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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 03:52 PM) I hate to say it but if these f***ers are smart enough and organized enough there is probably nothing to stop them from getting in. Just pray that FBI and Homeland Security have great people working for them. It's all very worrisome and a bunch of yokals sitting on the border doesn't reassure me one bit. Actually, I'd say that if we're ready, even if they're organized it's more than possible to stop them from getting in. We managed to stop the Millennium bomb plot in 2000 by making sure everything was working right, going to "red alert" at the highest levels of government, asking questions the whole way down the line, and telling everyone at the borders to be on the lookout. We eventually intercepted a guy with a car loaded with explosives coming in from Canada. If we're ready and we have assets in the right place, it is quite possible to stop people from getting in no matter how well organized the other side is. The problem is that right now our southern border is a gaping hole, and if someone tried to cross it, there's no reason to assume that the security apparatus which lets 3 million people cross per year will be able to stop a particular few who really are threatening.
  2. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 03:42 PM) Were the Saudis legally inside the United States? Some were, some were not...expired Visas, that sort of thing. 1 thing I always point out to people, since I have a hint of where this is going, is that just because a terror group used a particular method to enter the U.S. 1 time doesn't mean they won't use a different method the next time. For example, on Sept 11th, 2001, it was actually legal to carry box cutters and letter openers onto aircraft in the U.S. Clearly, that is no longer allowed, and it would be much more difficult to pull off an attack in that manner. The U.S. has made visa restrictions and rules much more stringent as compared with early 2001. It would be much harder for those same folks to enter the country now if they attempted to do so through normal, legal channels. If someone is wanting to get into this country and they think there's a risk they'll get interdicted if they try to cross into the country legally, the southern border is the next most logical option. If you're trying to bring 20 people across, and 3 million people cross that border every year, then the odds that you'll be caught are basically miniscule.
  3. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 03:32 PM) Were the people involved in the 9/11 attacks American citizens? No, mostly Saudis. The ones involved in the Oklahoma city attack were. And the U.S. has broken up several other domestic terror threats in recent years, including 1 group in Texas that was literally caught making preparations for what can only be described as a chemical weapons attack - they had more WMD's than Iraq.
  4. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 03:24 PM) Funny you should mention that -- I've been secretly hoping to see some retaliation this weekend, some good old fashioned smoke thrown inside at some of those pussies. And given Contreras' penchant for hitting batters...this could be fun! Anyone but Jose...I believe Jon and Mark can work around people getting on base, but Jose walks enough people as it is.
  5. Most of the minutemen are exactly as Kip has described, or even worse. For example, 1 guy from the project has spoken before the "Council of Conservative Citizens", a group which has described African Americans as "A retrograde species of humanity" and which sells "White Pride" t shirts at their website, and has written LTE's to a paper in Arkansas talking about how Jews control the media and international banking/finance. That said, even though they don't belong there, they do have a point that the government needs to do something about the U.S. southern border. Estimates are that 3 million undocumented people will cross that border this year and enter the United States. If this country is genuinely concerned with preventing terrorism, it has to close that gaping hole. There is simply no more logical place for an actual terrorist to enter this country right now than the southern border. Given the availability of weapons in this country (even .50 cal weapons...big enough to take down a plane), it's only a matter of time before we're hurt because of that border in a big way.
  6. CNN is reporting that R&B Legend Luther Vandross has passed away. From his Wikipedia entry...
  7. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 03:16 PM) Steve Stone will never have a job on a widely followed show like SC or BBTN. Why? Because he tells it like it is and wont blindly plug the east coast teams or any of the other favored few teams in MLB. It's sad but true. He's still the best color man in the game, IMHO. God how I wish he could take Tim McCarver's seat in October.
  8. Balta1701


    QUOTE(GASHWOUND @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 02:14 PM) What are ya, nuts? and deny me the joy of waiting in line for days with my brethren..... Unfortunately, some of us are living on grad students salaries, and can't afford that joy. And ok, maybe it won't be 6 months, but within a year it'll be at $200, once Nintendo and Microsoft get their next generation platforms out. The exact amount of time it takes to get that low will probably be determined by the exact release date and how it sits in relation to Christmas. If it's released in the fall before the Christmas season, it'll be high through that season, and the price will probably start to drop by the next summer, and certainly by the next Christmas season. If it's released earlier in the year, the price will probably drop a little before the first Christmas season, but then will drop a lot faster after that X-Mas is over.
