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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. If Ozzie was manager, we’d likely be 4-1 (at worst) instead of 1-4
  2. I really think most people going through something like that would use the game as a distraction rather than sitting home and being sad. I think there was more to his decision than his pending divorce.
  3. What a player is going to make this year is peanuts compared to what they can make over the course of a career. Dont jeopardize your career for a minimal paycheck
  4. I cant believe there hasn't been a good number of opt outs today. If I was on a roster and saw what was happening today, I'd tell my team mates see you next season. I'm more impressed with Michael Kopech than ever that he was smarter than 98% of the players in the league before the season started.
  5. I would not be shocked at all if years from now we find the average lifespans in this country 10-15 years less than they are today. The long term effects of the respiratory damage caused by this virus will cause a lot of people in their 60s to die who would have lived into heir 80s.
  6. And than what if there’s an outbreak amongst the tax squad? Honestly, I’d say there’s a good chance of that happening since it’s a Florida team. Do they grab a high school team and dress them up in Marlins uniforms?
  7. I still think you have major COViD violations on several teams within a month forcing an end to the season. I’m as excited as anyone to watch games but just don’t feel it’s wise to play baseball at all in 2020.
  8. Im actually happy he is doing this. I actually wish Giolito, Lopez, and Cease would as well. Pitchers only have so many years on their arms and why waste one on a season that likely will never be completed (and never regarded as legit by 95% of fans if it does finish). This season never should happen and is only being started because of greed. Props to you Michael for making the best decision for you and your family.
  9. And NBA and NHL and WBA and that kickball league too
  10. COViD is not going away anytime soon. However, it could decrease to such low levels that life could return to normal if everyone would wear a mask for 6 months. Since it’s not happening, I think Jack is closer to being right than being wrong. Sporting events will not happen in front of a live audience for 2-3 years minimum. It’s a sad state of affairs but we have to look at science for the answers.
  11. I think that's honestly a conservative estimate. I think it easily could be 50% of the pitchers. They only have so many years available on their arms. Why waste one of those years in a year you might end up making 30% of your contract? Expect a lot of AAA pitchers to be on big league rosters this year if a season does take place. You'll have a lot of 14-12 type of games and multiple players finishing the season with a batting average of over .400 if this season is played under proposed terms. It will make a mockery of the game and I really don't want to see it.
  12. Even if they play this year, I see at least 10% of the players saying "i'll wait til 2021" (and many of them will be stars). As a result, this year would be tainted and meaningless. Just cancel the 2020 season and start preparing for the potential return of baseball next season.
  13. Assuming we have baseball sometime this season, I’m actually glad we didn’t sign him (or Machado). We never would have plugged all the holes we did this winter if we had committed the necessary money to sign either of them.
  14. As long as our president keeps saying everything is fine and we are in control of it, there are a significant number of people who will not stay home when sick yet alone quarantine themselves for a week. The irresponsibility of his comments is dangerous.
  15. Great day for the Cuban pipeline. All our runs thus far have been driven in by Robert, Moncada, or Abreu.
  16. If a contract at that amount for him was easy to move, he'd be getting multiple offers at that amount now. Moving him later might force us to eat $4 million or so per year in salary. Do we really want to eat $16 million in dead money that could be used elsewhere?
  17. MLB.com proposed this the other day and I would be very tempted to do this (we'd have to land Keuchel or a similar starter though to even consider it). White Sox get: 3B Nolan Arenado and cash Rockies get: RHP Dylan Cease, OF Luis Alexander Basabe (White Sox No. 7 prospect) and C/1B Zack Collins (White Sox No. 9 prospect) https://www.mlb.com/news/nolan-arenado-trade-proposals
  18. Ozuna would have cost at least $10 million more per year than Mazara as well (probably $12-13 million). As long as this savings into put into pitching help, I have no problem with this move. Pitching is the biggest need and we need to secure one of the big 3 starters remaining (Keuchel, Bumgarner, or Ryu), another backend starter, and some bullpen help. Do that and I'm fine with this move. Don't address the pitching staff and no right fielder was going to make a difference for us anyways.
  19. Same reason a team would acquire a players brother in law on a coin flip possibility
  20. I think Collins would definitely be moved as a result of this if he had any value. However, I don't see many teams giving up much for him as he hasn't lived up to his potential since college. I think he stays in the organization as a result buy likely has a place in AAA until he starts producing at a level that earns him time in the big show.
  21. I don't get the hatred for Abreu. The guy led the league in RBIs this year on a team that should only become more offensive over the length of this deal. I'm not saying his numbers will always lead the league, but he should be good for 100+ RBIs and 20+ HRs every year of this deal. That's a valuable bat despite his defense. I'm glad to have him on board for the next couple of World Series titles.
  22. Hadn't heard this rumor before but mlb.com hints at the return of The Shark in #9 on this list. https://www.mlb.com/news/famous-mlb-players-who-could-get-traded They also mention us a possible landing spot for Corey Seager which I don't see as Tim seems to be a fixture at shortstop.
  23. Bring back James Shields.....it would be a huge improvement. Heck, I think Edwin Jackson is available as well.
  24. Any news if anyone claimed Alonso?
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