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Milkman delivers

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Everything posted by Milkman delivers

  1. QUOTE (Swingandalongonetoleft @ Feb 25, 2014 -> 09:29 AM) Saw a pretty big piece of debris on the road (North Ave) on my way to work today. Called the PD to report it and was told they'd take care of it. 2 hours later, still there. Guess they're too busy keeping the roads safe via speed traps. It's completely understandable, though- a chunk of metal probably wouldn't be able to fund the Chargers they roll around in out here. OK, couple of things. That'd be Streets and San's job. A cop could remove it himself if he saw it (or sit behind it with the lights on if it's too big for an individual to move), but he also is probably more likely already assigned to another job, like people calling for actual police service. And if the police were assigned to the job, it's OEMC that decides the order in which jobs are given out. The vast majority of districts are working with a backlog of jobs. There are people constantly clogging up the system with calls just like this (non-police, non-emergency jobs) all the time, not to mention the serious calls where people are in immediate danger that OEMC jumps to the top of the list, as they should.
  2. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Feb 12, 2014 -> 08:53 PM) It's a pain in the ass, but yes. Go to the Control Panel settings and make sure "Show hidden folders" is checked. Plug in iPod. Find the music folder. In it will be a lot of folders titled F01, F02, F03 and so on and so forth. Copy ALL of those files to your PC. Then, drag the mass of folders to iTunes. Boom. Done. Thanks, pal. I appreciate it.
  3. Thanks, guys. You're all tops in my book. Now, if I want to transfer the music from my iPod to the new computer, is there a free way to do that? The last time I did this, I used Xilisoft and it came with a fee.
  4. What do people suggest for good virus protection? I recall someone mentioning that you can get a quality version for free.
  5. QUOTE (The Gooch @ Feb 4, 2014 -> 10:16 AM) I said the same thing when they killed Jimmy Darmody from Boardwalk. Jimmy/Steve wasn't the main character, but his character made the show much more interesting. After Darmondy died, Boardwalk was good, but never quite as good. It's probably a good thing they never showed Jimmy/Steve dying, as if the show continues in this direction they could possibly bring him back. Ofcourse by that time, Fiona will have to be in a serious relationship with someone else she isn't already cheating on to make it more interesting. The third season of Boardwalk was, by far, the best.
  6. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 3, 2014 -> 07:57 PM) What guy? My secretary? If you couldnt understand "heroin" versus "heroine" thats more on your reading comprehension and less on my lack of proofreading an internet post. Even when I get paid to write, there is someone who proofreads for me. Ptac, You have the study? Most studies Ive ever seen regarding marijuana have a problem in that many of the marijuana smokers are also cigarette smokers, so its hard to determine its impact alone. I have honestly never seen you admit you're wrong. Not once. Even here when it's something as simple to prove as a spelling error, you just make a smug comment basically saying you're above needing to spell
  7. With that reaction, or lack thereof, they honestly can't allow Batista to win at WM. I almost think they have to scrap the plans entirely and get a new main event.
  8. I still can't believe that crap. All of the wrestlers that were rumored to be in it (Roberts, Warrior, Jericho, etc.), and they filled it out with absolute garbage. JBL, Khali, even Nash was a big disappointment, and whoever else I've already forgotten. No kidding, El Torito was the best part for the laugh.
  9. That was f***ing terrible. First event I've watched in two years, and I'm immediately reminded why.
  10. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 24, 2014 -> 10:26 PM) I have maybe $100 or so worth of booze a month. I had to give it up almost completely because the .04 limit and I can't even sleep in my truck if I've been drinking because me in truck + alcohol in my system = Hardcore CMV DUI. That's forever losing my A license and automatic jail. The key to the truck could be in Bangladesh and they'd still throw the book at me for sleeping in what is essentially my home. How'd you like it if I barged into your house, woke you up and breathelyzed you? If you resist or complain about that, well, you must just have a drinking problem you f***ing lush. If I want to get drunk I have to get a hotel. I do sometimes, once or twice a month when I've had a particularly bad day, but I'd hardly call that a problem. What you say about the keys not being in the truck is not true in Illinois. In fact, you've made many, many statements in this thread that are completely incorrect. Your "knowledge" of the basic facts of BAC, the laws concerning it, its effects on driving, and the research into it are just infuriatingly off. I cannot believe a person can be so ignorant. I honestly believe you're being intentionally obtuse.
