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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. Knock another half game off Detroit's lead. The Tigers have to be getting scared now!!!!
  2. QUOTE (robinventura23 @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 07:15 PM) Nice he waits until August to figure his sh*t out. At least he'll be swinging a good bat in the postseason
  3. Gotta love the fact that the White Sox have become an offensive juggernaut!
  4. Ye of little faith....don't ever give up on this Sox team the rest of the year! We are on fire now!
  5. We'll come back in the 8th or 9th. I have confidence in this team.
  6. I'm guessing the Sox come back with at least a 3 spot here.
  7. QUOTE (BBaum21 @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 05:39 PM) You realize they took 3/4 from Sox earlier this year, right? You realize we could take 10/10 from them now?
  8. First place by Labor Day! Anyone else ready to jump on the party train???
  9. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 08:19 PM) Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Come on guys, we have seen this act time and time again this year. They get to .500, and then lose a few games. Then, they get back to .500, only to lose a few games. Repeat. They aren't fooling me, and they aren't going to make up 5.5 games in the last two months. In other "runs" though, we were just struggling to scrape by and not playing sound baseball. This weekend, we played like the best team in the majors and it definitely gives reason for optimism.
  10. QUOTE (Greg Hibbard @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 05:56 PM) This team went 32-21 despite Alex Rios, Adam Dunn, Ozzie Guillen, Ken Williams and everyone else anyone would care to blame for most of this season. The team didnt play spectacularly well during that stretch. If they win that same percentage of remaining games, they will finish the season with 84 wins. Its not asking this team to do what they have not already done before this season, with the same problems that are apparently with them for the duration. Unfortunately, a lot of it is simply out of their hands now. This team is probably not capable of winning many more than 84-86 games, and the tigers would need to play several games under .500 to give us a chance. And when they went 32-21 earlier this season, I don't think they played as fundamentally sound as they did this week. They went into a place they always struggle at and kicked some Twinkies ass three days in a row. I'm not sure how it did...but I think Ozzie has really inspired this team and its ready to go on a roll the rest of the way!
  11. This team played perhaps it's best baseball of the season over the weekend. Rios seems to be turning things around and the pitching continues to be rock solid. With Ozzie's motivation, I still believe the potential of this team will be realized. In the game thread, I mentioned first place by the end of the month. Looking at the schedule, I think the more realistic possibility is Labor Day weekend when we wrap up a series with the Tigers. I know some may think I'm crazy, but I firmly believe the Sox will be in first place when we leave Detroit. Who's on board? Jump on board this crazy train or sentence me to insane asylum.....than let's look back in a month and see who was right.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 03:17 PM) Dude, no one would have traded for him, no one would trade for him now. I don't know if I'd want to trade him now. With the adjustments he's made and the way he's hitting the ball now, he may raise his average to .240 or so by the end of the season.
  13. Having Rios come out of his long, long drought is awesome! It's beginning to look like a good thing now that we didn't trade him.
  14. Peavy is pitching today like he wants to pitch game one of the playoffs this year.
  15. QUOTE (JoshPR @ Aug 7, 2011 -> 03:07 PM) Ok let's not get over our heads here If we don't make it by the end of the month, I think we'll overtake them during the Labor Day weekend series.
  16. The way the Sox are playing now....I can see us in first place by the end of August.
  17. Looks like Lexi leveled out his swing there.
  18. What a great move by Ozzie to start Lillibridge over Dunn today. I just don't understand how some people want to get rid of him when he continues to make stellar moves like this which help us win ballgames.
  19. After winning two in a row in Minnesota, I don't believe there's any doubt that we've turned the corner!!!! Watch out Tigers....here come the Sox!!!!
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