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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. Current NASCAR racer Robbie Gordon is quite infuriated by the concept of Danica Patrick, a female, being able to race along with the big boys. His reason? Women weigh less than men, and he thinks that's an unfair advantage. Yeah, so I think Gordon's next step will be to make sure that no one in racing goes on a diet. He also will try to pass a rule such that everyone he races against must be unable to fit in an airline seat. In other news...Robbie Gordon also wants male baseball players to be forced to swing concrete bats, because the fact that men tend to be able to swing a bat harder than women puts them at a huge disadvantage, and you know how he wants everyone to be on a level playing field. Tiger Woods must also replace his normal golf balls with pieces of rock collected from Hawaii. Otherwise, it's just unfair to everyone else on the tour.
  2. Maybe KW just saw the weather report & decided to give Gload another day of rest/practice in AAA.
  3. "That ball's hit deep to left field...way back...he looks up you can put it on the board...y-yes! Number 437 for Frank Thomas, and the Sox lead it 3-0!" Oh sorry...was fantasizing. If he's in our lineup on monday...I don't care if he goes 0-6...let's make him come out for a curtain call. Or two.
  4. Let's look on the bright side. This is 1 less game we have to play without #35 in the lineup. If he's in the lineup on this homestand...he better get about a 20 minute ovation when he comes out.
  5. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ May 28, 2005 -> 03:21 PM) Game, Twins Win Well its not over, but it is over You confused me for a moment there. All they need is a hit by PH Gregg Zaun.
  6. Toronto just picked up a pair of runs on a double off of Nathan in the 9th, following 2 hits and a throwing error by Cuddyer. It's now 4-3, with a man on 2nd.
  7. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 28, 2005 -> 02:01 PM) Hawkins was never a great closer, even with the Twins when Eddie Guardado was injured. He is a good 8th inning setup man, that is all. Personally, i think he "was" a good setup man, not is. His problems right now are due to more than just having to close. He's absolutely been a terrible pitcher.
  8. QUOTE(doUrememberwhen @ May 28, 2005 -> 03:04 PM) same here but does extra innings do doubles? I'm pretty sure that I caught a Cubs double header on Extra Innings earlier this year, so I'm 90% confident the answer is yes. That is of course, barring any wierd scheduling agreements I don't know about (I'm imagining something like ESPN having exclusive rights to all sunday evening games no matter what...if that were the case then who knows.)
  9. I really wont' complain if we get rained out today, for purely selfish reasons of course. I'm out in CA, and only the Giants game was being carried on Fox today...and since Fox had the Sox game, DirecTV extra innings didn't have it. With a little bit more rain...I can catch both games tomorrow.
  10. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ May 28, 2005 -> 02:10 PM) Why wouldnt Garland Pitch Sunday, and Buehrle on Monday. That makes sence. Under your situation, who would pitch on Sunday, with Garland pitching Monday? Ack...you're right, brain death here. Garland pitches tomorrow, Buehrle Monday. That's what happens when you spend the whole morning looking at microscope slides.
  11. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ May 28, 2005 -> 02:01 PM) If the game is canceled, do they have a double header tomorrow, or do they have a double header next time the sox go to texas (aug 29-31) and if there isnt a double header tomorrow, does that mean the Buehrle will start Monday? If this game is called, I'd say you're 20-1 there's a double header tomorrow. If for some reason they don't schedule it tomorrow, then Garland will go on Monday, and everyone will be bounced back a day. No reason to give Garland a 10 day rest. On the other hand...is anyone else thinking about a double-header with Garland and Buehrle as our pitchers, and imagining us giving up like 2 hits in 18 innings?
  12. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 28, 2005 -> 12:32 PM) Of course. I meant at least until Frank is back. Well, unfortunately for Ross (and hopefully...fortunately for our lineup)...according to KW that won't be for more than a few games.
  13. QUOTE(fathom @ May 28, 2005 -> 11:38 AM) We're going with our usual lineup today. No benchers are playing. Should be good enough for a solid one or two runs. Last time we faced Chan Ho Park...A.J. hit a slam in the 1st inning. If facing Chan Ho Park can't wake this lineup up...I don't know what will.
  14. QUOTE(Jabroni @ May 28, 2005 -> 11:37 AM) The Choadmeister needs to be playing 1st base with Konerko DH'ing if he is brought up. Problem with that is...Gload is only gonna have a couple days to play 1b before we get another DH back off the DL. If KW is to be believed, then within about 3 or 4 days, the big hurt will be rejoining that club. Konerko has been killing the ball lately, and has re-earned his place in the lineup. Even if he's DHing for a few days with Everett/Dye on the bench, we'll have to shuffle things back up again to put ol #35 back in there in the DH hole. And no offense to Ross's bat...but if you gave me the choice between Gload at 1b and Konerko DHing and Konerko at 1b and the big hurt at DH, except for when Paulie needs a break I'll take the 2nd option every single time i'm given that choice. Every one.
