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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. 3rd time Dye's homered in 3 straight games this year.
  2. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 05:26 PM) What is PK batting in the last few weeks? It's kind of sad for all of AL 1B that he's an all-star. Actually ESPN has a couple articles up about how the numbers amongst 1b are really down this year, particularly in the AL. At least 1 is Insider, so I can't read it, but it really does seem to be a bit of a trend.
  3. Here comes 42...John Rooney's also mentionning the 5000 vote difference report between Pods and Jeter.
  4. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 05:15 PM) I have a feeling it's not going to take long to tie this back up. Well, we can't expect a shutout from our pitching staff every game...and this guy has an ERA of 6.
  5. According to John Rooney, Joe Crede's out of the lineup tonight with a sore back. No details yet on how bad of an injury it is, how sore it is, how he hurt it, how long he'll be out, etc. Feel free to fill in more information as it becomes available in this thread. Ozuna is starting at 3rd tonight. Get well soon Joe!
  6. Jorge Cantu grounds into what seems to be a much-needed double play.
  7. Leadoff Home Run by Crawford...Not how we want to start the day. Settle down after this Freddy.
  8. According to Rooney, Joe Crede is out of the lineup tonight with a Sore Back.
  9. QUOTE(Jake @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 11:52 PM) I think it's terrible that they couldn't give any money to the people in Africa. Any little amount could have helped. There's a very good reason for why they decided to do it this way...as a lobbying event, rather than as a fundraiser as was done with Live Aid in the 80's. Live Aid raised money on the order of $250 million as a fundraiser. That money is chewed up by the debts held by African countries in a matter of a few DAYS. In other words...yeah they could have done it as a fundraiser, but even if they dumped a full billion dollars of aid into that nation, it'd be merely a drop in the bucket, but if they can convince the G8 nations to begin offering genuine African Debt relieft, they can have an impact literally 1000's of times greater. They don't even have to convince them to drop all the debt; even if a small portion is just knocked off because of this publicity, then it will be like giving $100's of millions of dollars to Africa per year, every year. If the campaign came fully to fruition, it would be like generating billions of dollars of aid PER YEAR.
  10. I can now answer my old question...if you go to AOLMusic.com, all of the performances from ALL of the Live Aid shows are now available on Demand, pick your band, pick your song, and you can go straight to it. So very nice to not have MTV interrupting Floyd for words from their brilliant VJ's.
  11. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 4, 2005 -> 07:21 AM) Will this event be re televised? When and what station? If you want to see any of the individual acts/performances, they're now all available at aolmusic.com. On demand, each song, etc. I just watched the Floyd performance. So nice to not have MTV interrupting Comfortably Numb for precious VJ Prattle.
  12. After last year, I think it's very hard to call the Cavs anything other than a franchise in utter disarray. Going from the #2 team in the league to missing the playoffs, a new owner who has no idea what he's doing, new coaches chosen entirely by 1 other player, and to top it off, no guarantee that the other player will stay in that city? In Milwaukee, he's got fans who already like him, an organization that is committed to building around him, and more money for himself. I'd stay in Milwaukee. Something tells me anyone who signs in Cleveland is going to regret it in a few years...think the Cincinnati Reds...if your ownership doesn't know what they're doing, it really can hurt, and that's what I think about them.
  13. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 04:25 PM) I didn't know you were another of the IU guys on here. I'll be a sophomore this year. We're definitely going to be back on the map after this year. Graduated XMas of 2002, B.S. in Geology. So, whewn you say we'll be back "After" this year, does that imply that there will be a major change "after" this year? Because if we don't have a decent (i.e. tourney-qualifying) team this year, there better be a major change in 1 particular slot. I protected Davis last year...this year it's make or break on my support for him.
  14. Can't complain about seeing more money go to my Alma Mater. I just wish we could win a few damn basketball games again.