  9. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 02:23 PM) Another name to consider when discussing underrated starters: Livan Hernandez. If we were going to hand out awards, I think he'd get the nod. He did beat Prior today.
  10. QUOTE(Jimenez4MVP @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 02:21 PM) Pushing a camera - 20 games Taking Steroids - 10 games Which is why some of us want Bud Selig's "Miss 1/4 of the season" steroid policy to become the rule next offseason. (If it doesn't, there's a good chance Congress will make it the olympic standard - 2 years on the first test)
  11. Balta1701


    Wait 6 months and it'll be 1/2 that price.
  12. QUOTE(Jimenez4MVP @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 01:57 PM) Why? He didnt want the camera guys in his face.. and about your comment above.. I saw what happened.. pushing a camera off someones shoulder isnt gonna seriously hurt them.. I saw the replay, the guys is a little b**** trying to get money out of this I don't disagree that he's trying to get money out of it, but if you were injured by a multi-millionaire on camera, would you sit on your ass and not complain? And secondly, pushing a 30 pound camera off of someone's shoulder, someone who already had preexisiting back and neck conditions, is actually enough to hurt them. It's not life threatening, but that doesn't mean Rogers' actions weren't illegal, and that doesn't mean he shouldn't have to pay up for them.
  13. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 01:53 PM) I would rather make a few tweaks than to stand pat. There's a difference between a "Few Tweaks" and sending off McCarthy, Uribe, Anderson, Sweeney, Fields, or some combination of those items for a gigantic name (schmidt, Chavez, Oswalt, etc.). Sending off a guy like John Rauch was last year, who may never have a real strong future in the big leagues, in exchange for a small piece of the puzzle this year (i.e. another guy in the bullpen or a backup 1b), is a lot different from most of what's been said on this board.
  14. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 01:35 PM) Like I said on another board... I don't care if Bush puts a liberal judge up for nomination, the Dems are gonna rip this person a new asshole just for the press coverage. That's what's bull s*** about our system. I'll be shocked and amazed if that happens. Absolutely stunned. Hell, I'll be stunned if the nominee can even remotely be called a "moderate".
  15. 1 big note... He does have the ability to play in the all star game, and that doesn't count towards his suspension. I think that stinks and hope Francona keeps this in mind when picking his team.
  16. I think everyone tries not to blame losses on umpires, but sometimes when it actually is their fault, and even MLB sees that (and starts some sort of investiagtion, the results of which we aren't privy to), then I think it becomes appropriate to complain about it. That series, a good chunk of it was their fault. Hell, remember the Crede @ short game? Why was he at Short? Because Oakland had pelted like 5 of our hitters in 2 games, without being warned, they threw an inside pitch to Uribe, who hurt himself twisting to get out of the way of the pitch. Why was Pablo not in? Because he was down after being hit by a pitch.
  17. QUOTE(upnorthsox @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 01:33 PM) So then what you do before the all star break doesn't count? Quick, someone tell Gar and Burly that. That's not the point I was trying to make. The debate was over whether or not Willis helped them down the stretch and in the playoffs, and I was throwing some numbers at that point.
  18. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) Would you mortgage the future for a WS title??? I would, in a heartbeat. Of course I would. But you know as well as I do that there is absolutely no way to guarantee a World Series title. None at all. We could pick up Clemens and Schmidt and still lose. Who could have predicted that Josh Beckett would suddenly turn into a God among men in the playoffs for the Marlins? Or that the Yankees would suddenly stop hitting in game 4 in last year's ALCS? If I could guarantee a world series title by trading anyone, I'd do it in a heartbeat. But without that guarantee, I see no other solution but to play percentages. And the percentages tell me that once you reach the playoffs, there is enough variability and enough unpredictability that it is a large mistake to put all of your eggs in 1 basket and go for everything in 1 year at the expense of your next 5. There will always be teams who make the playoffs several years in a row and don't win - the 8 team playoff format ensures that. But what you have to do first is get there, and second, you have to hope that someone from your team catches fire at the right time and can carry you. The best team doesn't always win the world series, and making a trade for the best player won't always win you a world series. So, I would contend that your odds of winning the world series are far better if you reach the playoffs several years in a row and you can hope that at some point your team just finally clicks at the same time as someone else slumps. That, in my opinion, is easily the best way to increase your odds of winning the W.S. - be back every year.
