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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by DukeNukeEm

  1. That was 1973. 40 years of peace between Egypt and Israel requires more than a 20 day war that was shut down by the UN.
  2. And to be fair, we've been bribing Isreal and Egypt to the tune of $4 bil a piece to leave each other alone. That's been pretty successful.
  3. Doing things like that out in the open with huge media coverage is a lot different than funneling in arms as covertly as possible and letting the CIA pick which countries it wants to destabilize.
  4. We actually have a pretty poor track record in muslim majority countries in general. The US-backed Indonesian coup in '65 got a lot of innocent people killed, not that Sukarno was a pleasant person but they guy we replaced him with was worse.
  5. Because we had never killed any innocent middle easterners prior to 9/11.
  6. Lou Reed is enough to get me to buy a 1-day pass. Hopefully the Animal Collective thing will be that day too.
  7. I think that's the one where if you arent greek you dont count.
  8. There is a definite correlation between Joakim Noah being awful tonight and John Paul Steven's birthday.
  9. 1. War & Force in Global Politics 2. International Political Economy 3. English Lit 4. International Law 5. American Chief Executive Im in year 2 of 5 so hopefully this will improve.
  10. cant you feel the knife?
  11. There is no detail too mundane for politics.
  12. I'm glad hes locked up on a very reasonable contract.
  13. Doesn't it seem like every year more and more people use John Paul Steven's birthday as an excuse to get wilder and wilder?
  14. under. he'll hit about 40 and have .900+ OPS to finish the season.
  15. That would get a special size of drunk.
  16. Micheal Jordan never beat the Celtics in the playoffs. Rose did. lol.
  17. I got the people at burger king to serve me food 30 mintues after they closed. Then I threw it away.
  18. I did a lot of work tonight.
  19. Kansas City. No lines, unlimited access and we went to the current river on the way back.
  20. All 49 other states would have to vote to allow Texas to leave. Not happening.
  21. '99. They were pretty badass and really well organized.
  22. The Seattle Round had the best protests that I remember.
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