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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Jun 23, 2005 -> 10:55 AM) I wouldnt say thats neccesarily true... The era will go up but 1 hitter isnt going to increase it by a whole run... most teams DH's arent even that great... you have Ortiz, Thomas, and Hafner... other than that its mostly avg. players. It's not just that. It's the pitcher's spot being a nearly-automatic out. When a pitcher comes up in the batting order, it's a dead spot. It's a bunt if there's runners on, which hurts the chances at a big inning. It makes sure that you have an out at any point in your inning. It also robs you of guys off of your bench because you need to PH for the pitcher's spot. It also makes you throw less pitches. What's the ideal thing for a pitcher to do in the NL in a lineup? Start off the inning with the pitcher - because then you get the easy out, and then you're facing the leadoff man with already 1 out, and it's much harder for the other team to start a rally. One of the guys at ESPN did the numbers on this a few months ago...I can't find the actual link, but his number was that on average, almost every pitcher who goes from the NL to the AL sees his ERA increase by over .9 runs, and the exact opposite is found when they move the other way.
  2. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 23, 2005 -> 10:51 AM) I am sure he is just misunderstood, or didn't really *mean* what he said. It was probably just a poor choice of words. Did I hit all of the Durbin excuses yet? No, you need a week of media posturing making the Republicans look bad and then an apology filled with tears before you're going to qualify.
  3. This is great news. If this kid can play...then maybe we can finally start trying to hit the San Antonio Twin Towers style ball that Krause envisioned when we drafted those 2. Curry & Chandler clogging up the inside, Gordon on the outside, Hinrich and Deng inbetween. That's a Hell of a lineup if they're all together.
  4. The suns weren't going to win in the west with the ability of San Antonio to go out and dominate on the defensive end and on the boards. If they get more rebounds on the defensive end, it will lead to more fast break points by the Suns. This is a good trade for both teams...I think New York gets the better player, but Phoenix gets a better piece for their puzzle.
  5. The Bush Administration's chief political advisor, and probably the only reason Mr. Bush is even in the White House, Karl Rove?, had some less-than-pleasant things to say about the Democratic Party and terrorism at a Republican Party meeting last night in New York. Go ahead and read it...he's about to suggest that liberals deliberately want the U.S. soldiers in Iraq to die, and don't care at all about 9/11. Here is an exerpt from Democratic Senate Leader Harry Reid's response: The White House also stood by and defended Mr. Rove's remarks. Of course he's not talking about different approaches Scott. Wonderful spin. He's saying exactly what the Republicans have been saying since 9/11 - the Democrats don't care about Terrorism, and only the Republicans can protect you. It's the message they campaigned on in 2002 and 2004. Rove just said it incredibly bluntly. Here's something to watch...which will get more coverage, Dick Durbin's remarks or Karl Rove's?
  6. 1 other thing to toss into this discussion: Remember this, the usual rule of thumb is that when a pitcher moves from the AL to the NL, his ERA drops by 1 run. When a pitcher moves from the NL to the AL, his ERA goes up by roughly 1 run. This can vary a little, but when you get rid of the pitcher's easy out slot and have to face a powerful DH, that's the result. In other words...don't just look at National League ERA's and think they'll put up the same numbers in the AL. It will be 1 run worse per 9 innings, at least.
  7. I still say it's a mistake to underestimate the kind of year Crede could have, THIS YEAR. Yes, Joe Crede had a Godawful May. Absolutely horrid. Worthy of being benched. But when's the last time you looked at his performance the other 2 months this year? BA/OBP/Slug/OPS April: .304 .368 .456 .824 2 HR June: .315 .383 .593 .976 4 HR If he avoids falling into another May at any point this year, he'll hit .290 at this rate.
  8. QUOTE(Jimenez4MVP @ Jun 23, 2005 -> 10:09 AM) I still wish we didnt trade Lee.. We lost that deal 49-22.
  9. I absolutely hate this amendment, for all the reasons above, but I'd like to take this conversation in a different direction: if this amendment does pass, then I want 1 thing to come of it. I want there to be actual laws saying that people cannot desecrate the flag. That's actually what the amendment says - its not just flag burning. Now, I was a Boy Scout in the past, and so I know something about the rules governing how to deal with the flag. I've also spent some time working as a door-to-door salesperson. This has, I feel, given me something of a unique perspective on this matter. Why? Very simple. I cannot tell you how many dozens of houses I have gone by, just in the period of a few months, who were openly desecrating the flag. Did you know that it's considered an insult to the flag to hang it lower than other flags? Did you know it's considered an insult to the flag to hang it when it is tattered or torn or faded? Most importantly, did you know that it is considered flag descration to let the flag touch the ground? I hate this amendment, but if it passes, I want to be able to call the police and tell them that so and so at this house has the U.S. flag resting on the ground. You could do it all the time - people are so damn careless with the things its unreal. That way, when the careless fools get home, they'll discover that they have a $200 fine or something like that for flag desecration, and they'll learn really quickly that either they need to take better care of their flag or they better as all Hell keep a closer eye on their government.
