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Big Hurtin

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Everything posted by Big Hurtin

  1. The guy is totally off the rails. He's pissing and moaning about how the size of his inauguration crowd is being presented. He wants to investigate voter fraud, AND HE WON! When does this ever happen!?
  2. Ugh, that list. But just for fun, Steve Harvey. It would be hilarious when he declares war on the wrong country.
  3. So, all that vitriol about Hillary's server... https://www.wired.com/2017/01/trump-android...ecurity-threat/
  4. Steve, why are you surprised? Did you see the responses he got on his campaign trail? Your faith in your fellow man is admirable, but sadly misplaced.
  5. Trump brings his own cheering section. http://www.politicususa.com/2017/01/23/cbs...-cia-visit.html
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 23, 2017 -> 09:25 PM) Or North Korea How the f*** did so many people vote for this clown? How are we only 4 days in?
  7. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 20, 2017 -> 07:54 AM) Only a few hours left until all hell officially breaks loose.
  8. I wonder how the people who voted for him "because he's an outsider" are feeling now.
  9. Hmm, should have known http://www.openculture.com/2017/01/1958-tv...-the-world.html
  10. Supposedly, US intel warns Israel not to share intel with Trump. Fear = Trump > Russia > Iran http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4906642,00.html
  11. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 11, 2017 -> 09:11 PM) http://nba.nbcsports.com/2017/01/11/report...ct-this-summer/ Rose to seek a max contract. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  12. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 07:50 PM) Well, there is a sex tape out there At this point, the video could get leaked (hehe), and some folks would still be twisting themselves in pretzels to deny it.
  13. I'm pissed that the media is doing this. It's yellow journalism, which stinks. These folks are wet behind the ears.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 10:37 AM) The federal week in review: 1. Trump fires all Ambassadors and Special Envoys, ordering them out by inauguration day. 2. House brings back the Holman rule allowing them to reduce an individual civil service, SES positions, or political appointee's salary to $1, effectively firing them by amendment to any piece of legislation. We now know why they wanted names and positions of people in Energy and State. 3. Senate schedules 6 simultaneous hearings on cabinet nominees and triple-books those hearings with Trump's first press conference in months and an ACA budget vote, effectively preventing any concentrated coverage or protest. 4. House GOP expressly forbids the Congressional Budget Office from reporting or tracking ANY costs related to the repeal of the ACA. 5. Trump continues to throw the intelligence community under the bus to protect Putin, despite the growing mountain of evidence that the Russians deliberately interfered in our election. 6. Trump breaks a central campaign promise to make Mexico pay for the wall by asking Congress (in other words, us, the taxpayers) to pay for it. 7. Trump threatens Toyota over a new plant that was never coming to the US nor will take jobs out of the US. 8. House passes the REINS act, giving them veto power over any rules enacted by any federal agency or department--for example, FDA or EPA bans a drug or pesticide, Congress can overrule based on lobbyists not science. Don't like that endangered species designation, Congress kills it. Good, pile it on. Maybe then people will get off their asses and do something. The people who sat at home sulking instead of voting, you're getting what you deserve.
  15. QUOTE (zenryan @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 09:09 PM) Bill Walton is great tonight but I'm watching the normal broadcast. I don't want all the distractions Why is he dressed like Uncle Sam?
  16. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 09:21 AM) Obamacare is a weird example anyway because surveys find that people don't like "Obamacare" but they generally like all of the individual parts of Obamacare if they're described to them, except for the individual mandate. They like the Affordable Care Act, but hate Obamacare.
  17. I'd rather listen to the ambient sound of a public restroom in a village with a cholera outbreak, than listen to Hawk call another game.
  18. Damn, I thought it was going to be that they both decided to retire.
  19. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Dec 16, 2016 -> 12:04 PM) So let's take our pick - Cold War 2 - World War 3 - Civil War 2 - Israeli v. Middle East Part 5 E. all of the above
  20. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Dec 14, 2016 -> 07:15 PM) http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-roo...before-election Isn't this essentially accusing Trump of treason? Meh, just light treason.
  21. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 12, 2016 -> 03:56 PM) This morning, someone started dumping Lockheed Martin stock 6 minutes before Donald Trump tweeted negatively about them. what a lucky fella
  22. QUOTE (ChiSoxFanMike @ Nov 28, 2016 -> 04:27 PM) Watch them wait for weeks and then not pull the trigger on anything. That would be so typical. or months..., or years...
  23. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 22, 2016 -> 02:35 PM) Trump met with NYTimes, and had this to say: https://twitter.com/maggieNYT/status/801126093776449537 I'm glad he said that. I wish he would have more press interviews where this can all be discussed instead of Twitter. Ugh, it just brings to mind Howard Stern playing audio of his father saying "shut up, you know why."
  24. <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"> (a la Homer Simpson) This is going great.
  25. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Nov 14, 2016 -> 07:50 PM) Westworld: So Bernard's full name is an anagram for Arnold. Doesnt seem like a random coincidence. Arnold Weber? (Bernard Lowe)
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