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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 16, 2005 -> 12:10 PM) That streak is honestly amazing, very underlooked. Actually I don't think it's underlooked...they keep mentionning it/showing it on ESPN, Gammons actually said that streak was the reason Buehrle should have started the AS game before Halladay. What is his streak up to now?
  2. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jul 16, 2005 -> 12:01 PM) Getting into the indians pen is not exactly a good thing. It worked yesterday.
  3. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 16, 2005 -> 11:18 AM) We need to rest AJP in this 2nd half more than we did in the first half. I don't know if he's been tired, but his bat speed is really dragging right now. I could have swore AJ has had a ton of rest, with how well Widger has been playing. He's averaged like 135 games a year over the last 3 years and that's basically exactly the pace he's on this year.
  4. I think the fans in Cleveland there were clapping just because Crisp acutally put the bat on the ball there, even though it was an out.
  5. QUOTE(Sox Hustler @ Jul 16, 2005 -> 11:15 AM) I think everyone here has AJ on their minds (both Burnett and Pier .) He has K'ed a lot more than usual and his avg is way below his career avg. I swear AJ has had the worst luck at the plate of anyone on this team this year. He's hit more hard line drives right at people or shots that have barely been caught than anyone. Someone actually had a stat that I actually think showed that.
  6. "Almost sounded like the umpire said take a hike" - Farmio
  7. QUOTE(Soxnbears01 @ Jul 16, 2005 -> 11:12 AM) "everything so far this year has gone great for the white sox." that quote scares me to death. Something terrible is bound to happen A lot of that has been us making our own luck. People don't get hurt much...why? Because Ozzie sits people with any minor injury and makes sure people get healthy. We score runs that we shouldn't why? Because we've been moving people over with guys like Tad or stolen bases. We've overcome 1 injury in our starting pitching, 1 in our bullpen, and another struggling starter for a month. We've overcome shifting closers because one was falling apart. Everythign hasn't gone great...we've worked around/through our problems and worked hard to prevent others. The one thing I will still grant you is amazingly lucky is that the foot of the guy on the mound is healthy after spring training.
  8. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jul 16, 2005 -> 11:10 AM) They mentioned that we are last in the league in doubles. They are catching onto us. 3 already this game...We're working on it!
  9. You know what else is amazing? Paulie just got a hit with 2 outs and RISP. Hey, this one is my 2000th post. Woo-Hoo!
  10. PAULIE! PAULIE! PAULIE! PAULIE! PAULIE! PAULIE! PAULIE! PAULIE! PAULIE! He's hitting again, so I think we're ok to chant that again.
  11. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 16, 2005 -> 10:58 AM) f*** I didn't know we had an early start! How did we score??? Buehrle beaned Hafner in the mouth in the first inning and knocked him out of the game. With 2 outs in the bottom half of the inning, Westbrook belted dye in the Knee on purpose, Dye stole second with no one covering, Crede doubled him in.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 16, 2005 -> 10:54 AM) It's shocking that the Indians weren't expecting Dye to be running. Usually, when you hit a player, especially intentionally, the player is going to try and steal. They don't have Martinez in there...they have Bard playing catcher today. In other words, if Podsednik gets to 1b, he may end up stealing 3 bases that inning.
  13. LOL...Westbrook does the extremely expected 2 out nobody on HBP, and it turns into a run. Wonderful job executing there Cleveland. When you bean someone intentionally, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO MAKE SURE THE INNING ENDS!!! Dumbasses.
  14. QUOTE(Brian @ Jul 16, 2005 -> 10:37 AM) So who gets beaned for us? Whoever is the first up with 2 outs and either first base open or no one on base.
  15. QUOTE(fathom @ Jul 16, 2005 -> 09:45 AM) Iguchi really struggled yesterday, but he's on record as saying he doesn't like to sit out, because he feels like he loses his rhythm at the plate. Which is exactly why Ross Gload should be getting Harris's roster spot...that way, Ozzie feels less of a need to rest Iguchi when he doesn't want to.
  17. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Jul 15, 2005 -> 09:01 PM) Zito took a no hitter against Texas into the 8th. I doubt he is even on the block. SB Given the fact that Oakland's on fire right now, and the fact that Beane has Zito under contract for another year, if he's traded it won't be until the offseason.
