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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Someone needs to have a talk with Freddy about how he warms up for games. Add in a few extra tosses or somethin.
  2. Well...let's go Freddy, we need ya today. Sitting back, relaxing, unable to figure out whether I should strap it up or strap it down.
  3. Well, Dye gets an extra day to rest around the break. Hopefully that'll help him next week.
  4. Man Juggernaut...I don't think I agree with you on anything. THE BIGGEST GAME OF THE 1ST HALF??? I don't really buy that one at all. Not after we've played big games against the Twins, the Angels, the Orioles...I can point to a bundle of them. The game against the Tigers after the Oakland trip where we were all beat up and El Duque came in and shut down the Tigers starting a big winning streak, the road trip to Minnesota, the destroying of Wickman in the 2nd game of the year, the comeback against the Dodgers, the comeback against the Padres, you name it. A 3 game losing streak into the break is not the end of the world. It's something I don't want to see, but it's not the end of the world.
  5. Balta1701


    Hey...Frisco...THANKS FOR TAKING THE WORD OF TOMKO OVER AJ. I knew the moment he handed that $100 to Borchard in the Spring that i was gonna like this guy.
  6. Not to mention how badly Baker overworked Prior...
  7. Well...this game's over, i'm gonna go watch the Simpsons.
  8. "I'm a 55 year old heterosexual, and I don't know which way to strap it" - Emailer "Whatever you do, just don't strap it on" - DJ
  9. That ball didn't hit the plate? I could have swore I heard the usual "thud" of the ball hitting the plate and bouncing back.
  10. I love how when Kendall came out...Zito was covering his mouth with his glove so that the guy at 2nd...who doesn't speak English...couldn't read his lips. Come on Paulie, get something on the board! You're quite overdue for a 2 out RBI.
  12. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 04:10 PM) Anyone else fear Crosby the most in this lineup?? Even moreso then Chavez. If I had to pick 1 guy I didn't want to beat us right now in this lineup it'd be Crosby. Chavez is still a better hitter, but he's also a lefty, Crosby's hotter, etc. If we can't retire Crosby I'd almost say walk him. He's the guy I'd rather not let beat us. 2 nice grounders to Pablo...Great work MARK!
  13. Good to hear...Sellout crowd tonight...standing room only.
  14. Great...Scottie can't see the ball...and Kendall gets a leadoff double. Not how we wanted to start the game.
  15. All right boys, this is OUR HOUSE. It's time to teach Oakland what that means. Sitting back, relaxing...but unable to find anything to strap down.
  16. On top of that, I'd say that A.J. is probably the unluckiest player on the team in terms of having his balls fall just foul or having his lined shots go right to someone.
  17. Usually I enjoy the derby, but I think being in Comerica will really cut into the numbers. The giant shots will still leave, but no one will be busting any records. I'm still leaning towards Teixeira.
  18. So just out of curiosity...do people from this page do the same sort of junk at Twins and Cubs web pages...go and post random things to try to piss people off? I hope we don't.
  19. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 01:55 PM) So it's guaranteed that he would have moved Pods over safely twice? Despite his recent appetite for strikeouts? He had a man on 2nd with less than 2 outs 3 times, and a man on 2nd with 2 outs 1 time. Each time there was less than 2 outs...Everett hit a fly ball or a base hit that would have knocked in the run if the guy was at 3rd. 2 productive outs generates 2 runs. 2 hits generates 2 runs. 1 hit and 1 productive out generates 2 runs. Any combination of that would have done so. I can't give you a guarantee that he'd have moved them over any more than I can guarantee you a world series win. But after yesterday's debacle, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt who I trust more to do that job.
  20. QUOTE(jackie hayes @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 01:52 PM) But you're not going to learn anything about them from 70 abs. We don't know any more about these 2 than we did at the beginning of the season. All this 'looky looky at the ops now!' is silly. And good Lord, how much bitterness can you have b/c someone had one bad day. The most electrons are spilled here over the least important issue. If your goal is to learn about a player, then they should be in the minors where they can play every day. If your goal is to win a world series, then you shouldn't have people up on your roster to "Learn about" them. You should have people up on your roster because they can perform in the job they need to do. If we need a left handed bat off the bench and Harris can't handle it, it's time for someone else to get Harris's job. We can learn about them and give them a lot more at bats in AAA. The goal is not to learn about anyone. The goal is to win.
  21. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 01:42 PM) I understand your point, but Iguchi definitely wouldn't have f***ed up so many times. Nobody can prove it, but everyone knows it's true. I don't know where to find this stat to check, but I'm pretty sure that Hawk/DJ said during the game on Wednesday that Gooch was leading the league in productive outs.
  22. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 03:10 AM) I totally agree with Kass. Fortunately for Spain, they'll never be faced with having to understand just what the caved in to. For that to happen, the terrorists will have to actually win their jihad against the US and Britain, and then when they turn their eye on Spain and begin to force their radical version of Islam on those people, then it would all hit home. God I can't stand it when people completely ignore the facts in order to brand Spain as cowardly against the Terrorists because they got out of Bush's little debacle in Iraq. The traditional Republican "Fact-less" narrative on the Spanish elections is that only Aznar's pro-Bush party would protect them, and electing the other party is a cave in to the terrorists because of the bombings. Let's look at the actual facts. 1. The polls in the Spanish election were incredibly close leading up to the election. The last official polling was done a week beforehand, and the polls basically were within the margin of error. There were even some polls showing the Socialists pulling ahead before the bombings. 2. After the election...people did exit polls, just like they do in this country. Do you know what the most common reason given for why new people turned out or why people switched their votes was? It wasn't to get out of Iraq, or to cower before Al Qaeda. It was that the Aznar government had immediately tried to jump to the conclusion that it was done by ETA and literally tried to cover up evidence that it was an Al Qaeda strike until after the election. Unlike this country...it seems that the Spaniards actually mind it when their leaders openly lie. 3. Here's the biggest one...when Spain pulled those troops out of Iraq, guess what the next move they made with their army was...they took a good chunk of the troops they pulled out of Bush's war in Iraq and pushed them into Afghanistan. You remember Afghanistan...the country that was actually harboring the people who attacked us? You argue that Spain surrendered to the terrorists. How exactly is it a surrender to the terrorists to put troops into the place where Osama Bin Laden (Remember him?) actually was based.
  23. Here's the key...their roles on THIS TEAM aren't going to change. Timo Perez will not start many games in front of Pods, Rowand, and Dye. Willie Harris will not start many games in front of Iguchi. These 2 have specific jobs; they are late inning replacements/pinch hitters and guys who do not get many at bats. If they can not produce in the limited at bats, then they are hurting the team by taking away the roster spot of someone who could produce with limited playing time, like a Gload or a Jenks. They're not going to put up better numbers than the guys in front of them. We all know that. But if they can't put up better numbers than the guys who could take their roster spot, then there's no reason for them to stay on the roster.
  24. With Houston on a roll and back into the Wild Card race...there isn't a chance in Hell they're trading Clemens. They saw this story last year, and they think they can make a run this year now that their offense is working better.
  25. I just can't figure out why that was a reply to me...
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