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Big Hurtin

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Everything posted by Big Hurtin

  1. Re: lack of Vaughn playing time - Does anyone think Tony might be sending a message to the front office?
  2. To be fair, when you have starters that can't give you at least 5 innings, your bullpen will be exposed.
  3. Need to turn this into a Yermin meme. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/michael-jordans-and-i-took-that-personally
  4. If he keeps hitting like that, he might have to stick around a while.
  5. Saw this on MLB.com. ? https://www.mlb.com/news/catcher-uses-potato-in-baseball-game?t=offbeat I had never heard of the "Potato Caper".
  6. Angel fans showing respect, chanting MVP for Kopech. ?
  7. Aside from rooting for a different team, you fit right in. ?
  8. This team is a lot better than the one I watched last night.
  9. Wow, I thought Oakland was the house of horrors.
  10. Wow, world class rating https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/22072/320652/ 17% abv ?
  11. I didn't know Lucas' grandfather was the doctor on Twin Peaks and George Costanza's would've been father-in-law.
  12. I'm gonna miss these uniforms. I wish they'd keep these as the alternates.
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