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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Right now, I'm still willing to say that Jose has just had a bad month. He's gotten away from what he was doing earlier in the year, and is throwing far too many balls...thus getting him behind in the count and letting people hammer him. The thing I'd say at this point is that everyone goes through good and bad times. The year the Marlins won the series, Dontrelle Willis had an ERA nearly 7 during August. Last year, several of Boston's starters were terrible in June. I'll agree that Jose needs to be kept on a short leash, but he still should get some leeway. At least until after the AS break. Give him some time to work through this and try to get some control back. If he keeps walking 6 guys in 4 innings, then I will come around to the "we need another starter" point of view. Yesterday's game was just intolerable. We beat ourselves because Jose (and a few others) couldn't throw strikes.
  2. Lawrence O'Donnell himself has put up a post at Huffingtonpost.com confirming what he said last night. Link.
  3. Don't count this as a complete certainty yet, until we actually learn what is in those Time documents we really don't know for sure. But if he actually said it, that probably means he's in a position to know, and that means there's a possibility he's actually telling the truth.
  4. No one has video of this yet, and I think it caught everyone completely off guard, but this supposedly happened on the McLaughlin Group tonight. Lawrence O'Donnell was one of the people originally investigated by the special prosecutor, so he may very well know what he is talking about. Here's the link to the place where this quote was found. A few other people are planning to Tivo/Record it. Can check here and here to see if anyone grabs video.
  5. Ugh, 3-0, low and inside on all 3 pitches
  6. Dammit, all 4 balls that at bat were on the forkball, got 2 nice strikes with the fastball and then never went back to it. I hope that walk doesn't hurt us...
  7. QUOTE(Spiff @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 07:37 PM) I do, but until it happens I'm happy with the amount of runs he saves per game. I keep wishing more people would say that about Crede.
  8. He threw Chavez a strike and Chavez beat him...I can't complain, at least he threw him a strike. He keeps throwing strikes, we'll win this game. That's all that matters. Good work on Hatteburg. Pop up foul to Crede on the forkball, 1 down. Another nice thing to note - the A's almost never are going to try to steal, so that's 1 less thing to worry about with Jose. Maybe it'll help him focus on throwing strikes.
  9. QUOTE(Spiff @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 07:33 PM) Uribe's swing is like Happy Gilmore's golf swing. But I don't care cause he plays a hell of a shortstop. Yeah, but do you realize how many runs this team could score per game if Uribe could just find what he had the first 2 or 3 months las tyear?
  10. 14 pitch inning, 48 thrown by Harden through 2. Not great, but not terrible that inning in terms of pitches thrown. God I wish someone could teach Crede & Uribe not to swing at that low pitch. They always try to uppercut it and end up swinging above it.
  11. Come on Joe, make hiim work, stop swinging at those low & outside pitches!
  12. 3 up, 3 down for the A's, Contreras threw exactly 8 pitches, 7 of them for strikes. Keep doing that Jose! I know that pitch to Chavez went to the wall, but just THROW STRIKES. If they beat you while throwing strikes, then they beat you...these things happen. JUST DON'T GIVE THEM THE WALKS. Do that inning 7 more times Jose.
  13. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 07:21 PM) The Oakland fans seemingly hate Dye. I don't know why... I realize he wasn't great, but was he known as a guy who 'dogged' it or something? Great first inning. I think it's a matter of them having paid him a lot of money and them feeling they didn't get their money's worth. Oakland doesn't pick up many guys making $10 mil plus per year...they got him expecting him to put up numbers like he did his last year in KC (OPS like 1000), and he never really came close.
  14. what's that, 34, 35 pitches for Harden in the first?
  15. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 07:19 PM) Ozzie didn't do much on that play.. Just raggin on ya. Rowand was running with the pitch...that's why he scored. On a 2-2 count, the manager called it.
  16. See, now this is small ball, stolen base, productive out, error scoring a run, guy takes off in a hit & run & scores on a double. I missed this kind of ball!
  18. Good work laying off those 2 paulie, make him throw strikes
  19. Behind in the count 1-2, hits the ball to the right hand side. Run scores, E-3. Good job of hitting Aaron.
  20. Come on ARow, put some good swings on the ball...send the thing into right field...anything but a strikeout or a groundout to the left side. Anything but that.
  21. That's the definition of a productive out, even if it was an out.
  22. 4-3 Tampa Bay, Home Run by Cantu off of Crain in the top of the 7th inning. Cantu, Ye-es!
  23. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 06:40 PM) My guess is he'll first try and run a very staunch conservative through and will than "compromise" by pushing a more moderate conservative, who will probably be the guy he originally wanted or selected but will use the other guy to at least show some sort of effort of compromising. Thats what I'd do at least. That's not in Bush's character at all. If he nominates someone, he doesn't want to backtrack no matter what happens. Take a look at the Bolton nomination...he's clearly a guy who doesn't deserve that job, he's totally unqualified, even in a Republican led Senate Committee he couldn't get an endorsement for his nomination, but Bush is still pushing him. And withholding information to protect him.
  24. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 06:30 PM) Anyone that has the resources to mount a major terror strike on the US can just get a tourist visa and walk in the front door. Why risk dying in the desert? Tourism in the US is a multi-billion dollar industry. But if it makes you feel safer catching some scared migrant worker trying to pick onions in Wyoming this fall, go for it. Because if you're trying to get a lot of people into this country...if just 1 of them is on some sort of watch list for whatever reason (or even if they just get detained for looking suspicious), that can be all it takes to unravel a plot. If 1 person had asked 1 more question about the guys in San Diego who's roommate was an FBI informant, or if 1 more person had talked to 1 more agent about those flight schools, september 11th wouldn't have happened. We were right on the edge of breaking that plot, but we never put a strong enough focus on all the chatter we were receiving. If it only takes 1 person to break up a plot, then you need to make sure that no one is caught until it is too late. And that means you don't risk putting yourselves into the hands of the authorities. Especially if you're carrying something, like a lot of cash or explosives or other weaponry.
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