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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 02:46 PM) Alot of his DH-ing was due to having our DH injured, and to get some at-bats for his backup who was also swinging a hot bat. Yes, but playing DH also gives a guy a break from fielding, thereby keeping him more rested.
  2. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 02:34 PM) When Healthy PK plays about 155 games a year lets say. So you are calling for a trade so we can have someone play 7 games!!!! Well, PK played 155 games last year, but he only started at 1st in 137 of them. The rest he either DHed or pinch hit. That leaves a few more than 7 games to fill in based on that number. Most he's ever played in teh field is 144.
  3. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 02:00 PM) Fanastic Four (which looks like an awful movie). But...Jessica Alba...!!!!! (The bald guy is Michael Chiklis by the way)
  4. QUOTE(Antonio Osuna @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 12:54 PM) The Cubs, sadly, are a contending team now. And they're about to get a ton better as people get off the DL. Last year, the Tampa Bay Devil Rays had like a 9 game winning streak. And I have a lot of trouble thinking that people will be coming back from the DL and not going back there pretty fast. And even if they do...Kerry Wood will not perform any better than Sergio Mitre did today. Right now, all of the Cubs replacement pitchers are holding it together. That is luck. Even if they get people back, they won't be a better team than they are now. (Unless Prior comes back healthy)
  5. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 01:42 PM) Does this mean Wagner will be able to be moved??? I think this means the Phils realized their bullpen was costing them games, and that they needed another reliever to stay in the hunt in the tough NL East. Which means, no, Wagner will not be moved.
  6. QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 01:16 PM) The triceps injury was from playing in the field, but the ankle thing? I thought he hurt that running the bases. I thought the ankle thing was from playing the field... In fact, I found the article that tells me for sure. "Thomas fractured the navicular bone in his left ankle on June 17 of last season, while fielding a ground ball hit by Juan Pierre during a contest in Florida."
  7. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 01:06 PM) The only thing I worry about is the last few injuries with Frank have been a direct corelation with him in the field. I think we need to go and get someone to be the backup. That's exactly my worry with Frank as well. Everett isn't a great fielder, but he's not going to end up on the DL if he plays outfield every few days. Frank on the other hand seems to end up on the DL for months every time he's in the field. I've been as opposed to this team making a deal as anyone around here, but if Gload cannot play first base, and we don't have anyone else who is big-league ready to play first, then we are going to need to find someone else. What Happens if Paulie gets hit by a pitch or something and can't continue in the game? (Or twists an ankle running). Can anyone name any people out there who can play both first base and the outfield or first base and the middle infield who we could grab as backups? Even if they're not that good with the bat, it would just be very nice to have someone who isn't a defensive liability there. (You'll also note that I think it's a good idea if the person can play more than 1 position, thereby giving a strong suggestion as to who he could replace on the roster).
  8. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 11:43 AM) Well barring a trade, who would you rather have in vs. lefties, Cotts or Marte????? If there are people on base or the game is very close, I'd prefer to bring in Cotts. He has a far lower WHIP than Marte (1.08 vs. 1.57), which means to me that he's going to be much less likely to allow the run to score if he's already there. He's also yet to give up a long ball this season. On the other hand, if no one's on base and it's not a 1 run game, I'd bring in Marte, because Marte's ERA is lower, which means he is going to probably let a guy or two get on base, but they're not likely to score. He has given up 3 home runs however, which means that in a very close game, he's a bit of a risk. I also don't think I'd leave him out there for 2 innings unless I had no choice (going into extra innings, etc.)
  9. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 09:53 AM) They held teams to the lowest field goal percentage in the league. Field goal percentage is all it comes down to in the end... not the amount of points given up. Well, yeah winning in FG percentage is nice, but you also have to control rebounds and turnovers to keep the points lowest. I consider those topics linked. If you create a lot of turnovers, you give up less shots, and therefore give up less points. If you own the defensive boards (hi Tyson!), you give up less second shot opportunities, and therefore give up less points. If you don't do those 2 things, then even if you hold FG percentage in check, you still can give up enough points to hurt yourself.
  10. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 10:53 AM) To me it sounds like the Bulls called his bluff, and he realized it before it was too late. I think based on my readings this morning that he actually got a better deal from JR yesterday... From what I could tell, the Bulls were offering a 3 year contract with a team option on a 4th, and Skiles yesterday got the team to agree to make it a 4 year guaranteed deal. Either way...I'm glad we're keeping a coach now that we've found one who at least knew how to win a few games.
  11. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 10:31 AM) Does he do that rocking thing with his body and bat wiggle from his right handed batting stance? Not to my eyes...he seems far more settled and stationary from the right side. Not that it's a bad thing either way - there are guys that have far wierder motions than anything Carl does. I think he still opens his stance up when he gets 2 strikes against most pitchers from both sides though.
  12. If you got to play with any 1 person in the big leagues, who would it be? Have you had the chance to speak to either KW or Ozzie? If so, what are your impressions of each of them? If you got to pick a jersey number, what # would you wear?
