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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(ScottPodRulez22 @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 01:41 PM) If you look at the record there the same but common the cubs are most likely going to end up with a better record then them. Last year, the Brewers were far worse, so the Twins really did get to fatten up their record against them while we got our noses bloodied by the Cubs. It swings back & forth every year. Last year I was pissed because the Twins had an easeir one, this year the Twins are pissed at us. Besides, we have to play San Diego at Petco, they get S.D. at the Humphreydome, that's a pretty good advantage to them as well.
  2. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 01:38 PM) This gets better. Mariotti is getting killed today for his lies yesterday http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...-home-headlines Man, being out of town I didn't see that correction they post. That may be the single longest correction (aside from the NYT WMD Mea culpa) I've ever seen in my life.
  3. A couple of those plays that Ozuna blew were really hard plays to make. From what I could tell, the error that led to those runs was on a running play that yeah, he should have just not made, but an inexperienced 3b doesn't have a clue which throws to make and which to not make. Also...he had a very good night at the plate, which makes up for a fair amount of field problems IMHO
  4. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 09:49 PM) Hunter's shot on Burke was more of a cheap-shot because of the timing. IIRC, Burke didn't even have the ball yet and the Hunter play was unnecessary IMO as well. Estrada was in the process of turning to tag Erstadt when he was nailed. He already had the ball. Erstadt had 2 options; nail him or try to slide around him, and he wasn't exactly in a position to slide around him. That was pretty clean baseball.
  5. QUOTE(chi-guy2 @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 10:20 AM) if anything id say it helped him, a lot of legends played for the yankees and if he puts up numbers that are respectable he himself would get praise, plus who wouldnt want to be in the hall of fame they have in the outfield I think it hurt him to start, but mainly because he had an incredibly off year last year. His home run total dropped by 11 from Texas the year before. His average dropped. And he fell apart just like the rest of the Yankees offense against Boston in games 4-7. This year he's turning it around. Leading the AL in HR, that 10 RBI/3 home run game, hitting his 400th in a Yankee uniform, those things are helping to rebuild him after last year. But last year a lot of the talk was "what happened to ARod, why's he so far down this year". This year, if he avoids a prolongued slump, he'll get whatever luster he lost back and more.
  6. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 09:01 AM) Here's a good question: If A-Rod were to have a career-ending injury this year...Would he go to the Hall?? If Fred McGriff can be called doubtful with something like 490 home runs, then Arod isn't a definite with 400. He's got an MVP or two, but I can't name a single stat of his that immediately puts him in. He has not won triple crowns, he doesn't have 3 MVP awards, he doesn't have 3000 hits (or even 2000), and he hasn't put together any stellar postseason performances (i.e. Jeter or Rivera). And it's not like the numbers he's put up are happening in a poor offensive era either. 1 or 2 more seasons like this one and I start saying he's a lock. Let him get to either 450 home runs, win another MVP, or have a spectacular postseason, and then there will be a reason to put him in first ballot.
  7. QUOTE(whitesoxjr27 @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 10:25 AM) whats with all the trade threads. cant we enjoy what we have. people need to calm down a bit. i know we can talk about anything on here but we have 5-7 threads already about trades. :headshake There's no ballgame today.
  8. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 10:19 AM) I was very surprised to see last night that leftys are only hitting .269 against him. I always thought that lefties gave him the most trouble. Anyways I thought it was a good outing for him and he seemed to be throwing a lot of 1st pitch strikes or he was just missing. On a similar topic (although not exactly Shingo)...last night during the game, the Rockies' announcers (MLB Extra innings) were talking about how Vizcaino has been very good against left-handed hitters. I believe they said that lefties were hitting under .200 against Viz, and his tailing fastball might have something to do with it. Well, i checked this morning, and lefties are hitting nearly .400 against Viz. Did anyone else hear them say this? Am I looking at the wrong stat? (btw, righties are only hitting .218 against him, which isn't bad if he can avoid the walks)
  9. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 10:21 PM) HAHAHA @ JR on Comcast "Jay Mariotti wrote lies, this doesn't suprise me, Jay always makes lies. I don't care what he says, he says things that are untrue" The best part was Mariotti's reply...that JR will be hearing from his lawyer. Man...a guy really has to piss me off to leave me cheering for JR.
