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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. Although I don't think his chances are as good as Rios, Paulie, or Jenks.....if Freddy can get 2 more wins before the All Star game, he's a maybe as well. Tough not to take a pitcher with double digits wins at the break.
  2. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jun 20, 2010 -> 11:55 AM) Dunnnnnnnn Freddy just made him look sick
  3. Any of the cynics ready to start giving Kenny some credit yet? We just beat the Phenom and continued the winning streak! Kenny and Ozzie have done a wonderful job of being patient just waiting for this team to explode....and they are doing just that right now!
  4. I think Jenks actually has a better chance than Paulie....his save percentage is among the best in the AL.
  5. Right now, I'd say Alex Rios is a lock. Paul Konerko and Bobby Jenks have to be possibilities as well. Anyone else have different opinions?
  6. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 18, 2010 -> 07:54 PM) and the game would have been over in 9 innings. Even if a PH had gotten on, nobody hit behind him....runner would have been stranded. I swear some people want to always find fault when Ozzie.....even when he calls a brilliant gameplan.
  7. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 18, 2010 -> 07:52 PM) yeah...besides the 7th and 8th If he made the move some people wanted at that time....Kotsay wouldn't have been available to PH this inning.
  8. QUOTE (BFirebird @ Jun 18, 2010 -> 06:57 PM) This is dumb. Gavin should not be hitting or pitching next inning. Dumb. Gavin is a better hitter than Kotsay
  9. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 18, 2010 -> 06:51 PM) Yep, it's a shame that a terrible pitch call cost him the win. They didn't throw Dunn a single offspeed pitch that inning. Why do we always throw Branyan, Dunn, and Thome low fastballs? He'll still get the win.....we'll push at least one across this inning.
  10. QUOTE (T R U @ Jun 17, 2010 -> 09:15 PM) Come on man, we just swept a team that was already on an 8 game losing streak BEFORE we played them.. That makes it even more impressive.....the Pirates were due for a win and we prevented it from happening. Why can't people be happy that we are finally a playoff contending team?
  11. QUOTE (G&T @ Jun 17, 2010 -> 08:13 PM) So wait, this thread isn't a joke? Absolutely not. Would you rather that Kenny had gutted the team three weeks ago in which case we'd be about 12 games below .500 now?
  12. QUOTE (AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Jun 17, 2010 -> 07:17 PM) Why? Because we're beating bad baseball teams? Would you rather we lose to bad baseball teams?
  13. When nobody thought this team could turn it around, Kenny had the patience not to dismantle the organization. Now that the Sox are playing better baseball than any other team in the majors, he truly deserves to be lauded. When the champagne flows in October, I hope that Kenny is justly credited for not making moves which would have destroyed this season. Sox on a roll....nothing could be better!!!!!
  14. We are winning now....keep the team in tact and we are now the favorites to win the division.
  15. Don't look now...but we've won 4 in a row and moved to within 7.5 games of the division lead. The rest of the month is filled with very winnable series....Pittsburgh, Washington, the Cubs again, and the Royals. Only tough series should be Atlanta....which is at home. If we go 11-5 in these 16 games, we are over .500 at 39-38 and likely no more than 5 games out of the lead. Lets keep up the strong starting pitching, turn up the bats a little more, and finish the month strong. If we go 11-5 (or better) during the remaining stretch, we'll be looking good and the division title will be ours for the taking!
  16. Outside of Bobby Jenks.....nobody in this bullpen is currently giving us a strong chance to win.
  17. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Jun 7, 2010 -> 06:10 PM) Mayo says Sox take Chris Sale. I like Mayo......really adds flavor to a BLT
  18. QUOTE (DirtySox @ Jun 7, 2010 -> 06:05 PM) I think it's Chris Sale if he's still there. I would like it too. And if that happens, he's winning the 2016 Cy Young Award in a White Sox uniform....YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
  19. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 7, 2010 -> 01:13 PM) One of MB or Peavy will be traded, I am pretty sure. Pena might too, and Linebrink if they can find a suitor. If we trade either one of them this season, we might as well give up our hope of a World Series title in 2010
  20. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jun 6, 2010 -> 03:29 PM) Great win for our trade value. Most of the guys who needed to show something, did just that. Forget about trading....I'm ready to make a run for the division lead
  21. If we get to the 9th with a lead, its almost automatic. Bobby Jenks is awesome!
  22. QUOTE (Jenks Heat @ Jun 6, 2010 -> 03:16 PM) Is it me but doesn't Jenks seem to blow saves during the day...the Pirates and Jays come to mind as the two more recent bad ones ..... day games and the Orioles seem to get him Ummmm....he only has one blown save all season.
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