  10. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 07:38 AM) Congress may pass it but I bet the states don't. In the past, something like 49 states have at 1 time or another passed statements saying that they support such a ban. It needs to die in the Senate...if not there's a solid chance it will get the support it needs in the States.
  11. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 06:57 PM) The problem with that is Rogers' worst game this season 5.2 IP and 5 ER. But we can dream right. On the other hand, Vlad the Impaler has a history of impaling Kenny Rogers.
  12. QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 03:59 PM) Part of his reason for doing this is to calm the nerves of White Sox fans who are worried about another 5th starter fiasco. I think he's just trying to make public the point about how unhappy he was with what just happened with El Duque.
  13. QUOTE(sayitaintso @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 03:41 PM) Probaly uppper 50's to mid 60's when it's at it's best. Even better. I've seen him K people on a 49 mph pitch before. Low 50's means he's on. If he's throwing it for strikes.
  14. QUOTE(nvxplorer @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 03:43 PM) Exactly. If he had gotten behind, he would have used the spinner. If he could have thrown it for a strike.
  15. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 03:23 PM) I would wager that he's gone at the end of the season, Tracy before then. I'll admit that the LAT has really gone down on the kid, but I was really under the impression that he was management's guy. Also...Tracy has 1 division championship to his credit. That kept Manuel around until 2003. I wager both are back next year, but Depodesta would have a much shorter leash next year.
  16. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 03:16 PM) He did throw one changeup. I'll admit I missed it. But 1 changeup does not a wonderful Takatsu make. Did he throw it for a strike?
  17. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 03:21 PM) I wouldn't say they're in contention any longer, not with the injuries and the sudden dive they're taking. Mark my words...Depodesta will be a buyer this year, not a seller.
  18. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 03:17 PM) Gagne just went down and after losing 8 straight, the Dodgers are going to be looking do dump some salary and start looking to next year. They brought in Lowe for a playoff run and they'll be watching from home this year. Yes, the Sox would have to pick up a big chunk of change, but didn't KW say Jerry would do that? Attendance is up, you have the best record in the league and I guarantee you the Twins are going to upgrade their bats before the deadline with another Shannon Stewart like trade. To add a veteran like Lowe -- a guy who would fit right in to boot -- would be huge for the Sox. And don't you know he'd love another shot at the Yankees or even better, his old teammates? Hmm? Make it so, Kenny, make it so. Derek Lowe just signed. $36 million over 4 years. That's all you need to know about why I don't want him. Besides...isn't there a rule saying you can't trade freshly signed free agents until almost the trading deadline?
  19. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 03:10 PM) A couple of things. 1)It depends on what they want for him and what his contract is. If it's reasonable, and they just want a midlevel prospect or midlevel prospect + Borchard + Timo, I'd do it. You could give me a plate of crackers for Borchard and Timo and I'd take it. Borchard's out of minor league options and probably won't be around next year, and Timo's just eating up a roster spot and at-bats which could be given to Frank and Everett (plus he might take the roster spot away from Harris, which would be even worse)
  20. I'll lay you 2 to 1 odds Michael Redd had something to do with this.
  21. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 03:07 PM) Garcia's ERA at the Cell IS bad -- 5.12 ERA. http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb...0119&statType=2 Ack, you beat me to it by that much! It was over 6 before his game against the Dodgers too, I think.
  22. I wasn't too excited about his performance today for 1 single reason; every pitch he threw was a fastball. He had excellent control on that fastball, kept the ball down, moved inside and out, but still, he didn't throw a single pitch that didn't clock between 87 and 89. He needs to be able to throw the changeup and the curve for strikes every now and again to get people off balance. Without that, he'll ace the Royals, but someone else will sit on his fastball and drive it.
  23. So does anyone actually know what the all-time record, or even the high in the last 25 years for this stat is?
  24. Jermaine Dye is a perfect fit for the Cell, also. He's a guy with decent power who's numbers will be magnified all year just by the fact that he's playing in that park...that'll make him produce even more runs. Now that he's out of his slump, I can't think of anyone I'd replace him with who isn't outrageously expensive.
  25. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 22, 2005 -> 02:56 PM) How on earth could anybody want a .250 hitting injury prone CF with no power and no arm, ESPECIALLY when we have a GREAT leadoff man and 4 very good outfielders already? I think there's something of an instinct here just to assume that because a person's out there and he's been good before, he's naturally going to be an upgrade over everything we have. It doesn't matter if the person they'd replace is performing better than them, it doesn't matter if the person being asked for is slumping badly, all that matters is the name. Drives some of us nuts.
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