  18. Zito threw 7.1 no hit innings tonight also. Either the Rangers suddenly have forgotten how to hit, or Oakland's throwing some amazing junk up there.
  19. Damn Bud Selig for making it impossible for me to trust people like Palmeiro. If they'd been testing in 93-94, when his power surge started, we'd at least have reason to believe it's all real. Now, it's Raffy's word against Canseco's. Damn you Bud Selig for turning your back.
  20. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jul 15, 2005 -> 08:34 PM) A potential technical stumbling block to showing actual illegality was brought up in yesterday's abcnews.com's The Note. It had to do with the fact that Plame was not on overseas deep cover assignment at the time she was outed. Certainly a technicality, but it sounds like exactly the kind of little legal opening a crack team of lawyers can pounce on and get him off. There is no way this works as a way around the law. Let's start with the actual text of the law. There is nothing in this law which mentions an actual deployment at the time, the only requirement is that the person is a covert agent of the United States. There are only 2 ways around it; either it has to be unintentional by Rove or it has to have been given to him by someone else, which is the defense his guys have been trying to pull. Now, let's look at why that explanation is so illogical; when you out a covert agent, you don't just out that covert agent him/herself, you also break up everything that the agent in question has done. Let's think about all the things that this person has done. First, she was employed by a CIA front company. The moment Novak's column was written, the cover of every single person who was supposedly employed by the same company or any project/person who dealt with that same company was also immediately blown. In other words, there could be dozens of other people who's cover was blown simultaneously. And any project that received money from that front company was exposed as a CIA operation. On top of that, people have to have record overseas of where this person has gone and what they've done. Pictures. Maybe even surveillance. She has to have met with dozens of other people. Some of them had to be other covert U.S. agents. Others could have been covert agents of other nations or even people who were working for us in other governments. Immediately upon publication of that article, every single person she had ever met with was exposed as well. If she had met with another covert agent and there was a record of that meeting, then it could have exposed another covert agent. Or it could have exposed other companies. Or just about anything else. Think about that. In a career spanning tens of years as a CIA employee, how many people could she have met with to gain information useful to this country? The moment Novakula's article was published, each and every one of their lives may have been put in danger. The lives of everyone who dealt with that CIA front company may have been put in danger. Other CIA fronts may have been exposed. The damage could potentially have been enormous. Literally, that sort of information could set back our intelligence operations years, if not decades. People could have died because of that leak. Terrorists could get their hands on WMD because of that leak. It doesn't matter if she was on duty overseas or not...every single thing she ever did was immediately compromised when the Douchebag of Liberty exposed her. We have no idea how much damage was done, because exposing any damage would only do more damage. So there's no way for us to know what the damage was, which is the brilliance of this leak; it's possible for the Republicans to claim that nothing bad happened, because it's utterly impossible for us to learn what the results were. That's why that law was written. So that there was punishment for anyone who broke a person's cover intentionally. Some things happen by accident. But this was no accident. Someone out there did potentially horrific damage to the U.S. intelligence services. Someone deserves to be punished for this.
  21. Man...wouldn't you hate to be in Cleveland's shoes right now? You come in from the all star break on a hot streak. You're playing at home. And then your supposedly vaunted offense scores 1 run in 2 games against the team beating the hell out of you in the division. And then...you have to face Mark Buehrle and Jon Garland. Ouch. Wonderful job tonight boys. GO GET EM TOMORROW MB!!
  22. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jul 15, 2005 -> 06:18 PM) Farmer and his patriotic rants. Just talk about the game. I just can't stop laughing at that Avatar.
  23. Karl has 3 k's today and an 0-4 on the board. If he didn't have a run scored that would look awful.
  24. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jul 15, 2005 -> 06:15 PM) from what I've read, they were really pointing to this series as being KEY to turning around their season and getting it going in the second half. I'm tired of hearing how talented Cleveland is. I'm not tired of hearing it at all. Makes me enjoy days like yesterday and today all the more. That's right everyone...just keep thinking that other teams have a shot in the central. Go ahead.
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