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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 10:53 AM) BTW: I didn't knwo the Magic # was already down to 80. Last I remember it was like 109!!!!!! Those 8 game winning streaks will do that.
  2. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 10:51 AM) Conteras only shakes off pitches if you put anything but the forkball down. If you use the forkball sign like 90% of the time. He wont shake off any pitch. Thank you for proving my point.
  3. Which disgusts me more...girl in a Cub Jersey, or girl with a cigarette...hmm...too close to call.
  4. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 10:38 AM) I hope Cooper told B-Mac not to shake off the catchers, I want the Sox to put the responsibility for bad outings at this stage of his career on the coaches and/or the catchers. It will keep his pace up and make him think less out there. Hell, as good as our catcher's have been at calling games, the less people shake them off the better. Go ask Buehrle. When's the last time he shook off a catcher? 2002?
  5. FYI, Twinkies are down 2-0 to the Royals in the 2nd.
  6. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 10:32 AM) I don't think that RF is really used well unless it's over a season. Was Vizquel really better (RF) in past years, too? That said, I haven't looked at the stats. I've watched a lot of Giants games on TV and Vizquel doesn't show much range, but that's just from watching, no statistical backup. Uribe's number was better in 2003, and they were basically the same at SS last year.
  7. The Yankees don't care at all if their bats get weaker. They have enough bats. They have so many bats that if they need to sacrifice a bat for some defense, they can do it with ease. Much like the White Sox last year, if they reduce the runs they score in their big games from 16 to 13, it's not going to make a difference, but if they reduce the runs they give up in close games, it will help them a lot.
  8. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 09:53 AM) And Uribe is not = Vizquel defensively. Uribe is much, much better than Vizquel defensively. Uribe has a better arm and more range... Vizquel has committed 3 errors this year, Uribe has committed 8. Uribe has a lower "range factor" than Vizquel. Vizquel has both more attempts and more putouts. They have roughly an equal number of double plays turned. The stats don't show Uribe being a better SS. I think he can become one the longer he stays at short, but he's certainly not better than Vizquel, not yet.
  9. Balta1701

    14lb newborn

    "Elephant Child born to local woman" -Family Guy
  10. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 10:06 AM) QUOTE(kane0730 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 11:26 AM) I'm actually more worried about Cleveland. They are finally starting to hit. Im really not too worried about Cleveland right now. They went on a really good hitting tear and winning streak, but they did it against San Francisco, Colorado, and Arizona. Arizona has some pitching and hitting, but Colorado and SF are drudging the bottom of the league in pitching. If they sweep the Red Sox in Fenway, I will change my tune. But I really dont see it happening. Even if they did manage to sweep the Bosox, first let's remember that just a week ago, Boston swept the Indians in Cleveland. Boston just might not be a good team to evaluate potential opponents against, because so much of their team right now depends on a bullpen that can be great 1 night and horrific the next. I think that at best, they'll wind up being a few games over .500. Before the AS Break, they have 3 more 4 game series, 1 at Baltimore, 1 with Detroit, and then 1 in New York. I need to see them dominate before the AS break before I even begin to be concerned.
  11. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 09:14 AM) Throwing guys out? That's a lot of people running on him if that's the cause.
  12. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 09:26 AM) 1 1/2 seasons. You're assuming he'll stay healthy, which I don't know if I'd say he ever has done, it seems like he misses 5 starts or so every year due to health reasons.
  13. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 09:29 AM) I still say even if Brandon isn't ready right now, the biggest thing from him is soaking up the mental aspect of pitching from these guys. The technical stuff can be taught by most any pitching coach, but learning first hand what it takes to be a stud pitcher in this league mentally is the toughest lesson of all. Ergo my favorite part of this article is that BMac is sitting on the bench next to Mark Buehrle while MB is pitching. Hard to find a better guy to learn from. I think BMac's problem has actually been his technical stuff, personally...throwing the change and not getting it in the dirt is a technical problem that can be solved. But the only people who will complain about Buehrle giving BMac tips are the people BMac shuts down.
  14. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 09:28 AM) Schmidt has a buyout. Starting pitchers can be traded. The idea is going for a world championship, not just hoping to make the playoffs and hoping to win a series or two. If the Sox acquired Schmidt for minor leaguers, I guarantee you ESPN would have a different attitude about them. And if they did win the WS, the payroll next year would swell to a lot more than $80 million. Did ESPN suddenly have a different attitude last year when we acquired Garcia, who was the #1 pitcher on the trading block until we grabbed him?
