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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. Good job Scotty....now lets get the hold Randy
  2. You have to love the never say die attitude of this team....it is whats going to carry us to a World Series title. Go Sox!!!
  3. This could be the longest 9 inning game ever.....wowzers, its takin' forever
  4. Lets get 3 this inning....get Peavy the W.
  5. As I said in the second inning of this game, just get us 6 and we win the ball game.
  6. Vizquel has better at bats when he never takes the bat off his shoulder.
  7. QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Apr 28, 2010 -> 06:55 PM) So I checked the score during a break in class and found out Peavy gave up 5 runs in the first inning. What the hell?!?!?!?!!??!? He than retired them 1-2-3 in the second inning though. I think we'll be ok tonight.
  8. I think Peavy is on a roll now. If the bats can wake up and score 6 runs tonight, I think we win.
  9. QUOTE (JorgeFabregas @ Apr 25, 2010 -> 02:49 PM) He's juicing. If thats true, than give some to AJ and Carlos as well!
  10. Works just as good as a bunt.....but I wish he would have been laying one down right from the get-go. Now, Paulie can make it from second to home on an extra base hit.
  11. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 25, 2010 -> 12:56 PM) We still need to score if we wanted to win a rain shortened game. We'll win 1-0 on a walk off homer in the bottom of the 5th inning.
  12. 2 batters....2 runners. At this rate, we'll never get this game in. lol
  13. Juan takes a HBP better than anyone else in baseball
  14. Way to work fast John....I think you'll have to work that way to get at least 5 innings in today
  15. QUOTE (chw42 @ Apr 24, 2010 -> 04:49 PM) If yesterday was not the turning point of the year, today might be. Just wait til you see what happens tomorrow!!!
  16. QUOTE (TitoMB @ Apr 24, 2010 -> 04:47 PM) Beckham, AJ, and Quentin combined 0-11. But Q did have the big walk in the 9th....without it, Rios couldn't have been the hero!
  17. This is a team of destiny! We are headed towards a World Championship! Great job by Freddy today! Way to come up big Paulie and Rios!!! Another win for Big Bad Bobby Jenks!!! What a great day to be a Sox fan!!!!!
  18. I'm calling it right now.....Jones is going to be World Series MVP for us come October!!!!
  19. The Fire Greg Walker night.....one lucky fan gets the opportunity to give Walker his walking papers.
  20. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 17, 2010 -> 02:33 PM) Can't do significant lineup changes because this offensive roster is freaking awful. Who in their right f***ing mind thought this offense could win in the American League?? I don't think there's anything wrong with the offense....get a competent hitting coach for this team and they'll get on track.
  21. We've got to come back at a quicker rate. One run every six innings is not going to work. We'll still lose 7-1.5
  22. If we can score double digits, we still have a great chance to win this game.
  23. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Apr 14, 2010 -> 07:31 PM) Andruw smiling and having fun out there. He's going to be something special this year. So is Rios. So is TCQ... So is everyone on this team! Ozzie ball rules and we headed to the world series!!!
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