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Milkman delivers

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Everything posted by Milkman delivers

  1. I know people wanna be positive, but I said this yesterday: “Na, he’ll say the right stuff just like Grifol, and it’ll even win over some posters here. You’ll see a decent amount of posts telling you to give him some time and opportunity to prove he’s incapable.” And it’s so disheartening to see if happening.
  2. The better question is if they’ll take questions. And if so, will anyone have the balls to ask a tough one.
  3. I’m factoring in buyouts. Clevinger definitely has one and I assume some of the other guys do as well.
  4. Now think hard because this is important. What level was he on?
  5. What? It was turned upside down a week ago, and now it’s been turned upside down again. And we’re back to where we were.
  6. Am I to understand that he’s basically taking on KW and Hahn’s spots combined?
  7. And the Score seemed to be saying that Getz would be named GM, not EVP (or whatever name it’ll have). Maybe I misheard or they misspoke.
  8. You are definitely right about the roster, but I imagine it’s also difficult for a team like that to pick up an extra $10 million or more for September. Say they won the claims for Clevinger and one or two other guys with buyouts? So I’m betting they do a lot of homework on who they think will actually fall to them, and not just throw in claims for the best options and hope for the best.
  9. Yeah, he brought Epstein up like he was the only candidate that anyone was talking about. MFer, people have brought up dozens of either proven candidates or up-and-comers from other organizations (which is the key that fans truly want).
  10. But with the new system, if I’m understanding it correctly, teams would have to be careful about putting in too many claims. If they’re no longer considered revocable waivers, then a team winning a claim would have to take the player, right? And most, if not all, of these teams probably can’t afford to throw that much money around for rentals.
  11. Yeah, that was awful. I get that you gotta toe a certain line if you want access to the team, but that just made me angry. Asking them to name a single available option that would be better? They could’ve rattled off about 50 rather than the two or three pathetic attempts they made. So you’re saying that JR fired one of the only AA execs in all of Major League Baseball?! Well, now it’s settled.
  12. Yeah man, you’re really stretching on this one and you don’t need to. There are plenty of things to hate about JR without this one. La Russa is half Hispanic. So his former EVP was black, and the last three managers were Hispanic. And as much as I’m sure Getz will suck, he has worked his way up the ladder internally.
  13. I’m no fan of JR, but the argument seems completely disingenuous to me. I won’t mind if MLB runs him through the ringer for it, though. But I’m actually curious who he’s referring to.
  14. What if he included minorities in the interview process and still hired all white guys? And then, what if those guys were in fact the most qualified? I know you’re being somewhat facetious, but wouldn’t racism still be blamed for that? And in the above scenario, would the correct answer be to intentionally hire a less qualified candidate simply to have a minority hire in there? All of this of so stupid. He should have absolutely interviewed multiple candidates, but the only criteria should be their potential to do the job well. It appears he did not.
  15. Are they intentionally putting the worst product out there? Beckham does seem to be the next option.
  16. I honestly don’t know what happened after the actual shooting as I never read into it. I doubt she was treated as a suspect by park staff, so she would have opportunity to move the gun somewhere else whether or not she was transported by CFD or by herself. But I would doubt she would drop it in the park. Probably just into a purse or other personal property.
  17. Did she leave via ambulance or self transport? If it’s the former, she could just move it to a purse or somewhere before being treated. If the latter, she could have done any number of things with it.
  18. Na, he’ll say the right stuff just like Grifol, and it’ll even win over some posters here. You’ll see a decent amount of posts telling you to give him some time and opportunity to prove he’s incapable.
  19. I’m not opposed to it, but I’m not sure if they’re willing to do it. Allegations are basically taken as the proven truth now.
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