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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 09:41 AM) IIRC they had an explosion and sinking in a nuke sub a couple years back in the Artic Ocean. I believe everyone died there. The Kursk. Yes, everyone on board died. This is a different animal - it's a mini sub, but basically the same problem. I think it looks like the Russians have been far more willing to ask for help with this sub than the last one...with the Kursk there was at least a chance that the people could have been saved if the Russians asked for help earlier.
  2. That's the same funeral home I was at just over a year ago when my grandmother passed away, and 2 years ago when my grandfather passed away. Just reading that makes me ill.
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 03:55 PM) That's what Ozzie said in his postgame news conference. He said Blum will play some first with Konerko at DH and see Timo in LF and Pods at DH. Is Timo better in Left than Pods? Or is this just a way to get Pods more rest?
  4. QUOTE(bmags @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 03:37 PM) as old as i am i still get shocked when adults use the word bulls*** Heck, the Daily Show still "bleep's" it.
  5. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 03:43 PM) You mean like in this post? http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37898 I listen to Air America once in a while on my XM. I have no idea how they stay on the air. I know the 'message' doesn't speak to me, but my god, if there a more hateful group of people in the world, I don't know where they would be. They really need to lighten up a bit. So Michael Savage can say that Bill Clinton survived his heart surgery because "Hell was full", Rush Limbaugh can claim that Democrats are losing elections because they are "Aborting their own voters", Sean Hannity can refer to a marijuana lab as a "secret liberal lab", and Bill O'Reilly can say that homeless people were dying in a heat wave because they were "mentally incapable of taking care of themselves", and you can't imagine a more hateful group of people?
  6. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 03:32 PM) Didn't Haren have an ERA of like 5 in July and had a bunch of no decisions because his O bailed him out? 6.35 was his ERA in July. He was 1-0.
  7. QUOTE(sti3 @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 03:31 PM) The A's have risen to the ranks of the elite teams with their play in the last few weeks, and the Red Sox are obv the world champs and still the team to beat. Face it, the Sox are slumping at the moment and have a horrible record in the postseason. BTW you can edit your posts so there's no reason to post twice in a row, doofwad. We're 13-8 since the All Star Break. We're 5-2 in our last 7 games. We lose 1 series and people say we're slumping... :headshake
  8. Well...he was due for a good stretch. He's a better pitcher than what we saw the first half of the season.
  9. Balta1701

    25% Hybrid by 2010

    QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 03:19 PM) It's actually quite surprising, and almost shocking even, how little private dollars are actually being put into said problems. This is a several-hundred-billion dollar problem that we're throwing a couple billion at a year. It will come back to bite us...in fact it's already starting to. In fact...energy companies have on the whole cut their research and development budgets in half over the last decade or so, and the money has not been made up by any other source. (Bit of an odd graph here, but best I could find.)
  10. Balta1701

    25% Hybrid by 2010

    QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 03:15 PM) There's a LOT of *private* money being put into it, so it's not funded by our government. Sugar Daddy, anyone? PS, I'll agree that it's not enough. But to totally blame the Bush administration is not correct and misleading, which is my point. It's actually quite surprising, and almost shocking even, how little private dollars are actually being put into said problems. This is a several-hundred-billion dollar problem that we're throwing a couple billion at a year. It will come back to bite us...in fact it's already starting to.
  11. Balta1701

    25% Hybrid by 2010

    QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 02:42 PM) :rolly That's completely ignorant. It wouldn't matter if Captain Dickhead were in the White House, people are busting their ass on this research. No, they're actually not. For example, the current U.S. administration is spending money on things like subsidies to oil companies and research on hydrogen cars. They are not spending money in areas which would actually matter - such as research into ways to produce more fuel efficient cars or other renewable energy sources. We just passed an energy bill containing billions of dollars in subsidies to try to fund pulling a few more drops of oil out of the Mississippi delta. $3 billion to oil and gas, $3 billion to electric utilities, $3 billion to the coal industry. We're also spending money to double the use of ethanol, which is a terrible idea in almost every case because it costs more oil to produce fuel from corn than you get back from it. People are working on that research, but it's impossible to say people are busting their asses on it when the dollars are being spent in the wrong places.
  12. Robert "Douchebag of Liberty" Novak seems to have completely melted down on CNN today during an interview on Inside Politics. Here is the video. During a friendly exchange with James Carville (Carville laughing) The host followed up with this as a post script. Presumably, Mr. Novak was once again "seething at the lack of fresh puppy blood in his mini-fridge."
  13. He's listed as day to day, people keep saying 2-3 days he'll probably sit. I bet he could pinch hit tomorrow if we really needed him, but something tells me he'll get the Seattle Series off.
  14. Viz has an ERA under 1 for his last 18 games.
  15. Balta1701

    25% Hybrid by 2010

    QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 01:58 PM) I'll stick with my '71 Chevelle 454 SS. Kind of the anti-hybrid. At what gas price will you no longer stick with it?
  16. Man, I kept waiting for someone else to post it, so here's my attempt. 70 wins! Thanks Tad!
  17. First team to 20 wins 30 wins 40 wins 50 wins 60 wins And finally... 70 wins.
  18. Come on Dustin...it'd be nice to get this guy once. YES! HE GAWN!! ZAUN 0-1!!!
  19. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 02:08 PM) Strained groin, fell down while on first base. To be fair, it was on a pickoff move. Uribe running for Konerko...now we get to see Blum play 1b.
  20. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 02:07 PM) Which means 2-3 days of Timo...... :puke See...here's what we have to hope...Ozzie will put ARow or Dye in the 3 spot, that guy will go on a tear, and Carl will come back as the 5th or 6th hitter and the top of our lineup will be strengthened.
  21. I leave the room...Iguchi leaves the park. Works for me.
  22. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 02:00 PM) Viz made a good pitch, Aaron made a good play, how about that? Viz is not allowed to get credit, even for making Hillenbrand pop that out to the Widge. Good work all around on those last 2 outs.
  23. Yes....held the guy at 3rd...great work ARow and Viz.
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