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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. Don't forget that the White Sox also have to pay taxes....just like any other business.
  2. QUOTE (hawkubes @ May 12, 2011 -> 12:55 AM) Great play, no doubt about it. Also a very unusual play which could help, but I don't think this is play of the year material. Just think about Buehrle's play last year. This play is nowhere near it IMO They were just comparing the two on ESPNews and the anchors said "it was in the ballpark". I tend to agree but it won't get the shelf life or public acclaim. Many will never see it (as the play happened on the west coast) plus you are missing the hype of opening day.
  3. Did anyone else have complete confidence a double play was going to happen there? When this team is playing well, there is so much talent here and they can do so many things very well.
  4. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 9, 2011 -> 10:20 PM) Do you really feel 100% comfortable with this lead? I feel a LOT better with Santos now, but he's not an option tonight, which makes things a lot scarier. Hope they try Crain instead of Sale/Thornton for once. BTW, where are all the Jackson haters??? Thornton looked great in the first inning on Friday. As long as he's maxed out at 20-25 pitches, I have complete confidence in him once again. He should never go two innings and 40+ pitches though....I think Ozzie even learned that lesson in the first game at Seattle.
  5. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 9, 2011 -> 10:18 PM) two straight wins and a lead in the third does not the hottest make. Has any other team won more than 3 games in the last 3 days? While at the games this weekend, I saw us doing the little things which make a difference and this team is jelling now better than it has at anytime this year. It's time for all the naysayers to start believing once again and dump your big bowl of doomsday in the garbage can.
  6. It's amazing how we've gone from a struggling organization to the hottest team in baseball in the last 3 days.
  7. Still have an extra ticket for Friday nite if anyone wants it. Let me know if interested.
  8. I have an extra ticket about 25 rows behind the first base dugout for Friday night's game available to any White Sox fan. If anyone wants to join me, send a PM and the ticket is free. I have to keep your Ichiro bobblehead though as I promised the season ticket holder I bring these back to him.
  9. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ May 3, 2011 -> 09:26 PM) Sucks to be the guy who gave up his tickets to you. If only we had more people there, we may have had a hit! Laugh all you want...but when this team saw a crowd of only 20,000 there tonight, it had to be demotivating. If the fans aren't going to come out for a key game against a top divisional rival, why even try? Crowds like this insure that we will not contend this year.
  10. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 1, 2011 -> 06:04 PM) Neither does going to games. at you for thinking that the team will play better if their feelings weren't hurt by the fans not giving them unwavering support. Those poor widdle babies There's a reason that teams play better at homes....it's motivating to the players. However, empty seats eliminate that advantage and if they accomplish anything, its de-motivating.
  11. QUOTE (lostfan @ May 1, 2011 -> 05:57 PM) The tone, saying shut the f*** up, calling him a tool, etc. You couldn't have gotten your point across without doing all that? I'm a big boy and can handle inappropriate name calling....it's the holier than thou part I don't get. I'm going to games and and not asking anyone to do anything that I'm not. Staying at home and b****ing endlessly does nothing to help us change results for the remaining 80% of the season.
  12. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 1, 2011 -> 05:33 PM) Haha, GTFO telling other people to go to games, then. If you're such a fan willing to give 110% to this team, find a f***ing job in Chicago and support them yourself. Otherwise, shut the f*** up with your "holier than thou" attitude, telling people they need to support the team. Seriously, what a tool. It's not a holier than though attitude and if my personal situations allowed, I would love to have a job in Chicago. Despite living in an area with no professional teams though, I still make a dedicated effort to go to as many games as possible. After next weekend, I'll have been to three games this season. There's many "fans" who haven't been to any games this year and lots of people talking that they don't plan to do so. I spend a lot more of my hard earned money to go to the games than those who live in Chicago as I have to pay for travel and hotel in addition to tickets and parking. However, I don't complain about that and will do so the rest of my live no matter how this team performs. If people have legitimate reasons why they can't go to the games (don't live in the area, aren't working now, have a job that conflicts with most gametimes, etc). It's understandable that they don't make many games. However, when you're only excuse for not going is that the team is not in first place now and dominating every game it plays, its sad. True fans support their team to the largest extent possible whether their team is winning or losing. Those that don't can not be classified as anything other than fair weather fans.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 1, 2011 -> 05:23 PM) It's a 9 hour drive for me. I've got July 4th tickets, I'd be there on Memorial day if they weren't on a 10 day road trip then also. I might go see the Bulls one of these games. I understand those who have some serious travel requirements and will withdraw the statement to you. But as many "fans" as we have who live within 50 miles of the Cell, its ridiculous not to have a full house for these two games.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 1, 2011 -> 05:19 PM) And like it or not, being 9 games under on Memorial day is at best dangerous territory. Just like last year, they've left themselves little room to be a .500 team for the next few weeks. Getting back to the point of this thread, than do your part to energize the team and get out to support them. Empty seats are not motivation to turn it around and if you really think that now is "do or die" time, do your part to help jump start them.