  10. At some point, the Catholic church is going to have no choice but to do this. They're already suffering from a massive shortage of priests. There just aren't enough unmarried men left out there to tend their flock of over a billion now. They need to find new candidates. There are 2 possibilities...women or married men. Eventually, they're going to have to ordain one or the other, or the Church itself will start falling apart. You can't put 10,000 people into a mass every week in every country in the world. It just won't work.
  11. The U.S. public will realize how much valuable time has been wasted on this case, will riot, and will destroy the entire city of Santa Monica in a bloodthirsty quest for revenge. None will survive. The event will be edited out of history texts, and by act of Congress, the existence of a person named "Michael Jackson" will be expunged from history. All evidence that he ever existed will disappear. America will then enter a new golden age of enlightenment and learning, where we lead the world to a peaceful, happy future. Thousands of years down the road, historians will discover the great "Michael Jackson purge" in documents buried in archives under the U.S. Capitol building, and will credit this purge with leading to a thousand years of peace and prosperity amongst all men and nations.
  12. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 08:02 AM) Sounds awe-inspiring. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii just to see the active volcano's. The closest I have come to mother nature was riding out a hurricane in Texas in 1983, and that is what got me on the whole natural disasters thing. One of the nice things about being a Caltech Grad Student working on igneous (i.e. Volcano derived) rocks is that you occasionally get to play around with these sorts of things. Barring anything going terribly wrong, in a few years I should have a chance to get a nice trip through Hawaii to look at Kilauea and a few other things. Can hardly wait.
  13. I'd still give it 5 to 1 odds in favor of having Uribe find some month this season where he just goes wild and hits like .400, like he did to open the year last year. If he gets a couple of hot weeks, this team may go undefeated during that stretch. His defense is not terrible and is improving as he gets more used to playing short, and while his offense is still the streakiest on the ballclub (yes, including Crede), when he gets hot, he looks unstoppable.
  14. I was one of the ones saying all along that he should be given til July 31st before we started coming down hard on him. The guy's a veteran. He's good enough to figure out how to get his swing (and his head) back into the ballgame. I can't wait to see this guy hitting at Comiskey over the summer. 10 home runs already? I can see him hitting 30+.
  15. QUOTE(Hideaway Lights @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 09:26 AM) A lot of sporttalk around town has assumed that McCarthy is some sort of automatic insurance policy for Duque should he go down to injury. I'm not so sure. I'm not convinced that one 5 1/3 start at Wrigley in which he didn't really get touched up is a good barometer...especially when in his next outing he got pretty roughed up by Texas. Admittedly, I didn't see the Texas game...but aren't some people being a little overly optimistic as to what he can do at this level? If Duque goes down again (a probable thing with his injury history) and McCarthy gets called up and maybe roughed up again...where do we go from there? We do exactly what we've been doing...we give BMac another shot until El Duque comes back. BMac is right now by far the best pitcher in the high levels of our organization...maybe the best pitching prospect in our organization (I'll leave it to the futuresox folks to debate him vs. Gio). The reality is, he's shown that he can get big league hitters out. He dominated during spring training, and he wasn't that bad against the Cubs. Almost every pitcher is going to have some growing pains - look at Ervin Santana, he was terrible in his first start against Cleveland and lights out against us in his next start. I don't think I'm being optimistic when I say that i don't expect BMac to come in and win the Cy Young award this year. I expect BMac to be able to come in to replace an injured starter and give us 5 or 6 innings without giving up 10 runs. If he comes up, his job is to make sure the Bullpen doesn't end up pitching the entire game, like it had to do several times last year when Schoenweis went down and the rookies we brought up were being pulled after 2 innings. I think that in his first year he can give us a chance to win in 50% of his starts. He has good enough stuff for that. The others, especially if he has to face a good offensive team...yeah he'll get roughed around occasionally. But as long as our bullpen doesn't have to work 8 innings every 5th day, I consider him a valid solution.
