Which, for me at least, makes me love it even more.
But Silver graduated with honors in economics from the University of Chicago, so I believe he's more than qualified to be playing with numbers however the hell he wants.
A bounce doesn't help McCain, he needs a change in the election dynamic. And between "I still need to be educated" and "the fundamentals are strong" he's not going to get that focusing on the economy.
He needs to hope for a terrorist attack, its the only way he can win.
Between suspending the campaign like never before in history (to my knowledge at least) and picking Sarah Palin as VP, the McCain campaign is without a doubt one of the most bats*** crazy campaign's ever.
I can honestly say I've never seen a politician with so much at stake make such an absolutely disastrous decision. If I'm Obama I deny his request to do the same but postpone the debate.
McCain is losing ground in polls at a ridiculous rate, he's trying to kill Obama's momentum.
There will be links everywhere within a half-hour, its all over the networks. Supposedly it's to deal with the financial crisis, he's calling on Obama to do the same and postpone Friday's debate.
If there is a 269-269 tie the winning ticket in the popular vote will get elected. Congressmen aren't just going to piss off their constituents and lose their jobs over something like this.
I just think it's dumb to be so entrenched over something so trivial as what computer you use. Is it going to be on your driver's license in 15 years whether you use a PC or a Mac?
Its kind of sad that they're peddling people as nothing more than a product. Not even discreet about it anymore, literally "I am <insert corporate brand>".