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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. 1-0, Konerko's thousandth hit followed by a hit by Dye.
  2. Well...you can cancel the postgame show...thanks Paulie, I didnt' want to be no-hit by Kim.
  3. Kim goes up to the plate and forgets to bring his bat with him the first time. Hmmm....
  4. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 06:31 PM) That was just a terrible inning by our 6-7-8 hitters there. Uribe is close to becoming the liability at the plate that many people believe that Crede is. I'm still going to sit here and hope that those 2 will suddenly turn it around at some point. And then I'll hope that's not a false hope.
  5. 1st and third with no one out and we leave the inning without scoring off of BYKim. You're kidding, right? No really?
  6. Come on Juan...just hit the ball in the air to the outfield.
  7. If Paulie gets a hit today...he ought to keep the ball. That'll be 1000 for him if he does. Anywho...is the dreaded leadoff walk as dreaded when Paulie is running?
  8. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 06:23 PM) Phew, that first inning was a little scary. Contreras is working slow and his location looks off. No score. I always worry about him in the first...it seems like he's turning into one of those guys that can settle down as the game goes along.
  9. QUOTE(HSC's Biggest Fan @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 05:10 PM) Sounded like JR and Skiles got it done. Funny how this whole thing worked. I wonder what f***nuts Mariotti is going to write about now that both coaches got long-term deals. How Reinsdorf finally did 2 things right in a row? Hell, I don't like JR that much as an owner, but the events of today are enough to make me sit back and applaud.
  10. Official story from the Trib can be found Here
  11. QUOTE(farmteam @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 04:18 PM) At least the Spelling Bee is a well known commodity, and I'm fine with it being on ESPN2...Mathcounts finals, however...:| Hey...I won my regional Mathcounts competition when I was a junior in high school. They gave us these crazy "Don't Math with Me" pins.
  12. QUOTE(Spod=Ratings @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 04:19 PM) and on the score You're kidding...that's wonderful news. And 1 day after the talks supposedly exploded underneath them. Man, what the Hell happened today?
  13. Balta1701


    QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 04:09 PM) Eh, they suck ass in customer service, try calling them at a "peak usage time" to get help. It won't happen. Plus all of their damn workers can hardly speak english on the phone which also sucks. I've done both. The motherboard on my laptop died a few months ago...I got through with relative ease during daylight hours, and the next day a guy came by & replaced the part. They're also simple to get ahold of via email. Then again...I could just be comparing them to my previous, disasterous experience with Gateway. I have a service sheet a mile long from that company. They were awful.
  14. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 03:58 PM) What backwater hell-hole do you live in to believe that? Oh, that's right, canada. If you can say that you don't think rather had ANY personal agendas in his many stories about the Bush administration, with a straight face, you need new meds. If you actually read the outside report on the matter that CBS commissioned, Rather actually had very little to do with the real reporting in the story. It was mainly work done by the 3 people who lost their jobs - the producer of the story & like 2 others. Rather was doing quite a bit of other work that week, and was basically handed that 60 minutes report at the last minute, with someone telling him "Yeah it's solid".
  15. Balta1701


    QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 04:03 PM) Dell is great, until you need help if you have a problem. Hopefully you or someone you know can take care of a computer problem, should you ever have one. I've had my Inspiron 5000 since I graduated from HS back in 2000, recently put some more RAM in it and still use it to surf the net. Only problem I had was about a year ago had to get a new hard drive because I had a failed boot sector. I've found them to be quite helpful even when I have had a problem...although my system is still under warranty.
  16. QUOTE(robin_ventura_eternal @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 02:45 PM) nah, he wont play frank, cause franks ankle is still shaky and the rockies blow a fat dick this year. and if its true that frank isnt concerned about PT, and i assume it is, i dont see why he wont sit. you just got to remember that the rockies are the worst team in the league this year, even worse than the royals. frank is in good shape, i could tell from the games the other day he played in, he just cant play the feild yet cause that lateral movement might f*** him up again. ozzie'l wait til the next series, my money says. I hope to God that Ozzie doesn't play Frank at 1b all season. The last thing we need is our DH getting hurt again because he's playing the field when he shouldn't be.
  17. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 02:41 PM) This is what I've always thought, but I've thought it's better if you mix and match everyday instead of getting mass substitutions in there. Well, let's think about it...which one would give you the chance to win more games...playing more of your subs on 1 day or spreading them out. I would guess spreading them out would stand to cost you more...simply because any time you take a starter out of the game, you're taking a decently large step down in quality. If you take several starters out at once...you hurt yourself for 1 game, and you free yourself to keep your best lineup in there all of the rest of the days.