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 1, 2011 -> 05:14 PM) That's not hard at all to believe. Frankly, we're right back in the spot we were last year, where it will take a major, major run to get out of this hole. Memorial day is always the evaluation point, and we're getting closer. We are far from last year's status. Cleveland and Kansas City are playing over their heads at this time and will go through stretches worse than we've currently endured before this season is over. We are only 2.5 games back of the Tigers and tied with Minnesota at this time. If we played .550 baseball the rest of the season, it may be enough to win the division. I don't understand how anyone says this season is unsalvageable at this time.
  16. QUOTE (Marty34 @ May 1, 2011 -> 05:11 PM) You only go to games when they're in Seattle and it's convenient for you. That's not good enough. Seattle's not convenient for me....its still 250 miles away and I'm making the effort to be there. If I lived that close to Chicago, you bet I'd be at the Cell for this key series on Tuesday and Wednesday.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 1, 2011 -> 05:09 PM) What's harder to believe...that, or the fact that the Twins are worse? Or the fact that we have played less than 20% of the season and some people are already writing it off?
  18. QUOTE (Marty34 @ May 1, 2011 -> 04:58 PM) Were you there today? I wasn't because I live almost 2000 miles away. However, I will be in Seattle Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for all 3 games and proudly supporting my team despite their struggles thus far.
  19. QUOTE (jeffro2525 @ May 1, 2011 -> 04:50 PM) There's a difference between being a fair weather fan, and not attending a series between the two teams with the worst record in baseball. It's not like the people who don't show up this week will be following another team. Most of them will probably still watch the game...but for those people who bought tickets this weekend, or the Anaheim series, it's tough to justify spending more good money on a team that could give you another s*** experience. It's not even like the team has played hard every game...to call people "fair weather" is pretty insulting to people who don't have unlimited funds to watch a team whose effort has been in question. These two teams will still be the ones battling for the division title come September and the games played at this point could make the difference. I realize that not everyone can afford to go to every game....but based upon the crowds thus far, there's a lot of people who haven't gone to any games (or just a few this year). If the fanbase is not going to support this team, why should the players give a damn? Anybody who wants this team to give a 110% effort every nite should also be willing to give that effort as a fan.
  20. QUOTE (Marty34 @ May 1, 2011 -> 04:47 PM) Embarrassing to who? To the fan base. To the organization. To the players. To everyone. If you can't support our team except when they are winning at a 75% clip, Jerry might as well knock the payroll down to $25 million per season, average about 12,000 fans per game, and make a nice profit off TV revenues.
  21. Anything less than 35,000 for these games would be embarrassing. Sox fans need to be true fans....not fair weather fans.
  22. I know some people have already written off this season....but for the sane ones who realize there's still a lot of season left, get out to the Cell if you can this week on Tuesday and Wednesday for the games against the Twins. Let's kick them while they are down and pick up two big games that could be the difference come September. Also, it'd be a great way to jump start the good guys in black as we prepare for a big west coast trip. If you can make it, please get out to these games....we need some good crowds and 2 W's.
  23. QUOTE (fathom @ May 1, 2011 -> 03:13 PM) Bad call, but I blame Rios for swinging at a terrible 3-1 pitch. That pitch had the movement it would have fooled just about any hitter. Also, an at bat is an accumulation of several pitches. Overall, he did what he was supposed to do that at bat....he just got jobbed.
  24. QUOTE (Capn12 @ May 1, 2011 -> 03:11 PM) are we seriously standing there and striking out looking, with 2 men on??????????? Wait, on second thought I see Rios got tossed, musta been bad call then? Can't blame Rios....he couldn't have reached that ball if he wanted to. That was a horrible call by the ump
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