  11. So, I really wanted to go to the induction and see it in person. But with the ridiculous cost of hotel/airfare/car rental, travel and the time off of work, I really can't swing it. What I started to think was that there must be a ton of people in the same boat, and everyone will want to see this, and the atmosphere of watching it with like-minded people would make it even more enjoyable. Do you think the Sox would be willing to set up something like an induction party in the bullpen bar or somewhere similar where the speech will be carried live? I've already sent an email to Brooks Boyer, but who knows if I'll get a response or if it will even be read Would anyone here be interested in something like that?
  12. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 23, 2014 -> 11:44 AM) It's not as dangerous as people make it out to be. This teenage girl that weighs like 110 lbs was legally drunk and high on scripts managed to drag race a Lamborghini without incident. There's maybe 50 people in this country that are actually f***ed up at .10; much less .08. It's all about control and the pockets of criminal defense lawyers who would be on SNAP if those laws went away. Again, you're a complete buffoon.
  13. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jan 23, 2014 -> 11:35 AM) When you drive drunk, whether or not there is a victim is more a matter of luck and less a matter of the decision-making by the drunk driver. 80% or whatever of drunk drivers don't happen to have oncoming traffic at the moment they swerve into the other lane but the other 20% do. The problem with the "There is no victim" attitude is that we don't have harsh enough sentences when there aren't victims, thus there is little deterrent to driving drunk and thus we end up with lots of victims. The sentences when there ARE victims are weak.
  14. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 23, 2014 -> 11:25 AM) When I did it nobody got hurt. When Bieber did it nobody got hurt. Where's the victim? I know this will bring a suspension, but who cares. You're a f***ing idiot, Duke.
  15. QUOTE (Soxfest @ Jan 22, 2014 -> 08:40 PM) Triple H and his involvement in the current WWE product: "…Well, I would love to give you an opinion, but I am clean and sober from WWE programming for several years now, and I do read what is going on, but it seems like it's more of the same. In my opinion, he was never the star, he was always the guy that worked with the guy that drew the money, and he continues to push his boring self down the people's throats. You know, what more can I say, I haven't seen it first hand, but at least he got a haircut…" Jim Cornette on HHH...............I agree with him on HHH. I would never have guessed that you'd agree with a statement like that.
  16. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jan 14, 2014 -> 01:48 PM) I think True Detective is going to be very good. I really like the tone. Matthew McConaughey has become a tremendous actor. He always has been, but he was also always one of those guys who took the paycheck over the quality of the movie (like a Brendan Fraser or even Christopher Walken). Although Walken claims that any movie is just an opportunity to hone his craft.
  17. Implying you had respect for Rodman in the first place.
  18. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jan 8, 2014 -> 08:56 PM) Blame the Hall of Fame voters, those assholes just grind my f***ing gears, even though I shouldn't care. Although they did get this one right and make the Big Hurt a first ballot HOFer, biggest honor in the game. From this point on, I will save my HOF vitrol for another thread. CONGRATS FRANK!!!
  19. Just like Soxtalk to take a thread that should be one of the most joyous in its history, and then derail it so thoroughly.
  20. Wait, does Chili = JoeCoolMan?
  21. QUOTE (ChrisLikesBaseball @ Jan 8, 2014 -> 01:01 PM) Biggio at 74.8% Wow, you can put that directly on Gurnick.
  22. QUOTE (flavum @ Jan 8, 2014 -> 08:54 AM) 174 out of 194 Frank would need 67.5% of the remaining 375 ballots. 253 out of 375. He's got to get in, right? It's going down with every new update. I am less and less confident.
  23. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jan 4, 2014 -> 08:47 PM) I meant to say 118, that was a typo. You rotten son of a b****.
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