  15. QUOTE(CWSOX45 @ May 28, 2005 -> 08:39 AM) Huff is struggling this year, but he always seems to turn it on. He's had a pretty couple solid seasons for the D-Rays. Not to mention that Huff can play multiple positions. (1B, 3B, LF, RF, DH). CWSOX45 Jermaine Dye is struggling this year, but he always seems to turn it on. Carl Everett is struggling this year, but he always seems to turn it on. Aaron Rowand is struggling this year, but he always seems to turn it on. Paul Konerko is struggling this year, but he always seems to turn it on. A.J. Pierzynski is struggling this year, but he always seems to turn it on. Juan Uribe is struggling this year, but he always seems to turn it on. Do you see the problem yet? We've got like 7 or 8 guys who we're hoping will somehow pull themselves out of a slump. The solution people keep offering all over these boards is that we should make some sort of a trade for a guy like Castilla, Chavez, or now Huff, who are struggling just as much themselves! In other words...you're telling me that the perfect addition to a team of struggling players is a player who you tell me is struggling himself. So why exactly should I be more confident that Aubrey Huff will come out of his slump better than any of our guys? And why is it worth McCarthy or Anderson to get these struggling players? This is just beyond me.
  16. I love how both Ozuna and Harris have fake/bunted themselves into 2 strike counts. Yeah, that's productive.
  17. QUOTE(sircaffey @ May 27, 2005 -> 04:46 PM) It definitely would be a tremendous pickup. Left handed w/ extreme power. It wouldn't be too far of a stretch to think he could hit 55 HR in the Cell if he continues to develop. Belle-esque... I'm sorry, but I just don't see how calling someone "Belle-esque" is a compliment.
  18. Remember back in 2000 where the team went on the road to Cleveland and New York and swept both series? That team deserved a greeting at the airport (and the full stadium awaiting them when they got back home). This team wins that division...they'll deserve a greeting at the airport. This team heads to Boston and New York in August and sweeps both, they'll deserve a greeting at the airport. (and a packed house for Minnesota). This hasn't exactly been an amazing road trip thus far. Personally...I'd prefer a rally in Grant Park. In Late October.
  19. QUOTE(DABearSoX @ May 27, 2005 -> 12:11 PM) TOUCHE until it reached terminal velocity though.....YES! But you see...Terminal velocity is caused by the wind resistance on an object - the force of friction due to wind balances out the force of gravity, reducing acceleration to zero. A marble and a bowling ball would have different surface areas and ratios of surface area to mass. Therefore, they would be affected differently by the wind resistance, and consequently, have different terminal velocities. So I don't think that helps you out of this conundrum either.
  20. Frank has also been saying that he feels real good hitting. He's been saying that since the spring. The only thing he's been complaining about has been running. If I have confidence in anyone to know when they're ready to hit, it's the big man. If he says he's ready to hit...I'll believe him.
  21. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ May 27, 2005 -> 12:29 PM) Agreed. Adding Chavez can boost us to the playoffs and can help make us a playoff contender for years to come. Similar to when the Cardinals added Scott Rolen in 2000 I believe? Anyways- if we get rid of Crede and add a new 3B Chavez would be my 1st choice. I would also consider Blalock. I think adding Chavez would be doing the exact opposite of what has been so successful for us this season. In the offseason, we got rid of 3 very-high-salary guys (Lee, Valentin, Ordonez), and we spread that money around to pay for guys like Hernandez, Pierzynski, Pods, Iguchi, Rowand, Dye, and Hermanson. Adding Chavez is a step back in the opposite direction. Last year, Lee, Valentin, Ordonez, and Konerko absorbed something like 40% of the Sox salary. No other team in baseball poured such a high percentage of its total salary into 4 people. Not one, not the Yankees, not the Red Sox, not the Cards with Pujols and Rolen, no one at all. By subtracting the big salary guys, we were able to fill in the pretty large gaps we had around them, like the 5th starter spot, 2nd base, the bench, the bullpen, and catcher. Right now, we're reaping the benefits of that decision. If we were to Add Chavez, he would instantly become the 2nd highest paid player on our roster this season, and he would be in a position to be the highest paid one on it the next few seasons (depending on what Konerko and Thomas do). This is a step in the wrong direction. It's a step back towards less flexibility in the off season, and a step back towards where we were last year. I don't care how good he is...he fits perfectly into a formula that doesn't work.
  22. QUOTE(Wanne @ May 27, 2005 -> 12:30 PM) I've been as anxious as anybody to get Frank back into the lineup...but these numbers don't do much for my chubby. I'm trying not to read too much into this and I realize he's just getting back into it...but... Rehab to date (10 games): 6-for-33 (.182) with four walks, seven strikeouts, one double, two runs and one RBI. Can he be any worse than Carl Everett is at the plate right now?
  23. QUOTE(mrzo2733 @ May 27, 2005 -> 12:15 PM) If we're gonna go after an outfielder I'd like him to be better than Mackowiak. I think the fact is...when you look around MLB, there's not going to be much available for a non-obscene price that is better htan Machowiak. No matter what, we'd be trying to replace a guy who was struggling, and we'd likely be trying to do it with another guy who is struggling on his own (look at the recent threads here - Chavez, Lowell, etc.) Otherwise...the cost for an upgrade will be astronomical, especially when the Red Sox and Yankees get into the fray.
  24. QUOTE(AirScott @ May 27, 2005 -> 10:23 AM) oh i bet braves fans feel the same way Yeah, I bet they would...had they not won 1 back in 95.
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