  16. While we're on the Subject...KW talked about trades to the Sun Times today.
  17. QUOTE(thelatinoheat_30 @ Jun 9, 2005 -> 09:14 AM) i totally disagree. he will be a huge part of the sox in the postseason as a starter, which is the biggest reason they wanna keep him healthy the whole season. he has so much invaluable experience winning it all, nobody on the sox has as much experience as him. always helps to have a guy like him. he knows what it takes to win under pressure. the key is keeping him healthy. I agree with this sentiment wholeheartedly. Right now, we have roughly 3 or 4 guys on our team with a good amount of post-season experience: Pierzynski, Dye, Everett?, and El Duque. A couple of other guys have been there once or twice, but done nothing to write home about. Those are the guys who you want to make sure get their playing time in the post-season. El Duque has been there so many times that he knows what it will take to carry this team when it hits. Hell, had his arm not given out last year, we'd probably be talking about El Duque's part in the Curse of the Bambino. I still don't think i twould be a bad ideea to give El Duque another stint on the 15 day DL sometime in July just so he's rested for August and September.
  18. QUOTE(peanut33tillman @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 05:12 PM) not a fan of carl in the OF but im confident we can come outta here with a sweep baby!! also nice to see ozuna get a little PT instead of auto out cruddy With the space in that outfield...I'm worried about Everett's range. On the ohter hand, at least he gets some AB's.
  19. QUOTE(robinventura23 @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 04:50 PM) Here are the lineups: Glad to see Gooch back in the lineup. I knew Pods would get the night off. Hope that means Iguchi is feeling better. With Everett playing left...does this mean we're trying for 2/3 again?
  20. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 03:14 PM) How'd this kid not see the shark at all? Aren't those things f'n huge? I can understand him not seeing it before it bites him, but how in the hell did he not see it after it bit him? This blows my mind and scares the hell out of me. The water in the ocean isn't exactly crystal clear, especially near a sediment source like the rivers around N.J. You probably can't see your waist if you're in there swimming vertically. Let alone something below your legs.
  21. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 03:18 PM) I hope you're lying. Rules like that arent the problem. Third man in, instigator, and the clutching and grabbing need to go. And contraction is also a VERY good idea. Bettman ran this league into the ground and now he's trying to NBAify it and market it to casual fans. They arent trying to fix the probelms on the ice, only the $$$ off the ice. :fyou Bettman When the season was canceled, the talk going around was that if they managed to save the thing, they would end up instituting some new rules to allow for more offense, so the talk of rule changes has been around for some time.
  22. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 03:33 PM) Are you on crack? Why the f*** does prior and wood make them a lock if they are healthy? Because it made them a lock against the Marlins when the Cubbies won it all in 03...
  23. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 02:45 PM) I know you all are entitled to your opinions, but damn, if you hate it that bad, don't post. I'll bet you would have gotten the same reactions here in January of 1995 if this place existed.
  24. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 02:43 PM) yeah the republicans have made a big push for the latino vote. They are still 9 pts behind nationally and I think it depends on the candidate rather than the party as a whole. Bush being an ex-texan did pretty well with this demographic. i'd venture to guess that other's such as Bob Dole didn't have this same level of success. While it's still early, unless McCain gets the nomination (which the religous right won't let him get) i'd bet that this difference between repubs and dems goes back to double digits for latinos. i'm actually surprised by how large of a gap there was for asian americans. for some reason (which i can't explain) i would havee thought the republicans would be polling better here. From the poll numbers I've read...the thing which made the difference for Bush with latinos was that in January of 04 he proposed a guest-worker program. It was never again discussed in the campaign because it didn't poll well with anyone outside of the latino community, but a very significant number of latinos did cite that proposal as a reason they voted for Bush.
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