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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(ARow33 @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 05:03 PM) lOOKS LIE KW IS LOOKING TO DEAL... HOPEFULLY WE WILL SEE ZITO IN BLACK SOON. Please God no...
  2. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 05:02 PM) He didn't get much of a chance to earn that spot in the rotation. He's had 3 starts. That's more than we gave some people last year.
  3. Kenny Williams has a habit of making deals to improve the major league ballclub, and he's done so using minor leaguers. Have you thought at all about the possibility that you'll be traded? Any idea how you'd react if you were moved? (P.s. I hope you won't be!) Brian, Pasadena CA
  4. When's the last time I mentionned how glad I was we didn't have to face Sweeney?
  5. QUOTE(South Side Fireworks Man @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 04:29 PM) Because we want to win a World Series. This year. BMac isn't ready. The only thing that bothers me about Clemens is that he has a clause in his contract that he doesn't have to travel with the team. I don't like that, and I don't know what that would do to the other pitchers on the staff. Personally I'm not a fan of the extra $3 he gets if he's traded. If we picked him up he'd instantly be the highest paid player on our team, and he'd only be here half a season. I just know that would come back to bite us in the Free Agent market next year. Reinsdorf would want to make up his money.
  6. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 04:32 PM) Because they all will be pitching in more games. If you did that for a whole season it would mean 40 starts each. Exactly my point. The last thing we want is for Garcia or Contreras to hit a wall come September or October. Remember, if we go far into the playoffs, they'll probably push 40 starts anyway...there's no good reason to have them go 45. Ozzie plays backups in 1 game out of every series anyway. BMAC won't do us nearly as much harm if he loses a few games as having Garcia or Contreras go down before the playoffs would.
  7. QUOTE(Al Lopez's Ghost @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:59 PM) Dye must play real deep - which is usually a sign of a not so great outfielder - because he is always charging balls that drop in. Last night for one, and the other night on a ball Iguchi looked bad on that was up there a long time. I'm pretty unimpressed by Dye's fielding. Oh, and he'll miss the cutoff man just about every time. Like his bat tho. Dye came to us advertised as being much better on defense than he actually has been. It's been very disappointing. He's at least improved some as the season went on, but I have been less than impressed. ArRow had some words a few weeks back about how having Dye there was helping him because he didn't need to cover as much ground. If that's true I haven't seen it, but maybe he's doing more out there than I know about.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 04:08 PM) Speed doesn't = batting average. Speed = 70 stolen bases. Speed does = Batting average if you hit the ball on the ground. If you do that, you'll simply outrun enough ground balls to keep your average up. If you're hitting the ball in the air every time, then Speed isn't much value.
  9. QUOTE(Wedge @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:53 PM) let's not forget Dye and Crede Exactly my point. (should that have been in green?)
  10. That'll be one enjoyable $30 to spend.
  11. The scary part is...this leaves us with 1 backup shortstop...Willie Harris. Hopefully it won't come to that again.
  12. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:50 PM) If they did, I missed it. The one guy said SD would beat out STL in the playoffs cause the Padres won 3 of 4 this season. Something tells me that if S.D. had gone to Stl last week, those numbers would have been reversed. At some level, it's all about streaks.
  13. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:17 PM) Obviously no one listened to Joe Morgan because I watched the replay yesterday and he was giving them mad love. People are overreacting big time. They've been giving fair coverage to the White Sox. And the White Sox didn't lose the game in which Hermy was up and Brantley said he should've been put in IIRC. And also, many people on here felt the same about Ozzie putting Hermy in as Brantley did. Some fans try to reach so much. Good point...Joe was even saying that with our pitching staff, he didn't expect us to hit a major slump all year, and without that it'd be near impossible for anyone to catch us.
  14. What's your source on this? Did anyone else see/hear it if it was TV or Radio? Link? Any idea how bad it is? DETAILS PLEASE!!!
  15. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:42 PM) boo! Personally, I think he's right to apologize for using the Nazis as a reference. The fact is that anyone who brings up the Nazis is doing so not because of that particular part of the Nazi behavior, but because of the war and the Holocaust. That is the only reason to bring up the Nazis in any political discussion today; to try to link the behavior of your opponent to the Holocaust because you believe that the Holocaust is so evil, any remote connection to it will immediately discredit your opponent. It's simply wrong, and it does in fact trivialize the Holocaust. If our President erects gas chambers at Gitmo and starts killing people without due process, then I'll start making that comparison myself. But otherwise, it's just not a good method of arguing. Personally, if I were to use a metaphor like Durbin, my choice would have been the Hanoi Hilton from the Vietnam conflict. In that mess, our soldiers were tortured without any due process or any protections from Geneva, exactly as we've done at Gitmo. I think that reference is a lot closer than the Nazi one anyway.
