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Milkman delivers

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Everything posted by Milkman delivers

  1. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ May 7, 2013 -> 10:19 PM) I wouldn't be so sure about Thomas Jane, he was actually given praise for his depiction of Frank Castle. I think Cage worked his way out of any comic book movie for the rest of his life. He just is too corny anymore Loved that Punisher.
  2. While watching Iron Man 3, especially during the part where he asks himself what he's going to do, did anyone else think "just call Hulk or Captain America"?
  3. QUOTE (mr_genius @ May 6, 2013 -> 08:27 PM) i always thought they were easy to prosecute. shows what i know. You'd think they would be.
  4. And of course, sorry for your loss, Tex.
  5. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 5, 2013 -> 09:47 PM) The leniency of DUI laws in America is ridiculous. It's ABSURD. And to successfully convict someone of DUI is unbelievably difficult. The most mundane details get cases thrown out regularly. It's why every department has only a handful of "DUI" guys.
  6. Millions of different personalities, shack. Some definitely leave something to be desired.
  7. Never saw the twist coming in Iron Man 3.
  8. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 4, 2013 -> 07:22 AM) If you have seen the video from the recent Reese Witherspoon arrest, it's amazing the cop kept his patience and cool the entire time. Haven't seen it and don't plan to, but the officer in that situation was most likely walking on eggshells because she's famous. Like I said, the general public is incredibly ignorant and anything that looks even remotely wrong would get tons of air time because it's loveable Reese Witherspoon getting harassed by a power-tripping pig.
  9. The general public is incredibly misinformed on the things police are allowed, or even expected, to do. You'd be surprised how often people view a situation as police brutality or the like, when the officer was entirely in his legal right. The ignorance is very frustrating.
  10. QUOTE (ptatc @ May 3, 2013 -> 11:27 PM) If I read it wrong then I apologize. I read that's it's ok for a police officer to yell back at someone yelling at them. If they are physically threatened then it's not only ok but justified. However, it was all being compared to an ump yelling at a player not anyone threatening physical violence. It's definitely OK for a cop to yell back at a person in certain situations, and not just where violence is implied. There are a million different personalities in the world. Believe it or not, some people NEED to be yelled at to reach them. Of course you want to keep it low as often as possible, but that's not always an option. It's a little more complex than how you originally put it, is all I'm getting at.
  11. QUOTE (ptatc @ May 3, 2013 -> 07:45 PM) If he is I would like to know what academy he went to. I've treated many police at all levels (local, city and state). They are always taught to defuse a situation. If physical violence is involved of course they need to act but they shouldn't instigate it. Multiple. And you must not have read close enough.
  12. You're basically taught to start low, but you should match the person at times when reasonable/necessary, or even go above them if it's necessary. It's not a solid protocol. Different situations and different personalities require various ways of handling them.
  13. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ May 3, 2013 -> 11:31 AM) Holy f***, if he is a cop, then I am pretty sure I could get away with anything in his town. If he pulled me over, I'd just be all, "Curt Hennig blah blah blah GREATEST EVER. That's why blah blah blah blah and he's named MR. PERFECT"
  14. QUOTE (knightni @ May 1, 2013 -> 07:06 PM) Cops are never supposed to yell back. That just elevates the situation to more potential violence. They stay firm, then let their actions or their taser do the talking. There are most definitely times to raise voices/yell. And you certainly can't tase someone for yelling.
  15. QUOTE (ptatc @ May 1, 2013 -> 02:46 PM) There is variations depending on the intensity of the situation. The police officer should not yell back and escalate the situation. This will only cause the situation to get worse. If one member of the incident remains calm it won't escalate to a problem. Wrong.
  16. What SS2k5 said is spot on for about 90% of it. Heck, you can hear the Lumineers and Mumford & Sons on country radio these days. But give Church and a few others a chance. They're legit.
  17. Expound. And what about the middle generation with Strait and Jackson?
  18. No love for Eric Church in the new generation?
  19. QUOTE (flavum @ Apr 28, 2013 -> 04:49 PM) It's just very early to know that the AL central will be considered weak. There may be three weak teams, but two 90 game winners. These are the standings I look at until mid-August when the unbalanced schedule kicks in. http://espn.go.com/mlb/standings/_/group/5 They're the weakest basically every year. It's never too early to make that prediction.
  20. QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Apr 26, 2013 -> 10:26 AM) Country icon George Jones, dead at 81. Who's gonna fill his shoes?
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