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Big Hurtin

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Everything posted by Big Hurtin

  1. Oh, his teammate let him down? How does it feel f***face (him)
  2. What sports franchise has more disdain for their fans than the CWS?
  3. Big Hurtin

    2022 Catch All

    and drones, and the ability to track your comings and goings...
  4. Josh Donaldson hurt New York Yankees didn't publicly support him after comment about Tim Anderson https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/34021377/josh-donaldson-upset-new-york-yankees-publicly-support-spat-tim-anderson
  5. Sigh, I miss the brutally honest Steve that jettisoned himself from the Cubs booth.
  6. Welcome back... to the bench. ?‍♂️
  7. All the Cubs fans there won't be coming back anyway.
  8. I blame the banner. Can you put La Russa on there?
  9. What did I miss? I came back and Anderson is on the ground.
  10. “No! It's a catch-22. The amount of alcohol it would take would literally kill me!” - Archer
  11. That explains it. Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
  12. What was that old ad, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it." ?
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