  19. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 01:11 PM) While the As are hot, bear in mind who they played 7 of their last 10 games again (I think it was 7 anyways)...the Mariners. 4 at Seattle - they took 3, then 3 home against San Fran who they swept then 3 at home against Seattle who they also swept. Before that, they took 2 of 3 at home against Philly (who went into a slump after their big home-stand winning streak), 2 of 3 at home against the Mets (did not face Pedro), and 2 of 3 from the Braves in Hotlanta, right before the Braves caught fire. I'd say the last time they faced a team on any sort of a winning streak was Washington right before that, who swept the A's.
  20. QUOTE(upnorthsox @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 01:18 PM) Huh?? Cabrera hit .333 vs the scrubs with 3 hr 6 rbi and 9 runs scored, he hit .287 with 3 rbi vs the giants and ended up playing in all 17 of their post season games hitting .265 4 hr 12 rbis. Willis went 14-6 for the Marlins, they don't get to the playoffs without him. Lackey started 18 games going 9-4 for the Angels and came up big for them in the playoffs. FRod was mainly only a factor in the playoffs but then what a factor he was. Willis also went 14-6, but he was 9-1 before the AS Break. He wrapped up the season going 5-5 with a 4.60 ERA after the break, including a horrendous 6.92 ERA in August. In the Postseason he was 4-3 with a 3.55 ERA.
  21. The last time we were in Oakland, we suffered from one of the worst 3 days worth of umpiring that I've seen all year, maybe even in a couple years. Not just Crede's HBP. Crede being thrown out for slamming a bat down. Pods being called out on a play at first where he was safe. Our hitters being pelted by like 6 bean balls but Oakland not receiving a warning. The infamous play at the plate which appeared on the front page of the Oakland sports section the next day. Strike zones that were all over the place. With a good umpiring crew we'd have won 2 of 3, if not more, last time. Fate owes us a couple of games here.
  22. QUOTE(upnorthsox @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 12:53 PM) Oh, one more thing before I forget. The 2003 Marlins were set to trade their starting 3rd baseman, Mike Lowell, but unfortunately he got hurt right before the deadline and was lost for the season. They were set to trade him for prospects because he was having a great season and the Marlins got off to a terrible start - the Cubs were 1 interested team, but the Marlins wanted Zambrano I believe, and the Cubs wound up getting Ramirez from Pitt. It was going to be a surrender trade, not a trade to win that year. He was supposedly a free agent last winter, but he re-signed with the Marlins.
  23. QUOTE(upnorthsox @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 12:46 PM) The 2002 Angels and 2003 Marlins both got huge contributions down the stretch from rookies that season, the Angels with Lackey and FRod and the Marlins with Willis and Cabrera. Those additions helped offset the need for major trades. So...is there some reason why our guys cannot do the same thing? Especially when the rosters expand and Anderson comes up, along with probably Baj, certainly BMac if he's not on the 25 man at the time, etc. Those teams went with what they had and won, and they've both been contenders the last 2 seasons as well. Why? Because they didn't mortgage anything the years they did win, they plugged in young guys as they were ready, and used the salary savings to add in other places. (Florida - Delgado, Anaheim - Vlad the Impaler).
  24. QUOTE(Wedge @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 12:38 PM) Bravo! Since I'm silly and lazy and don't want to look something up... who did the 2004 BoSox trade for during the season that was such a big deal? If you're referring to the Nomar deal, was it really that big? Yes, the Nomar Deal really was that big - it gave them defense. It put Cabrera at shortstop, which instantly made their pitching staff (Ground ball guy Derek Lowe in particular) far, far better. It also gave them Mientkewicz as a late-inning replacement at 1b, which allowed them to take Millar out (Or Ortiz if they were playing against the NL) and make sure that they didn't screw around at 1b late in games. That team went on their big run to get back into the Wild Card slot right after they made that trade. And it more than likely saved their season.
  25. QUOTE(GASHWOUND @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 12:46 PM) Agreed..Look at Pods..the dude had 12 home runs last year and he's made a conscious effort to alleviate that..0 HRs cause he's trying to go the opposite field..You will rarely see him fly out far to right..AJ has hit a few HRs to the opposite field, which i don't think he was trying to hot HRs, but it it hard.. I think the only one you could make a case for swinging hard is Uribe, but that's the way he swings...There's absolutely a nay chance of the team swinging for the fences cause Ozzie would've put the kibosh on that s***. I think the bigger thing with Pods is that he's trying to keep the ball on the ground instead of hitting it in the air and flying out, which btw, is exactly what he should be doing.
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