  16. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:40 PM) On Around the Horn today, Woody Page picked Cleveland to go to the World Series. :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead :banghead Man...that's one crazy bandwagon he's got himself on...especially since their hope of hopes, Sabbathia...was absolutely thrashed yesterday.
  17. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:38 PM) Probably McCarthy Personally, I am all for McCarthy starting every game until Duque gets back. Let him get experience, let him take his lumps, let him try and pitch through the struggles. We gave Garland a couple years to do that, and we're going to get a 12 game winner tonight out of our efforts.
  18. Dick Durbin has apologized for his remarks last week. I mostly still think he's right, but as John Stewart so eloquently put it...whoever mentions the Nazis first, loses.
  19. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:31 PM) any word on when Orlando Hernandez will be ready to return? If he's not ready to go do you guys have any idea who will take the 5th starter role? IMO we should keep Cotts in the pen and not piece him into the starting rotation. I don't even think we know what the problem is with El Duque right now...he's ready to go one day, then not ready to go the next. I'm not surprised he needed a couple stints on the DL in the middle of the year. I still think he'll be back in place by the All Star break. And good God, right now we shouldn't even consider moving Cotts out of the pen. As dominant as he has been in that role...and given the fact that he's a lefty out of the pen, my God that's a luxury.
  20. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:27 PM) Until we need a 5th starter, just go with a 4 man rotation. We only require one more start from B-Mac before the all-star break. Here is how it breaks down. ..... ALL STAR BREAK Everyone gets normal rest on this plan. I hated it when we did this last year. It worked for a time in May and early June, but by late June and July you could really see it wearing on our pitchers. Guys like Buehrle don't like that extra day off because it throws off their schedule, but it at least shows up in the results. When we came into this season with 5 starters, I was hoping to God we wouldn't have to pitch Mr. Offday as our 5th starter more than 1 or 2 times this season, because it would really start to wear on our staff if we did. It'd be an awful risk running with 4 starters until the AS Break. I promise you that. Especially if 2 or 3 of our guys end up being All Stars. Extra rest in June will translate to fresher pitchers come October.
  21. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:23 PM) I haven't heard a lot of people giving up on him. I, for one, think no less of him. I think the consensus around here is that he simply looks like he isn't ready. He needs to get a better commond on his offspeed stuff and needs to keep the ball down. This can be seen in the alarming rate at which he's given up homers down in Charlotte. I've heard a ton of people around here giving up on him - saying we should trade him immediately because he'll never amount to anything or that ST was a fluke. I think those sorts of comments started immediately after the Texas game. My thought is that he needs to work on throwing his changeup as a strike, to take more pressure off of his fastball and curveball. If he does that i think he'll be what we saw in ST again. But I've heard quite a few people who've already given up on him.
  22. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 03:20 PM) BARRY ZITO = Chicago bound, I have a feeling. If so, I hope to God KW gets a couple more relief pitchers along with him, because when Zito bombs in Chicago as badly as Koch did, we'll need there to be something akin to Cotts and Politte so that we can say "At least we didn't get completely screwed".
  23. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 12:33 PM) I am still fuming since the time I learned it was the Cub in 1920 that wrecked the fortunes of my favorite team. One can only imagine what the history of our beloved White Sox would be had the dirty rotten Cub players not fixed that game in Aug of 1920. Do the White Sox go on to win the 1920 WS? Why the hell not? They were in the thick of the race at the time. Does shoeless Joe Jackson go on to be one of the greatest players of all time. Why the hell not? One might argue the scandal would have re-emerged any way but that would be ignoring the timing of this whole thing. If the Cub players don't fix that game in late Aug & the WS go on to win the 1920 WS they become the media darlings. It's even conceivable to imagine that we might be the most storied franchise in MLB & not the Yankees if that Cub game isn't fixed. Just because we might not have been caught doens't mean that we didn't deserve what we got when we did.
  24. QUOTE(Dam8610 @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 02:54 PM) The McCarthy we saw yesterday is not ready for the show or big league hitters. The McCarthy we saw in spring training is definitely ready for both of those things. The difference between these two McCarthys? A good changeup that he throws often and can locate and the location of his fastball. McCarthy is afraid to throw his change for some reason, as he only threw it once last night. It was effective the time he did throw it, so I don't know why he wouldn't continue throwing it. Also, he's throwing his fastball too high a lot of the time, and it's not the same pitch as the one that is low in the zone. His curveball is the only pitch that appears the same as the one that he threw in the spring, and it was effective when he threw it, but he didn't throw it very much either. I'm not sure if he's scared to throw anything but the fastball or what, but I think the coaching staff should find a way to force him to throw his offspeed pitches more often, because I think it would lead to better success than he's had thus far. I thougth I saw him try to throw it a couple of times and miss the strike zone badly.
  25. QUOTE(sayitaintso @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 02:49 PM) Is eric milton the king of letting homeruns up? Or is that somebody else. Yes, that's Milton.
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