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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ Jun 6, 2010 -> 03:13 PM) Is anyone else worried that Gordon is a mental midget? I am starting to worry now that mentally he's not strong enough, we're nearing mid June here and I still don't see him breaking out of this.... He'd be hitting .340 if we had a decent hitting coach.
  2. Bacon needs a good hitting coach to work with.....too bad we don't have one of those.
  3. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jun 6, 2010 -> 03:08 PM) lawl. 0 ER, 4K's, and 3IP in last 3 appearances....what more could you want?
  4. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 6, 2010 -> 03:02 PM) Yeah, cause Jenks is great with the multiple inning save. He's our most reliable reliever these days
  5. Get Bobby in the game now....we can't afford to let this game slip away
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 6, 2010 -> 02:51 PM) By CF you mean "relief pitcher"? Absolutely not...it's unbelieveable to imagine anytime could screw up the future of BA more than this organization did, but KC found a way to do so. Imagine BA and AR together in the outfield.....it would have been spectacular.
  7. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 6, 2010 -> 02:50 PM) How can anyone say a trade is the worst made after the Swisher debacle...both times? BA could have been an All Star CF for us.....Kotsay is nothing but a Kotsay
  8. I just still can't believe we gave up Brian Anderson to get Mark Kotsay......worst trade that KW has ever made.
  9. I hope we score at least one run here soon....I'd hate to see Peavy throw a perfect game and have it go for naught.
  10. Well, I'm guessing that Jake has never whacked it an adult bookstore and I know he's never thrown a perfect game.
  11. That's 2 perfect innings.....only 7 more for Jake to put his name in the record books.
  12. Jake 1/9th of the way to a perfect game! He could do it tonight!
  13. I'm so glad that Jenks is back....we were never going to make a run for the division lead until we had our closer back.
  14. f***in Kotsay....I still can't believe we gave up BA to get him. We'll still be ok though....as long as Q avoids the double play, Lexi will tie this up with one swing of the bat.
  15. QUOTE (Lillian @ May 30, 2010 -> 02:54 PM) Another thought: If the Angels would like one of our closers, we could give them one plus Paulie, and maybe get one of the better prospects. Lets not wave the white flag just as this team is starting to play well. We will win the division. We will win the ALCS. And we will win the WS. Boy I'm glad you're not the GM.
  16. If we don't win this game, Ozzie needs to fire Cora when he returns. Unbelievable to not put your closer in when the tying run is at the plate.
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