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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ Apr 6, 2011 -> 02:50 PM) Cmon MT make it hurt Hows Mark Teahen going to make it hurt?
  2. Pierre hits good as the DH....maybe we should start playing Dunn in LF once he returns
  3. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Apr 6, 2011 -> 02:04 PM) We scored enough runs yesterday to win, period. No reason to have lost. Blaming walker because so far is year we've had one game in which we only scored 1 run, while ignoring the other games that we averaged at least 6 is outright ridiculous. The only reason we lost last night (and are losing today) is because Bobby Jenks is no longer a part of the organization
  4. As of right now, Castro is tied for the team lead in home runs and Lillibridge is only one off the pace
  5. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Apr 5, 2011 -> 09:12 PM) You make me want to slit my wrists. I have zero faith in humanity when I read posts like this. Jenks was pretty bad, and had we had him maybe Thornton gets us out of the 8th, but he'd have probably blown the 9th, yo. Look at Bobby's stats so far this year.....a 0.00 ERA, 0.50 WHIP, and 1.5 K's per inning pitched. You don't think we could use someone putting numbers like that up this season? Plus....my Jenks jersey is worthless now.
  6. QUOTE (kjshoe04 @ Apr 5, 2011 -> 09:10 PM) Well the game would be over at least. Jenks is one of the top relievers in all of baseball this season.
  7. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 5, 2011 -> 09:07 PM) Well, it took 4 games for this post. If we had Jenks back, we'd be celebrating a W now
  8. Games like this are going to kill me throughout the year. If we were really going "all in", we should have brought Jenks back in the bullpen to make it easier.
  9. In games like this, I really wish we still had Bobby Jenks on the roster.
  10. QUOTE (bmags @ Apr 5, 2011 -> 05:59 PM) I bought 4/15, figures. But on the other hand my entire gf's family will be there and it would be weird to take a leave of absence to see people i met on the internet. It would be even weirder if you took a leave of absence to meet someone you met on ashleymadison.com
  11. we need to score more than 2 touchdowns this game since the Bears likely won't have the chance to score any this season
  12. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Apr 1, 2011 -> 03:01 PM) Plus I should add that Dunn is at a strong.500% and on pace for over 600 rbi's this season
  13. If we weren't "All In" before......we certainly are now!
  14. A press release I'm expecting to see after this game.... "Kinney reassigned to minor league camp"
  15. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Mar 20, 2011 -> 04:13 PM) Beckham with a two run dinger. #STUD. When two runners are on base, they count that for three runs
  16. We're looking like a lock to win the world series today
  17. Not putting Ozzie among the top 3 managers in the game ruins the credibility of all these lists.
  18. I'm not sure if it was the Sox organization or the league which instigated the change of days for this season, but I think its a very smart move. Placing these games on a Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will lead to 3 sellouts on days which might typically draw an average of 20-24,000 fans. Sure, it may take a bit longer to reach those sellouts...but that's an extra 50-60,000 seats sold which is great revenue for the Sox bottom line.
  19. QUOTE (since56 @ Dec 9, 2010 -> 08:46 AM) "IF" and I know it a big if considering his history ( at least with the Sox ) Peavy can come back strong by mid-may or early June can't we use Harrell as the fifth starter till then ? Usually the way schedule is set up early plus with cold or rain outs early how many starts does the number five guy get in the first two months? I say this because Sale is going to be needed in the bullpen. Our bullpen seems very thin and he would help very much there. Perhaps even as the closer leaving Thornton where we know he can succeed. What about resigning Freddy and making him a long reliever once Peavy returns? I know Freddy's not used to working out of the pen...but it could be a way to make sure his arm lasts a year (and gives us a good backup option in case any other starters end up on the DL)
  20. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Dec 8, 2010 -> 02:43 PM) Jerry Reinsdorf is not a crazy rich old guy. He is very calculated in what he does. I think he is stretching things right now but he feels that the opportunity is their in this major market to make it work and turn in a profit. The business will probably take a loss, however, the Sox have continued to reinvest funds but at the same time have seen the franchise appreciate. I think Jerry knows that in his old age he wants to win and I'm guessing the rest of the ownership group does as well. They won't get crazy but I think at this point in time they felt these players were worth going "all in" for. What will happen with our bullpen, I don't know. But one thing about bullpens is they are much more of a crap shoot than offensive players. So with that said, I'm glad we invested our money in a guy that has been a relatively constent run producer throughout his career and I can hope that our young arms in the pen, along with Thornty, can pan out. If they don't, we can invest some money in the pen. My bigger concern to be quite frank is Peavy since we don't have a 5th starter as of now, especially if we are going with Sale in our pen. Plus, a healthy Jake Peavy (major if) makes this team a lot better. I think Jerry sees the Cubs struggling as well and wants to gain market share in a two team market. Sure there are many die hard Sox fans (like most everyone here) and there are many die hard Cubs fans. However, there are also many fans who jump on the bandwagon of whatever team might be winning. We saw that in 2005 and if we could win another World Series in the next couple of years (while the Cubs produce sub .500 teams), many of those non-diehard fans would be more supportive of the Sox than the Cubs. I think Jerry is the type of guy that would want to win no matter where he is...but he realizes it's even more important in a market with two teams and he wants to take this opportunity to gain market share.
  21. QUOTE (iamshack @ Dec 8, 2010 -> 10:47 AM) People do this all the time, for a LOT less money. People do it in the everyday working world ALL of the time, and manage to live without their cousins turning into homeless people. Don't get up in front of the fans and say "I might go and play for some other team for less money. It's not necessarily about the money." Then you and your agent try to hold us up for $15 million a year. Nice Pauly. If he really wanted to hold us up for $15 million, the deal would not be done yet. I really think he gave us a discount of $2 mil + per season to stay here and that should be appreciated (not scorned). If Pena is worth $10 on the open market, Paulie could have gotten at least 50% more (and maybe $18 million per season if he hired Boras)
  22. Even if he's not born in the United States, he's a White Sox fan which qualifies him to be president in my book
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