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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(JimH @ Jul 19, 2005 -> 09:32 AM) If that's the case, then a guy like Adkins fits, although he is not that great. Adkins is stretched out and can work the garbage innings, thus saving other bullpen arms for more important roles. One of the big problems we had with the "Work the garbage innings" idea earlier in the year when Shingo and viz were struggling and Walker was up is that this team isn't the Yankees...our starting pitchers don't give up 10 run innings very often and we don't score 12 in an inning very often. In other words...We don't have many garbage innings! Walker was going about 10 days between appearances entirely because so many of our games were close and we couldn't afford to give up any more runs.
  2. QUOTE(3E8 @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 09:09 PM) Until the ERA goes to the 3's. This season...he'd have to not give up a run the rest of the year for that to happen. Viz has decent stuff and should be able to keep his ERA in the 4s...in other words, every 3 innings he pitches or so, we should expect him to give up 1 run, maybe 2. The advantage from Viz is that he should be able to get lefties out with that tailing slider, which he hasn't been able to do this year until recently, and he should be able to give us 2 innings when we need several after a 5-6 inning outing from El Duque/Contreras. On the other hand, if he can push his ERA below 3 just for the next 2 months, our bullpen becomes incredibly dangerous.
  3. My personal favorite one of these was the guy on Sportscenter last night. After their leadoff baseball highlights were all 3 teams from the AL East, and they brought Gammons in to talk about trades involving the AL East, the guy literally sat there and said basically: "And to prove we here at ESPN don't have an east coast bias, Peter Gammons will be back later to talk about trades involving the rest of the major leagues". Anywho, Everyone here knows that our postseason performance will hang on 3 guys named Buehrle, Garland, and Garcia, as much as Florida's performance in 03 hung on a guy named Beckett. Even I didn't believe it when I saw Beckett was pitching in game 6 against the Yankees on 3 days rest, but it worked. Until we prove them wrong, there's not much else we can say.
  4. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jul 19, 2005 -> 08:50 AM) oh come on now, there are far more disappointing players in the bigs. dan kolb, for example. Kolb has given up 1 run in his last 7 games and like 3 runs in his last 14 or 15 innings. Hasn't salvaged his season yet, but it's a start. I say Arizona. Shingo could come in and have an ERA or 6 and it would still improve their bullpen.
  5. Well, I guess we can't get timely hitting every time. Sure sucks when we don't get it though.
  6. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 05:24 PM) Nope. Which is why he's hitting .275 instead of .300.
  7. Yet another productive out from Tadahito Iguchi. We really need a nickname for him including some derivation of the words "productive out".
  8. WITH THAT DOUBLE, SCOTTIE P IS HITTING .301!!! HE'S CROSSED THE MAGIC LINE. (also that's a 10 game hitting streak)
  9. 90 MPH tailing fastball from El Duque this at bat..
  10. Hmph, sounded to me like there were more people clapping than booing him. Good and dignified. I like it. Now just get him out.
  11. QUOTE(Wolverine31 @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 04:45 PM) The game is being broadcast on FSN Detroit so if you have that channel, you will get the game. That's not how it works when you're out of market. When you subscribe to Extra innings, they pick 1 of the 2 channels that a game will be broadcast on and open it up with that set of announcers. Trouble is, in Chicago, there's this channel WCIU that broadcasts like 20% of the Sox games, and they have exclusive rights, and hence can't be broadcast by DirecTV. So if the DirecTV folks decide their 1 broadcast will be the Sox announcers, and the game is on WCIU, we get nothing.
  12. QUOTE(Wolverine31 @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 04:44 PM) Magglio will own tonight. You will just show how trashy and classless of fans you are (and most real baseball fans I've talked to already think very little of Sox fans) if you boo Magglio. So let me just get this correct...you call us trashy and classless and immediately after it you decide to throw out a random insult. "Hey, you remember the other day when you asked me what the definition of irony was and I said - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" -Family Guy
  13. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 04:43 PM) Konerko vs LH: .189A/.326O/.378S - any questions? Gload would have played vs LHers & Kong vs RHers. This was a no-brainer but Ozzie has his favorites (Timo). Maybe K Williams has a LH bat that can play 1B enroute to Chicago. I'll bet you that we'll see Dye at 1b in one of these games against the Tigers.
  14. Balta1701


    Wow, 104.3 is no longer oldies? Before I was able to drive or started occasionally stealing the radio that's all my parents ever listened to in the car other than sports/news. You leave the area for a couple years, and it turns into a whole new world.
