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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by DukeNukeEm

  1. Its sad watching our hitters recoil in fear from a 84 mph fastball.
  2. I mean there's no reason to take Gavin out, but goddamn... I dont know if I can take him going a full 9.
  3. This is it, excising our biggest demon in the house of horrors. These next 3 innings are very important.
  4. I still have absolutely no faith in Gavin Floyd and am extremely nervous having him pitch in a tie game.
  5. Butler is going to hit this thing a goddamn mile.
  6. I'm an inning away from making Cy Hochevar the third stooge.
  7. Goddamn, if you actually pull of a weekend roadtrip to LA I'll be impressed. The longest drive I've ever knocked in a 24 hour period was Salt Lake City to ~Des Moines, and I just couldn't keep going. Please let us know if you do this, and what your secrets are to crossing 2/3 of goddamn America in one sitting.
  8. You get the feeling Viciedo is going to be some sort of very good next year.
  9. It was from a Yahoo! article that was changed from (in order): AQ did it, to AQ-ties did it, to Islamists did it. http://news.yahoo.com/u-ambassador-libya-t...-091505030.html
  10. Sorry, I guess the group had "ties" to AQ. My bad.
  11. Surprised this hasnt gotten its own thread yet.
  12. That makes total sense. Median income exists to show what the average person makes, not what people make on average. Let me guess, you went to Chicago Public Schools?
  13. Maybe if we didn't have to pay them so much we could afford more teachers, thus lowering classroom size. But I get the feeling that the concept of anything having to run a budget is incomprehensible to the demands of the CTU.
  14. Yes. CBU offered them a deal of 4% raises per year and no increase in health insurance premiums, the union turned it down, and now we've got a strike. I'd love to see Rahm pull a Reagan here and just break the union in half but I doubt it happens.
  15. Just announced. Unbelievable. The nerve of them when real unemployment is over 10%, the city is broke, the state is broke... the damn country is broke and they turn down that offer from the city? f*** the teachers. I hope all of them who are walking out never step foot in our cities' classrooms again.
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