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Big Hurtin

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Everything posted by Big Hurtin

  1. Saladino is good. What do you think the plan is, now that they have Moncada?
  2. These guys on MLB Network are pleasant to listen to. I think the only tough decision is going to be at Kansas City.
  3. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 6, 2017 -> 07:43 PM) wikileaks is also now pushing the "gas attack was a hoax" line https://twitter.com/oneunderscore__/status/...976416284418048 Yeah, I just saw that #Syriahoax is a top trending topic on Twitter.
  4. Not sure if I'm feeling this season's Archer. I guess the format had gotten stale. Hopefully there's more interaction between the other characters.
  5. Meh, so they throw a little gas... https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-elect...m-again-n604411
  6. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Apr 5, 2017 -> 05:28 AM) Yeah, that's great. We have Forrest Gump as Secretary of State.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 4, 2017 -> 09:36 PM) You don't get it. It's not about "lifestyle" it's about believing ridiculous and stupid things. Well, for some, that is their lifestyle.
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 4, 2017 -> 06:47 PM) And some thinly veiled threats if military action on NK https://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/849382684686254086 and North Korea just fired another missile into the ocean
  9. Look on the bright side. We have James Shields to look forward to.
  10. QUOTE (flavum @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 04:46 PM) They aren't playing today. They're just doing everything else. That will be really lame.
  11. This "music" is awful. I can't imagine hearing it full blast at the park.
  12. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 01:23 PM) Everyone has that senile uncle or aunt that gets all of their opinions from a morning news show. .... Then imagine voting for them as POTUS. (Might be a hat on a hat)
  13. QUOTE (chitownsportsfan @ Apr 3, 2017 -> 03:40 PM) I still can't get used to "Guaranteed Rate Field". Just puke worthy. Is there a lot of signage at the park? Hopefully they downplay it.
  14. What's there to watch this year? It seems like the only story is if the Cubs will repeat. Maybe it's just because the White Sox are expected to stink, but it looks like it's going to be a boring year.
  15. https://mobile.twitter.com/th3j35t3r/status...660042320986115 Trump's cabinet right now (Can't embed from phone)
  16. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 24, 2017 -> 02:11 PM) Trump taking credit for business investments announced in April 2016 https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/845295943230668801 Trump would take credit for the sun coming up.
  17. Sib Hashian - Boston (the band) drummer
  18. Schiff, "More than circumstantial evidence" http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2017/0...;source=copyurl
  19. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 22, 2017 -> 12:58 PM) No offense to the UK but Chicago must have terrorist attacks every day then I thought Trump was going to stop by and take care of that.
  20. Did anyone watch Rachel Maddow's segment last night about the weaponized use of bots to deceminate fake news? Two thoughts came to mind: 1. If Trump is really that deep in with the Russians, could his overuse of course the term "fake news" be him openly mocking us, while amusing his pal Putin? 2. Maybe Greg isn't really a user, but a Russian bot. (Just kidding on number 2)
  21. Chris Matthews had a good take on Trump's cronies. https://www.google.com/amp/freebeacon.com/p...s-saturday/amp/
  22. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 17, 2017 -> 03:52 PM) Oh and Trump is asking the military to revise their policies to get as close to the line of "war crimes" as possible: https://twitter.com/samueloakford/status/842750506443427840 Donald "Kill Their Families" Trump That's seriously effed up. 25th ammendment can't happen soon enough.
  23. QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Mar 17, 2017 -> 08:08 AM) Can one of the Anti-Hawk and Pro-Benetti people please explain why they dislike Hawk and like Benetti? Hawk's act is old and tired. Benetti works WITH Steve. Hawk works NEAR Steve.
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