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He'll Grab Some Bench
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About clujer420

  • Birthday 09/29/1980

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  • Location
    Glendale, CA

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Charlotte Knights (AAA)
  • Favorite Sox player
    Frank Thomas
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    Whoever our next superstar is

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  1. clujer420

    95 Degrees!!

    I'm with ya man. I live in Glendale, and it's gotta be around 90 here. But hey, it's So Cal, so I'm not totally shocked.
  2. Weaver for Gordon? I can virtually guarantee you that was not the trade Hawk was referencing. Like a few others pointed out, that would NOT blow anyone's socks off.
  3. I'm sure someone probably already said this, but I didn't read the whole thread...but why not put Tony G at SS and give him 130 or so starts?
  4. http://sportsbybrooks.com/sportsbybrooks.mov LMFAO! The best part is the look on Dan Patrick's face.
  5. clujer420


    Where did he go in the first place?
  6. The ratings for the Red Sox/Yankees series were HUGE. I heard that the games have been getting ratings in the 20's -- the biggest ratings baseball has gotten in years.
  7. LOL, nah, but you know what I'm saying. If someone wants to get your personal information, someone with the know-how is going to get it. In essence, yes, it would be easier to just hand it over, but again, that's a bit extreme.
  8. Steff, I have no idea if you are being sincere or if this is one of your psycho babble sessions, but where in this list of links am I "wavering"? = me on July 21 = me again on July 21 = me yet again on July 21 = me on July 21 Yeah Steff, I reallllllllllllllllly wavered. All I ever said that could even be remotely mistaken for "wavering" was that we would have to wait and see and that I am disappointed in Kobe. That is hardly wavering. So, for calling me a liar and trying to use BS quotes by me as "evidence", :fyou.
  9. I don't see how anyone could be against it. I don't care if it takes an hour to get the call right as long as the right call is made. That seems like the fair thing to me. Although, I WOULD like to know what some of these referees are looking at under that hooded monitor. Think it could be some porn or something, because it seems like sometimes they look at a play from 234956873489 different angles and they still seem to get it wrong.
  10. I like how Dungy only starts complaining about the instant replay when his team loses. He was 5-0 and I didn't hear s*** about him complaining, but his precious Colts lose a game, and he blames it on the ineffectiveness of instant replay. Nevermind the fact that in their comeback game against the Buccaneers, the Colts executed a successful onsides kick that the NFL has since deemed was ILLEGAL. Dungy, shut the f*** up. :fyou
  11. Heh, while it may not be prudent to give someone's identity out without his/her consent, nothing can really happen. Let's face it -- if someone wants to find out who any one of us really is, a half-way decent computer mind could hack into our IP address and find out exactly who we are, where we live, where we work, our license plate number, various phone numbers, and probably even our SS numbers and credit card information. It's nothing to really sit and worry about IMO.
  12. LMAO, what a complete moron. You know, "son", your posts used to be some good comic relief, but you were always like the lovable moron. Your recent posts (and by recent, I mean the past 2 months or so) have taken a severe turn for the worst, and now you have been reduced to nothing more than a SPAMMER. And what "class" are you in? The special ed class? , what a waste of a life.
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