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Hideaway Lights

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Posts posted by Hideaway Lights

  1. there are so many things wrong with this post I don't know where to start


    for onet thing, equating mark buehrle with "health and non-performance" issues seems thoroughly ludicrous given his track record prior to June 2006.

  2. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Mar 29, 2007 -> 07:23 AM)
    Baseball Prospectus predicts 72 wins and everyone becomes a pessimist.


    Everyone had this team neck and neck with Detroit for the Division title, then the Sox trade Garcia and B-Mac and they all of a sudden drop to 3rd, then Hall gets hurt and they are now in 4th.


    None of those moves really matter, it will all be dependent on how well the rotation performs (especially the big 4).


    1) No, actually everyone railed against that article when it was published. The Sox haven't won less than 75 games in 18 seasons. They shouldn't win less than 80 this year with the talent they have on this team.


    2) No, everyone still had Detroit and the Sox neck and neck even after the trades, because they somehow expected a miraculous year out of Vazquez and that the fifth starter wouldn't matter. They are now suddenly seeing the reality of the situation.


    3) The Garcia and B-Mac moves matter a whole lot, since we have a bad pitcher in the 4 slot now and a total question mark in the fifth slot.


    3rd place is still the most likely outcome.

  3. let's say that the backup catcher were to make 35 starts this season (a fairly reasonable assumption).


    If Hall batted .280, would everyone agree that would be a great season out of him? That's pretty much where I put the highest batting average he would have.


    Now say that his various replacements bat .200 at the back up catcher position, pretty much the lowest we can reasonably expect.


    You guys do realize that is a difference of just 11 hits, right?


    Not sure how that translates into 5-6 less wins for some of you...


    In any case, I've been saying this is a 3rd or 4th place club all offseason/preseason (since the Garcia trade) so I'm certainly not changing my tune at this point.

  4. My major point was that right now, on March 20th, we not only have no idea who are fifth starter is going to be, but we have no major league depth at the starting pitcher position vs. the last two seasons, when we had 5 seasoned starters going into the year (El Duque was the fifth starter in 05, Vazquez in 06). In the beginning portion of the season it's not likely to make as much of a difference, but if Contreras goes down for three weeks or so, what the hell is our rotation going to look like?


    We were already counting on:


    a) Contreras not to age much and hopefully still have lightening in a bottle left

    b) Buehrle returning to form

    c) Garland not going through the same April-May as last year

    d) Vazquez being improved


    now on top of that, we're counting on all being healthy AND getting a serviceable .500 ish pitcher out of the fifth slot from this erratic (read: motley) crew? Again, I like Danks for 2008 but he needs a few more ticks in the oven, no?


    When I look at the list of what we're counting on from this unit this year, about 5 different alarms go off in my head. This could either go really well if we can stay healthy and get career avg numbers from all our starters, or it could derail and get really really ugly really really quick.

  5. my point was that some people seem to have a very good idea of where brandon mccarthy is going to be, but "the jury's still out" on floyd...seem hypocritical.


    here's my main question - how many pitchers have pitched an over 7 era in the NL for their first 100 innings and then regained form to become serviceable major league pitchers? It's not like Garland or Contreras where he's hanging around the high 5s and 6s in the AL, he's in the SEVENS in the NL!

  6. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Mar 19, 2007 -> 04:09 PM)
    Dude you sound clueless all around. You're basing your opinion on Floyd based off of statistics in 108 innings of work in the majors, and you call Danks a AAAAer player when every publication considers him a top 5 prospect within the White Sox system and he's thrown 70 innings at the AAA level. A AAAA player is a non-prospect, something Danks is. Danks would be a AAA player right now that may have to pitch in the majors...so no, he's not a textbook definition of a AAAA player. That's Jeff Bajenaru or Ernie Young or Jeff Farnsworth.



    there are two definitions of a AAAA player


    a player that is too good to pitch in AAA but not good enough yet to pitch in the majors




    a player that is and will probably never be successful in the major leagues and is continually going back to the minors


    how does that first definition not apply to danks at this point, and how does the latter not apply to floyd?


    so 108 innings in the major leagues is suddenly not enough to judge a player? Fine. Is 151 enough? I wonder why so many people on this website have formed extremely solid opinions of brandon mccarthy one way or the other...


    I also believe that our lack of a solid fifth starter is going to kill us this season, not because of a fifth starter, because if any one of our top four go down we are due for a 5-15 stretch with some extremely long bullpen outings.


    I'm just amazed that a guy who fails to get his ERA very much below 7.00 in the NL facing a pitcher every nine batters in a weak division and a weak league...that because we traded for him all of a sudden Kenny "must've seen something we didn't know"


    everything about his stats thus far is terrible. Hopefully I'm wrong, but I just can't see him being very successful moving from one of the worst divisions in the NL to the toughest division in the AL


    I'm much more optimistic on Danks, but for 2008, not 2007.

  7. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Mar 19, 2007 -> 03:28 PM)
    Are people honestly comparing Danks/Floyd to our 5th starters of old including guys like Grilli, Schoenweiess, Dan Wright, and Felix Diaz?


    Danks and Floyd are light years more talented than these guys.


    Floyd won't win as many games as Schoenweiss did in the major leagues, that's for sure


    talent doesn't mean anything when you can't keep your ERA in the same stratosphere as other pitchers


    Danks may be talented and might be great in a couple years but right now he is the textbook definition of a AAAA player

  8. QUOTE(Jenks Heat @ Mar 14, 2007 -> 10:56 AM)
    Summer runs from June 20something until September 20something. Now meterological summer, well that is a whole other story.


    Doesn't KC come to the cell about 9 times a season as well as Tampa and KC both averaging between 90-100 losses. Gotta be the Sox once again trying to screw the fans though. Damn them.


    how many losses has seattle averaged over the last three seasons? 85-90?

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