  15. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 04:32 PM) If he accepts an assignment to Charlotte he remains with the White Sox. If he rejects an assignment to Charlotte the White Sox have 10 days to trade him. After the 10 days he becomes a free agent & the contract is null & void. The White Sox have no financial obligations to Shingo after that. With so many teams hurting for bullpen help I think he'll either be traded or decline the assignment to Charlotte. I think Arizona will get their hands on him. Their bullpen is incredibly bad. Their bullpen ERA is worse than Boston's, and Boston is in the AL.
  16. Oh great, tonight's a WCIU game. GodDamnit. Can someone who has DirectTV take a look between channels 734 and 746 and see if the Sox game is listed? I'd like to know if I can go home and at least watch the game (with the Tigers announcers) or if I should just stay in my office and use MLB radio on my computer.
  17. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 03:42 PM) Good points, I didn't realize Fitzgerald was a Republican, do you have a link. I wish I could know the future, but I wouldn't worry so much if Rove just stepped down or his security was revoked. Here's a WaPo piece on the Illinois Republican party scrambling to find a candidate to go against Obama in 2004 suggesting that they had tried to talk him into running. He did not. He was also nominated for his current post by Peter Fitzgerald, former Republican Senator from Illinois.
  18. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 03:49 PM) Dunn and Kearns are not avaliable and the Indians and Twins have failed to get Randa cuz the reds are greedy! Right now, this far in front of the trade deadline, why not be greedy? The Reds are under no pressure to make any moves for another week at least. Someone may very well come around and decide to meet their asking price. It worked for the Devil Rays last year in trading Victor Zambrano. I bet you Randa will still move, and probably Dunn as well...but they won't move until July 30th. Teams that are genuinely out of the race are in no rush to make deals, but a team like the Twins, Orioles, or Nationals, who should be genuinely concerned that they're starting to fall out of the race, is in a hurry, and might pay extra to not have to wait that week.
  19. Whaddya think Scottie Pods...care to end the day up hitting .300 with 50 stolen bases?
  20. Shingo has basically been pitching in either really long games or in games where 1 team is up big on the other for 2 months now. There's no reason why a rookie can't be given that job. None at all.
  21. In 2000, the Yankees made a couple deals: Traded Ricky Ledee, Jake Westbrook, and Zach Day to the Cleveland Indians. Received David Justice. Traded Ed Yarnall, Drew Henson, Brian Reith, and Jackson Melian (minors) to the Cincinnati Reds. Received Mike Frank and Denny Neagle. Traded Ben Ford and Oswaldo Mairena to the Chicago Cubs. Received Glenallen Hill. The 99 Yankees big moves were trading for Clemens before the season and getting Leyritz from the Padres. The big move for the 96 Yankees was: Traded Ruben Sierra and Matt Drews (minors) to the Detroit Tigers. Received Cecil Fielder - a key part of their title run. The 97 marlins made a bunch of moves: Traded Dustin Hermanson and Joe Orsulak to the Montreal Expos. Received Cliff Floyd. Traded Billy McMillon to the Philadelphia Phillies. Received Darren Daulton. Traded Mark Hutton to the Colorado Rockies. Received Craig Counsell. I specifically avoided moves made before the season started, since I figured you were talking deadline deals.
  22. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 03:55 PM) Cool picture on Page 2 also, linking to the same article. Kinda sad that Shingo is in that image.
  23. QUOTE(Winnin Ugly @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 01:10 PM) Eric Casilias said last week if the WSox were in the AL East they would be a 4th place team This weekend, we get the chance to start proving him wrong. And if I'm not mistaken...we're going to really like how our pitching staff falls into place for that series: Buehrle and Garland will lead it off. Hell, even I'll admit that right now we are first in our division entirely because we've been beating the s*** out of our own division. We haven't played the east much, and it's time to show them and everyone else that we're for real.
  24. By the way, can I take a second to say how happy I am that Mr. 100 mph will be staying with the big ballclub for a little longer (and hopefully now will get more playing time)
  25. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jul 18, 2005 -> 03:49 PM) Also said the White Sox are interested in Jeff Weaver who might be moved and same with Derek Lowe. I want no Jeff Weaver. He would suck at the Cell. With the contract that the Dodgers signed Derek Lowe for...there is not a chance in Hell he'll be moved. No one would want him.
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