  18. QUOTE(robin_ventura_eternal @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 02:24 PM) HEY, whats wrong with Timo??! Did he not win that game in the 9th against the LAAA (LA angels of anaheim, haha, what a gay name) just a few games ago?? Be fortunate for Timo, he's a great utility player, don't take him for granted. I remember another game at the beginning of the season that he won with a clutch pinch hit earlier in the season, too. Timo's better than other team's utility players by far, I think. I can't even name another team's utility player (then again i'm extremely biased to the sox). Except chone figgins playing right feild against us in the cell and he dropped a fly ball that eventually cost them the victory. name a better utility man. To be a "Utility" player, don't you have to be able to play some position other than the outfield without causing your team to lose the game? Juan Uribe is a better Utility player. Pablo Ozuna is a better utility player.
  19. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 01:33 PM) I'd buy that argument at 13, but not 17. If you're 17 and you rob a place, kill a person, rape a person, stab a person you can't use the I was young and dumb excuse. You are treated as an adult. So why should the young and dumb excuse fly here. Why is a 17 yr old in this case not expected to be responsible for their actions, but a 17 yr old that robs a store is. This poor panicky girl had no problem doing the deed and I'm quite sure she knew the possible consequences. I'll strongly disagree that they understood the consequences. Do you think that the kids would have done it if they knew that 1 of them would face life in prison? Secondly...just because some states think that if you're 17 and do any of those things you should be tried as an adult doesn't mean that its the right thing. There are very high percentages of youths who genuinely aren't in a position to make sound judgements at that age. That's why most every other country in the world sets the bar at the age of 18 for allowing children to be treated as an adult by the legal system, and that's why I think it should be set that way in this country. Whether or not that's the case in this situation (they weren't prepared to make a decision), I don't have a clue. These people could have been the wisest, most mature 17 year olds in the country for all I know. But then again...if they're 17, pregnant, and don't really have any plans for what to do, do you really think they're emotionally developed to the point of making sound, rational, adult decisions? Do you think that kids who get pregnant at the age of 17 are the sorts who really stop to consider all the consequences of their actions? Doesn't the fact that she got pregnant in the first place argue that her ability to make sound decisions isn't fully developed yet?
  20. Here's an update on the laws in Texas that could have played a role in this mess.
  21. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 12:39 PM) She decided sometime after the 4th month she didn't want it so she beat her stomach and her boyfriend jumped on it...and you blame it on a notification law instead of the two persons involved. Do you think I'm admiring them? Not at all. I think that they need some serious help. I was not trying to blame the law, only to note that it could have been important. Remember, these are still teenage kids. Every other country other than the U.S. and Somalia has signed onto a treaty saying that children under the age of 18 need to be dealt with differently by countries' legal systems because in many (not all) cases, they don't have the judgement to understand how insane what they're doing really is. These kids were clearly wrong. Of course. No one in their right mind would say otherwise. But when you put enough different ideas in the minds of a person who hasn't fully developed the ability for rational decision making, these sorts of things are the net result. Clearly, if there was a parental notification law, it's not the only factor, but I would say you shouldn't discount it as being a possible factor. (By the way...in general I'm in favor of those laws as long as they're teamed with education). I would hope that both of those teenagers received an enormous amount of counseling and treatment after what happened here. I don't think that it deserves life in prison for 1 of them.
  22. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 11:47 AM) i think one of the ESPN broadcasts brought that stat up. I wouldnt even know where to find a stat like that. I'll have your stats and eat them too... Back in the early part of the year, ESPN took a look at a few of these categories in their "Hot stove heaters" feature. Some of the things they looked at were most pitches per at bat, fewest strikes taken as called strikes, etc. Uribe appears on none of them. So he's somewhere lost in the pack. A.J. and Dye get their names on a couple of the lists, if you're interested.
  23. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 11:31 AM) I'm appalled at all the HSers being drafted. It's killling the game. These kids are years away from contributing. They really should make an age limit. Did this just turn into an NBA Thread? Isn't that why we have the minor leagues? So that even if people do draft high schoolers...and they're years away from contributing...teams have plenty of time to work with them?
  24. QUOTE(DABearSoX @ Jun 7, 2005 -> 11:31 AM) Havent herd that before.....seriosuly Uribe needs to slow the f*** down and look at a few pitches Why is it that with Crede and Uribe it always seems that when they take the first pitch, it's a strike, but when they swing at it, it ends up being outside the strike zone?
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