  15. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 04:07 PM) I can't believe there are that many people stupid enough to vote for Jeter. What a tool... Well, he is leading the league in runs scored. (Note...I'm not voting for him)
  16. Doesn't this belong in the "Trades" thread?
  17. The thing that's been bothering me about McCarthy is that it seems like he never throws his changeup. Never. He threw it on a couple of pitches early in the game yesterday, one of which struck out Lugo, and then got away from it to the point that 2 innings later Hawk and DJ were saying that the strikeout pitch was one of the only changeups that McCarthy threw. I'm starting to wonder a bit if AJ is a good catcher for McCarthy...AJ seems like he holds that pitch in reserve and wants him to throw the fastball and the curveball, when the only way BMac can have success is if he shows several hitters that changeup so that people can't just sit on the fastball. Has anyone else seen this? I'm almost certain that BMac has been basically not shaking off AJ at all and has been throwing whatever he calls for, but it seems like the changeup never gets used.
  18. Bowing before Mark... Now that he's gotten his "Every 3 months" bad game out of the way, what say we run the tables and win out for the rest of the season.
  19. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 01:24 PM) Answer me this. Why are they buying oil like it's going out of style when they have oil that they can tap? Answer: because they are trying to push our market over the edge because they know our dependency on it. I'm telling you, these people know what they are doing, and they are about to kick our ass because of our shortsighted arrogance. Um, I could have swore they were buying oil like it was going out of style because a.) there is a limited production rate at oil fields (i.e. you can't just increase production rate to infinity because you want to), and b.) their demand for oil has swelled massively over the past decade as their economy has grown by 10%+ per year, to the point that they've gone from being a net exporter of oil in the early 90's to a major importer now. This isn't some wierd scheme by China to keep the price of oil high - that hurts their development as well, because it becomes more expensive to run those factories in China and then ship product over to the U.S.
  20. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 11:53 AM) My reasoning for this is Ross Gload. The Sox, we all know, are in need of a solid backup at 1B, yet Gload is still in Charlotte "rehabbing". Well, he's rehabbing the cover off the ball. Why is he not up with the Sox? Because one of the position players will have to go down to make room for him. I think they are leaving Gload in AAA until a deal is made. A 'two for one' as far as major leaguers are concerned, with the new guy and Gload getting the roster spots of the departed players. A few weeks ago, he was rehabbing the cover off of the ball in AAA and then threw a ball across the infield, re-injuring his arm. The rule was earlier in the season that they didn't want to bring Gload up until he was ready to play the outfield...if that's still in place, then the reality is that they just don't want to bring him up and risk having him re-injure his shoulder. I also think that for some reason Ozzie or KW just doesn't want to part with Timo to give Gload the roster spot, but Gload being able to play OF might make that a bit easier.
  21. I just dumped in about 100 and I think I'll probably do that a few more times before the end of the day... Question...has anyone successfully negotiated a "you vote for us, we'll vote for you" agreement with anyone from the NL? I've been putting Oswalt because I think he deserves that spot the most from the NL, but if you guys can strike a bargain with someone from Philly or Arizona I'm more than happy to comply.
  22. QUOTE(knightni @ Jul 5, 2005 -> 10:30 AM) What is it with new people and polls? It's like moths to flame. Schmidt would be a steal if his cost was merely Contreras, Tracey and Munoz. The Sox would actually be saving on payroll with the deal. Contreras salary (41 games) $4,250,000 Schmidt salary (41 games) $4,093,750 Does that include the cash that the Yankees sent us along with Contreras?
  23. We got a bit of an endorsement from ESPN.com's Daily Quickie today... link
  24. Why in the world would the Cubs part with Rusch? They think they're still in the wild card race, and they have 2 starters who we can almost guarantee will see the disabled list at some other point this season. Rusch is as good of a fill-in as anyone in the league, and even when their starters are "Healthy", they're not going to be throwing 8 inning games, so they'll need some bullpen cover.
  25. Lawrence O'Donnell is MSNBC's chief Washington Correspondent.
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