  13. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 09:33 AM) It is funny to hear everyone jump on people who discredit certian media for their views, but as soon as a "conservative" columnist gets mentioned, everyone comes out to discredit them. Irony. Are we talking about people being discredited for their views or because they were completely wrong about something? Drudge has been repeatedly, utterly wrong about a very large number of his "breaking scoops", and I think that the Kerry Smear was probably the worst of them. When CBS screwed up that story...I stopped using CBS as a source for anything for roughly 6 months, until the people responsible were gone. I still hesitate to use them as a source. Likewise, I don't trust a damn thing Judith Miller writes at the NYT, because she was the one who the Administration/the Iraqi National Congress spoonfed their anonymous stories about Iraq's WMD programs. On the ohter hand, Drudge gets something wrong, and it gets picked up by networks all over the place...most of which never bother to issue a retraction, and neither does he. And even though he shouldn't have credibility left at all, people still consider him a legit source.
  14. There is just something incredibly precious about reading a post where a writer who I disagree with complains about the inability of a TV editor to spell a word... And then goes on to misspell the word "appalling" when describing the situation.
  15. QUOTE(ScottPodRulez22 @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 09:38 PM) Is everything ok? I agree with you if they are Happily, Eddy will probably be having the DNA Test that they're asking for. So we will actually know the answer to that question soon. With any luck...that contract for Skiles makes signing C & C a lot easier. Both of them now have a guy who can turn them into absolute monsters. We saw that last year. This team was the 2nd best defensive team in the league, and about 75% of it was due to Skiles. He got Deng to play tough. He worked hard on Gordon. He turned Chandler into a monster in the lane on defense. He still has work to do with Curry...but if Curry's willing to listen to him, then he might be able to play both ends of the floor next year too.
  16. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 08:20 AM) I'd bet money it was Sam Smith he was talking about... You don't have to bet. Everyone out there is certain of it.
  17. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 09:39 AM) Though this was funny, I believe Tony the Tiger's got 3 PH homers this year. He had one last night and the guys on Baseball Tonight mentioned that stat...the guy probably heard it there and used it to sound like he knew something. The one last night was a monster and it almost really helped us out (thank you MLB Extra innings) Arizona down by 3 to the Twinkies, 2 runners on in the 8th, against Juan "I never used steroids and am heartbroken I was suspended for them" Rincon, 2 outs...Tony comes up for the pitcher and absolutely crushes the ball. Dead center field in Arizona, like 430 feet or so. Tie game. Arizona blew it in the 9th on a bundle of fielding errors when they had Torii Hunter caught in a run down. But man...I was practically jumping up and down at that home run.
  18. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 10:17 PM) Here's my lineup prediction: - Ozuna, LF - Iguchi - Rowand - Konerko - Dye - Crede - Widger - Uribe - Hernandez If Iguchi's back has been bothering him...I pretty much fully expect Ozzie to give Tad an extra day on the bench today. I look to see Harris (or maybe even Ozuna) at 2nd. Tad's been struggling and his back has been tight...3 days off before heading to San Diego might just be the cure for that problem.
  19. Well...I actually consider this to be slightly good news...I was really starting to worry about Iguchi's swing, his BA has dropped like 30 points in the last 10 days or so, and he went 0-5 on Monday, which is just not the Iguchi we saw earlier this year. If there's a physical reason why he's struggling, at least with a little bit of rest, hopefully he'll snap out of it. Time to give Willie another game at 2b tonight, with the off day tomorrow that gives Gooch 3 days off in a row, and hopefully that'll do the job. If not, well, maybe make it 4, but I want him in there against the Padres. And yes, this proves once again why Timo's roster spot should go to Gload whenever Gload is healthy enough to play 1b.
  20. QUOTE(chi-guy2 @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 09:30 AM) carl should do what valentin did and stop hitting righty all together and work on his left side See, now this makes absolutely no sense to me. Right now, Carl is hitting .353 from the Right side of the plate, and .210 from the left side of the plate. Why exactly would he want to stop hitting from the side that is working for him? I understand he needs to work on his left side to get that average out of the sewer, but come on, if you're hitting .350 from one side of the plate, you don't stop hitting from that side. Maybe you even do it more often.
  21. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 05:38 AM) As far as interleague games, the Sox are matched up with the Cubs, while Minnesota gets to play Milwaukee. If we don't catch the Cubs in their occasional random 6 game spurt, doesn't that give us the advantage? Hell, the Brew Crew are beating up on the Yankees right now.
  22. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Jun 8, 2005 -> 07:08 AM) Drudge for me is still the best for breaking news, conservative or not. Like when he broke that Kerry was having an affair...oh wait, yeah, that was completely wrong. Drudge gets "Breaking" news because he has a few people at ABC, The NYT, and the WaPo who tell him what they're going to be publishing a few hours before the paper goes to print. That's it.
  23. BKim has now struck out 7 after K-ing Paulie...that ties his career high.
  24. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 07:25 PM) HOLY s*** ARE YOU f***ING SERIOUS? THATS A FOUL BALL?? WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET YOUR CRACK? OH MY f***ING GOD THAT IS RIDICULOUS Gameday is calling it a foul bunt. :banghead
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