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Milkman delivers

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Milkman delivers last won the day on November 1 2023

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About Milkman delivers

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Charlotte Knights (AAA)
  • What do you like about Soxtalk?
    It gives me something to do for hours at a time when I'm bored
  • Soxtalk Awards
    2006: "I Told You So" Award
  • Favorite Sox player
    He'd get hurt or traded if I said his name
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    That guy with all the hits and runs and homers
  • Favorite Sox moment
    Frank's walkoff double in 2000 against the A's, Milkman scores winning run on hit by Durham against the Cubs in 2000
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Herbert Perry and Jose Valentin

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  1. The dickhead writers inserting themselves into the story, as always.
  2. The Gene Hackman thing is so sad. He has three kids, from what I’ve read. How do you have a 95-year-old parent with Alzheimer’s, and you don’t check in on them regularly. Yikes.
  3. Disagree. The string of R. Kelly jokes alone has been worth it.
  4. lol. lmao even. Watch him start opening day.
  5. You guys are understandably more concerned with DA’s hat, but I’m over here picturing Sabathia in a Cleveland hat even if he spent more time in New York.
  6. Specifically forbids it. Will just give them to friends and family that are willing to take them.
  7. I can’t believe myself, but I’m sort of interested? I mean, I know there’s no way I’d go to anywhere near all 27 games, but I’m still intrigued. Could just be the excitement of watching baseball again (the opponent, not us). I really may end up doing this for the ballpark food alone.
  8. Is anyone else not excited about this SB at all? I don’t think I’ve ever cared less or been looking less forward to one. I’ll probably end up having it on in the background, but I’m usually either out or glued to the tv for the game. I’ve talked to a couple other people that say they’re not watching it at all. There have been other years where I didn’t care about the matchups, a lot of them recently. I think with this year having so many teams to really root for, with it to just end up being KC-Philly, has made it extra demoralizing.
  9. OK, I know I have to be late to the party with this joke, but this is honestly the first time I’ve heard of this guy.
  10. Milk, you beautiful bastard, if only you could monetize your sports pessimism.
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