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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. God that was an awful swing by Crede. What the hell was he doing the first month of the season that was so different?
  2. "Crede swings at every pitch as if he's trying to hit it 9 miles...everything" -Dodgers' Announcer
  3. Ugh, Tim Stauffer goes for the Padres against us and is unhittable, and follows it up with a start against the Twins where they tag him for 2 in the first inning.
  4. Make that 2-0 Twins on a 2 out base hit by Lew Ford
  5. Minnesota has a 1-0 lead on the Padres in the first.
  6. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Jun 17, 2005 -> 05:11 PM) This doesn't deserve its own thread but with a bit of Jason Schmidt trade talk round these parts lately, Schmidt looks like the Schmid tof old tonight against the Tigers. HIm boosting his trade value could affect us greatly if the BoSawx, Yanks, Angels, etc. go after him Exactly what I want the Bosox and Yankees to acquire; another pitcher who hasn't been able to stay healthy the last 2 years.
  7. New one up! Iguchi's leading Walker 7 votes to 2!
  8. QUOTE(TheDybber @ Jun 17, 2005 -> 03:19 PM) Thanks for the new vocabulary word!!! That's awesome!!! I believe that's a Daily show word. (i.e. Bob Novak petitioning the court for a writ of douchebaggery)
  9. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Jun 17, 2005 -> 03:07 PM) When did Oswalt or Johan injure themselves or underperform. Oswalt had a groin thing a few years back but that's a fluke. Oswalt only pitches 21 games in 03. The Stros should have had a dominant staff that year but everyone was hurt, and kept getting hurt repeatedly. Santana had elbow surgery about 2 or 3 years ago.
  10. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 17, 2005 -> 02:58 PM) I'd trade him for Johann, Peavy, Oswalt, Halladay currently. Prior when healthy. That's about it. BMac is a whole different story. Oh, I almost forgot Mike Maroth and Kerry Wood See, trouble is, you can't just trade for the "Healthy" prior, you have to trade for Prior in general. Ditto Johan, Halladay, Oswalt (don't know Peavy well enough). Each of those guys has been down with injuries or underperformed in the last 2 years. I wouldn't trade Mark's combination of talent and reliability for anything. Plus, those hour and 50 minute games sure are fun.
  11. Mark has proven himself to be basically the most reliable pitcher in either league. Innings, quality starts, not particularly injury prone. There is no one else who matches him in all of those categories. Some pitchers have better stuff than him, but aren't as durable, and the guys who are as durable don't have as good of stuff.
  12. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Jun 17, 2005 -> 12:56 PM) Milwood came off the DL yesterday and pitched 5 innings for their win. Thanks, the ESPN roster still had him listed as on the DL and I didn't look further.
  13. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jun 17, 2005 -> 10:47 AM) I guess I have too much faith in the rest of the Republicans. If you think they'd impeach Bush for anything he did in Iraq even if everything I've suspected about the war is true (planned to do before 9/11, moving funds & troops from Afghanistan to Kuwait in late 01, orders to begin preparations given at the same time, decision already made, WMD info deliberately abused)...then yes, you have waaaayyyy too much faith in the Rest of the Republicans. Even if documents came out showing that Bush had done each and every one of those things, the Republicans would come out and say that Saddam is gone, the U.S. is safer, and the ends justify the means.
  14. QUOTE(chi-guy2 @ Jun 17, 2005 -> 07:47 AM) i think scottie is making the right choice in the lakers, it will get his rep up if they win and teams might want him Hard to find a better guy to work under than Phil.
  15. What businessperson in their right mind would buy an NHL franchise while the lockout was still going on? They have no idea what it will do to their fanbase. They have no idea how many fans will come back at the end of the lockout (assuming it does end), they have no idea how long it will take others to come back or to find new fans. Therefore, there's no way anyone could put a rational price on one of those franchises. If you buy in a few months after the lockout ends, then at least that makes sense, because you've already seen how much interest has dropped off and you know full well that the lockout has already ended. Then, maybe you're buying a growth company and getting it when its undervalued. But right now? That makes no sense at all to me.
