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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 02:33 PM) If I was Hendry, I would be on the phone with FLA, LA, SF etc to see if I can get one of their arms for one of the "big two" on the cubs. If I were him, I'd be trying to move Wood also, but I can't imagine anyone taking a guy who goes on the DL for 2 months every 3 starts.
  2. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 03:22 PM) Fla would probably do Burnett for Wood. Maybe a prospect or two would have to be added into the deal from the Cubs side, but Burnett is basically the uninjured version of Wood. Except of course for all those times Burnett has been on the DL.
  3. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 03:43 PM) I don't see Detroit winning the Central w/out Larry Brown on the bench. They could be better if Saunders can bring a better offensive game plan, but I think that without Brown that team may very well tear itself apart, and I think it'll also bring a defensive downgrade.
  4. QUOTE(knightni @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 02:48 PM) So.. Timo's plan worked then... "I've learned to speak bee"
  5. QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 12:20 PM) I'm with Nuke. We try to pay off our credit card bills every month. I hate giving the cc company anymore money than I have to. What's really great is when one of them offers no interest for X amount of months. Then I just transfer any balances I do have over to that one and pay it off with no worry of interest charges. Personally I have a little bit more fun with them myself. Thus far, I've paid mine off every month since I first got one (6-7 years ago)...and I'm on a good enough card now that I get cash back/points for purchases. In other words, my credit card company has paid me roughly $300 in the last year just because I use the card instead of carrying cash.
  6. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 02:32 AM) That doesn't change a thing. Her political ideology was not an issue. She, in fact, dodged 36 questions about her ideology and Joseph Biden said that she wouldn't be forced to answer those questions. Seems the Dems want to have their cake and eat it, too. Here's a different perspective from someone else who spent some time looking over the transcript of those hearings.
  7. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 09:05 AM) If you're making minimum payments on your credit card, you have no business owning one. You're completely right, but it's not only minimum payments. On almost any credit card given out to "normal" people, the interest rates even if you're making 2, 2.5 times the minimum payments are just incredibly excessive. As far as I'm concerned...if I were to invest money in the stock market or in any other financial institution right now, the highest percentage return on my investment I could imagine getting would be like 7-8%, and that's if I did everything right. In other words, if I have any balance at all on a credit card, and I'm paying more than that amount, then it's an absolute guarantee that the credit company will turn a profit. This number does go up and down with interest rates, but overall, it just strikes me as a mistake to pay more than 10% interest on anything for any extended period of time. The increase in price is just remarkable. Factors of 2-3 over short time periods.
  8. Teddy Ballgame. Joe Dimaggio...during 1 particular 56 game stretch. Satchel Paige Yaz.
  9. I could understand NFL Live 1 or even 2 times per week, but it's been on each of the last 3 nights too!
  10. Technically, based on the average rainfall per year, the place I currently live is practically a desert. Odd desert feature - in almost every desert, rainfall is very rare in normal years, and the total precip is well below the average value. But every 5 or 10 years or so...nature makes up for it. So it's not only that the average value for rain is low in most deserts, it's also a feature of them that you almost never actually see the average rainfall amount. Sound like anywhere you've heard about this year?
  11. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 06:33 PM) Overall, and very unscientific, but the Dems seem to "do" the internet better. I was very disappointed when I submitted the same 5 questions to Kerry and Bush via their web sites and Bush never responded. Not that it made a difference in my vote. Being a Texas and all. I'm not sure I'd agree that the Dems "do" the internet better. Yeah, Dean was impressive in his ability to use the internet for fundraising, but after his campaign last year, it seemed like the only thing that Dems did using the internet was try to raise funds. Can you recall a single Kerry email that did anything other than try to raise funds? I can't. There's so much more you can do in terms of spreading a message, keeping people on message, motivating grassroots, etc, that Kerry never did on his own. Places like ACT had to literally make up for the gaps in the Kerry ground game last year because all they did with the internet was try to raise money.
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 05:51 PM) damn Bush for not meeting with Dems You'll note that the names that are mentionned who came up in the meeting didn't end up being the nominee (I was hoping for Prado as the best we could get out of Bush). How do you know that at the meeting the Dems didn't give like 3 or 4 guys they couldn't support and say that Roberts was on that list? I doubt it, since the guy seems chosen specifically to avoid a prolongued fight, but meeting with does not equal listening.
  13. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 07:09 PM) I feel kind of bad for the guy. After his last injury he worked really hard to try and fix his mechanics so he can stay healthy and pitch deep into games. Now after 3-4 starts he gets injured again. I still remember watching him his rookie year and thinking absolutely amazing. Saying "he has finally started working on his mechanics" was the fashionable thing to do right after he came back and had a good first game. But when he came out against the Bravos and they started hitting him hard, all the old motions came right back.
  14. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 01:05 PM) Time to make Orioles suck thread. Both team played like crap that series. You know...if you exclude the AS Game, Tejada went almost as long between home runs as Sosa did.
  15. QUOTE(BuehrleTheAce @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 04:01 PM) I dunno about Aaron, but Crede has shown exactly how much his D means to this club by getting hurt. This side of California, there isn't a third baseman I'd want manning the hot corner other than Crede. I'd take Rolen...well scratch that, I'd take Rolen if Jesus were around to magically wave his hands over Rolen every time he got hurt.
  16. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 04:23 PM) the friday game against the dodgers this year we had willie harris playing 2nd and in the 2 hole. During that game he had 3 chances to move scott pods over w/ no outs. All those times he failed and the run never came in. We lost the game 4-2. Gooch is needed in the 2 hole. He also has an advantage because he's seeing better pitches when pitchers are worried about pods. Keep him there. I believe that was against Oakland, not the Dodgers. We didn't have a 4-2 game against the Dodgers. In fact, we didn't against Oakland either, but we lost 1 5-3 and another 6-2. Hell, we swept the Dodgers.
  17. Balta1701

    Scotty beamed up.

    Raising a toast to Mr. Scott "Balta, what is that in the glass there" "It is...it is green"
  18. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 20, 2005 -> 08:13 AM) Considering that Justice Ginsburg was overwhelmeingly approved, even though she is a flaming liberal, maybe the damn Democrats need to take the high road that the Republicans took during her nomination. It seems the Republicans didn't worry about the philosophical standings of Ginsberg. Maybe the powers that be in the the Democratic Party need to worry a bit more about being "uniters and not dividers". There's actually a reason for this. According to Orrin Hatch's own biography, when Clinton was trying to pick his first nominee, he had other people in mind other than Ginsburg. Clinton then went to Hatch and asked him how he felt about the person Clinton was considering. Hatch responded that the name Clinton had would provoke a major fight, and countered by asking if Clinton had looked at either Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Stephen Breyer. Breyer became Clinton's second nominee. That's the story from Hatch's own autobiography.
  19. Productive out. Come on Uribe. You're supposedly leading the league in sacrifice flies.
  20. Jose has now retired 10 in a row since the home run. He's thrown 70 pitches, 51 for strikes. He has not walked a batter. At this rate, he'll pitch at least 7, if not 8 innings. This is the line of a pitcher who deserves to get a win. Come on guys.
  21. QUOTE(CYGarland @ Jul 19, 2005 -> 06:03 PM) Well at least we have worked Bonderman somewhat, hopefully we can get in there pen by the 7th again. 54 pitches through 3 innings for him (47 for Jose).
  22. QUOTE(Benchwarmerjim @ Jul 19, 2005 -> 05:15 PM) lol. nice on the pregame show on the radio today, Gardy said he stepped over the line last night and went down and apologized to the umps Of course he did. The same crew is running the game tonight.
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