we're not talking about offense this thread, we're talking about defense. Of course you can't compare Aaron Rowand to a guaranteed Hall-of-Famer with about 530 career home runs on offense.
  14. QUOTE(GoSox05 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 12:45 PM) who the hell is aaron rowand?? I think there's a few Yankee fans who can tell you.
  15. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 12:37 PM) When I think of potentially juiced players and the White Sox, only one name comes to mind and he is now playing in Detroit. That's one I wonder about too...and the recent string of wierd injuries (not just the knee) haven't helped settle my concern.
  16. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 01:07 PM) Define HUGE in terms of numbers please. Over 120 million persons have been murdered at the hands of atheists (including communists). That's HUGE. Of course, this statistic isn't influenced at all by the growth in the Earth's population due to medicines derived in part from modern biology or the ability to better produce food thanks also, in part, to modern biology. People have died at the hands of athiests and communists, so naturally all athiests are communists and are responsible for that mass murder. No other religion or set of beliefs has any blood on its hands (except for that nasty Islamic one), and so this point thoroughly discredits all beliefs of every athiest. It's the fault of every single athiest, and none of them are excused from this guilt. Everyone who does not profess a belief in Jesus Christ as the savior should be arrested and confined to death camps. Did I say death camps? I meant happy camps. Every one who believes in evolution should be castrated, so that their evil genes will be diluted out of humanity's gene pool.
  17. QUOTE(Soxpranos @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 12:02 PM) Griffey. I'm assuming there's some sarcasm there, but just to note...even if we did get Griffey, we wouldn't be getting the Griffey who's decent on defense. We'd be getting the banged up Griffey who shouldnt' be doing anything but DHing.
  18. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 11:32 AM) so you think they go 3 under .500 for the remaining 49 games? If we take september off and rest people...it's a possibility.
  19. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 11:19 AM) 2001. Also played a little 3B that year. All because of one Royce Clayton. Must have been good practice for his stint with the Dodgers this year.
  20. QUOTE(Iguana @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 10:59 AM) How come this isnt considered bush league by the media and what uribe did to lee is? Because this didn't happen to the Cubs.
  21. (Video) Quick! To the Hindenpeter! ..... *Crash!* "Oh my God!" "Joe I am so sorry" "How can you afford these things?"
  22. Seriously, I think you could successfully pull that trick off at least 1-2 times per year right now, just because it's done so rarely any more.
  23. Something tells me we actually won't even win 100...simply because I think we're really going to coast and rest a few people up for the last couple weeks of the season. Right now, there's no other team in the AL on pace to win more than 95. If we get past 97, we should have home field throughout, barring the A's continuing on a 45-15 pace or whatever they've been on lately.
  24. After Aaron's display in the Yankees series, I thought this might be a cute poll to try. I first started watching the Sox with Lance "1 dog" Johnson out in Center Field turning practically every fly ball hit out there into a "Can o'Corn". Now we've got another center fielder who does the same thing. So here's the question: 2 outs, top of the ninth inning...game 7, world series, bases loaded, we're up by 1 run at home...fly ball hit somewhere near Center Field...maybe close to the wall, maybe into the gaps...you get the idea. Who do you want out there to catch it?
  25. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 09:02 AM) Heres an interesting topic for discussion... Do you think he will ever start again? Personally I think he will stay in the bullpen for the rest of his career.... But I was wondering what opinion you guys had on it? I think he'd be foolish to try to start again unless some team forced him to. Lefty starters are nice to have, yes, but think about what you see in almost every game. How many teams are there out there with 2 out of 3 hitters who bat lefty somewhere in their lineup? Every single team out there needs at least 1 quality left handed reliever...probably 2 if they genuinely want to compete. And especially after watching the Yankees and Red Sox this year...the price for quality relief pitching is about to go way up.
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