  15. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 28, 2005 -> 11:36 PM) Check the stats he's the second best 1st basman in the AL behind Teixiera. Konerko is in the top 10 in the AL in home runs, walks, and RBI. He leads our team in runs scored and OPS. And no 1b other than Teixiera is even close to him in most categories. Now that Tino isn't leading the AL in 1b voting, there's no reason for him to be on the team, so Konerko is actually the 2nd best 1b. And there's also 1 more element...I think there's always some payback for people who had great years last year thrown into the AS team selection...Konerko had a spectacular year last year and was snubbed by Torre, that has to help his case too.
  16. There was a good article about BMac in the Trib this mornin...it seems that he at least understands what his problem has been; throwing his changeup for strikes. That changeup is the key for McCarthy, with it his curve ball and fastball both become out pitches, without it he's a 2 pitch pitcher with an average fastball and a good curve. Cooper's had more than a week to work with him, hopefully he's had the kid throwing a lot and working hard on throwing that changeup for strikes. Come on BMac, it's time. You've been with Cooper again for a couple weeks, get that changeup workin again and shut these bastards down. 1 good start out of you and we can slam the mouths closed on those guys who are desperate to sacrifice your whole career to get Schmidt for 1 season.
  17. If Politte doesn't like closing, we shouldn't try to make him a closer. We need to win the 8th inning as much as we need to win the 9th. The good news to me is that Hermanson has been used somewhat sparingly since about the time Thomas came back, so hopefully we won't miss too much of a beat with him gone. Best Wishes during this time, Hermy.
  18. I'm a bit confused...how exactly does a catcher end up needing Tommy John surgery? That surgery becomes needed when the ligament at the bottom of an elbow snaps...almost always due to some sort of repetitive motion, which is why you see it so commonly in pitchers. ANd it usually takes a lot of stress to make that thing snap. Has Davis been working on his fastball in his spare time?
  19. During his career as Pope, JPII dramatically lowered the qualifications for sainthood...it seems like in most cases people are just making things up as miracles, he confirmed I believe more saints during his reign than during either all of or most of the church's history beforehand. Makes perfect sense that people would try to figure out some way to make a saint out of the man who made it easier to be a saint.
  20. I think the important thing everyone should note here is that there is also a group put together by folks like Colin Powell and ex-Republican Senator Peter Fitzgerald that for some reason, it seems the Republicans in Congress have no problem with. In other words, the problem is not that it's a guy who's been involved in politics putting in the bid, it's that a guy who has supported the Democrats is involved in a bid. For shame...how dare those Democrat supporters do anything. Peter Fitzgerald and Colin Powell's bid should win just because they're Republicans and they deserve our worship.
  21. QUOTE(Jake @ Jun 28, 2005 -> 09:44 PM) Sorry to sound retarded, but anti-trust exemptions? Baseball has an exemption built into this nation's laws that no other sport has...they are by law exempted from anti-trust laws that regulate interstate commerce. What this does is basically give MLB the ability to keep control over their franchises. The biggest example I can give is something like the Oakland Raiders...when Al Davis wanted to move that team, he moved it even without the NFL's permission...the NFL can't regulate it because of anti-trust laws. Because of Baseball's exemption, they have control over their teams. Every time Baseball does something Congress doesn't like (1994 strike, steroids)...removing the anti-trust exemption comes up as a threat from Congress to get MLB to go along with whatever Congress wants. Baseball usually caves.
  22. It might be, it could be, it is...oh he caught it.
  23. QUOTE(ptatc @ Jun 28, 2005 -> 09:59 PM) This is cause for some concern. I think to win it all, which is the goal, we do need to pick that up a bit. We picked up a bat a couple weeks ago...He wears #35, and his impact on the lineup is only beginning to be felt. When the Astros picked up Beltran last year, they didn't immediately go on a winning streak & take the division, in fact they fell further back, but then a few things clicked, the offense adapted, and you know the rest.
  24. Francona has faced Halladay more than he's faced Buehrle. That might help. On the other hand, who knows what Ozzie said about working the guys when Francona called him. That might carry some weight too. Halladay went 9 innings tonight and got a no decision, keeping him on 12 wins. Buehrle got the win, as we all know. I don't think you can go wrong either way. I wouldn't be surprised either to see Bonderman getting the ball, just because of the city (Loaiza got it in Chitown)
  25. FYI Everyone... On BBTN tonight during the Houston highlights, Peter Gammons suggested that the Astros may no longer be considering moving parts. They've had a bit of a run lately, and he's saying at least that they've stopped looking to move Clemens. Gammons's suggestion was in fact that Houston might be looking to try to make another comeback run at the Wild Card like they did last year, and to do that they may even be looking to add a bat and some middle relief. In other words...Lidge, Oswalt, Clemens, Ensberg, etc...probably not going to happen if Gammons is to be believed.
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