  16. Cleveland got on one of those streaks last year and made a run past us sometime after the all star break when we were falling apart. That's the reason everyone kept saying Cleveland would be so much better this year. I'm starting to think they're one of the streakiest teams in baseball. Fact is, we've got a big lead on them and we're due for a hot streak as well. Jake Westbrook has reverted to his 2003 form, with an ERA over 4.5 and as many losses this year as he had all year last year. Their big off-season acquisition was Juan Gone (on the DL). They have Sabbathia back, and Millwood might be coming off the DL soon, but they don't have nearly enough to make a run for this division. Not unless the Twins and the Sox both fall apart.
  17. There is 1 more set of split lines that we shouldn't forget with El Duque: ERA wins losses innings games Postseason 3.59 16 9 223.0 35
  18. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 05:50 PM) Is the New Madrid one that one that was in Missouri where they had like two magnitude 10 quakes in like a 2 year period? That was back in the 1800's if I recall or early 1900's. Yes, that was New Madrid, although they weren't magnitude 10's, they were in the magnitude 8 range. It was centered in Kentucky and Tennessee, although that would have hit Missouri and Illinois and Indiana as well. And in case anyone's interested, this afternoon's quake was revised downwards to a 4.9.
  19. Personally I didn't think he was saying that the U.S. was holding U.S. citizens at Gitmo, I read it as him saying the government is giving us no information at all about those people and saying that we should trust the government when it says that they're all bad. But given the fact that the government has explicitly declared that it does not need to tell us who those prisoners are, what their crimes are, or even where they come from, there's nothing you could do to disprove a claim that they were holding a U.S. citizen there (or for that matter, in one of those secret facilities run by the CIA into which people like Khalid Muhammad have disappeared). In fact, I'd say that speculating that there are U.S. citizens at Gitmo is no more idle than speculating that everyone at Gitmo is guilty or speculating that the U.S. will give them a fair trial. Without genuine proof and some sort of open procedure, everything both sides say is just idle speculation.
  20. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 04:06 PM) Buehrle has a 3-year contract worth $18 million... 2007: $9.5 million option; $1 million buyout[/color] Is that a team option? Considering that the price of a quality starting pitcher in the FA Market has already topped about $10 million thanks to the Yankees last year, I'd say that in 2007 MB for $9.5 million might seem like a bargain still. Might even give us leverage to negotiate another 3 year deal.
  21. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 04:33 PM) In general, anywhere there are hills there are or at one point were faults. Thats at least my rule of thumb. I still say rather live in earthquake country than deal with blizzards, hail storms, and tornado's. Actually, I'd say instead that everyehwere you go you can find old faults. Even in the middle of plain states where all of the hills have eroded away. They're just buried under significant amounts of sediments, and many are inactive, but there are still cracks in the ground basically everywhere you go. The most common example given is the New Madrid fault zone - area in the Ohio River valley, southern indiana, basically flat for millions of years, only topography is due to erosion, and it experienced the 3 largest earthquakes in recorded Us History in the early 1800's.
  22. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 02:48 PM) Wow, I didn't know that. Enlighten me.........how do the ycategorize tsunami's? As far as I know, there's no richter-scale type classification system for tsunami...what's usually done is that the height of tsunami is estimated based on how high up the water goes at a particular distance from the earthquake epicenter. Just for an example...the Sumatran tsunami actually did strike New York and Washington D.C. It's just that at that distance, it was hard to discern amongst all the other waves.
  23. I think I just found the single best comment on Durbin's remarks that I'm going to find.
  24. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 02:41 PM) As long as you don't have to ask her, 'did you feel that?', then it's OK. No but I did shout it down the hallway in the basement here. 2 people other than me did feel it, 2 didn't. You know, one of these days I'm going to bring my camera to school & take a couple pictures of the news vehicles lining up outside here whenever there's a quake. I biked behind a guy from NBC4 last Saturday when there was that 5.6 quake in the south of the state. Ah the joys of being a Caltech geology student.
  25. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 16, 2005 -> 02:35 PM) I bet everyone is calling everyone going "did you feel that!!??!!" My fiancee has called me like 4 times already...
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