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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. This latest report doesn't sound as promising http://sports.espn.go.com/chicago/mlb/news/story?id=4922858
  2. I've become obsessed with the thought of Johnny Damon wearing a White Sox uniform this summer. I really think he is the perfect complement to our existing roster and would elevate us from divisional contender to World Series favorite. However, the news seems to change from day to day (and even hour to hour).....one report will say our chances are good and the next will claim he's practically a Tiger. Whats everyone's gut feeling on whether or not he's playing Ozzie Ball in the next month or two?
  3. Anyone know where I can buy an Orber Moreno jersey? I want to get one early before everyone starts looking for one.
  4. What are the terms? I hope we got him for less than $8 million/year.
  5. That was nice of Brian Anderson to recognize his former teammates!
  6. Anyone else going out for the Sox/Blackhawks double dip the weekend of March 19-20? I'm planning to fly in Phoenix on the 16th and go to the game against Colorado that afternoon. I'm than driving to CA to see the Blackhawks play the Ducks and Kings on 3/17 and 3/18. Returning to Phoenix for the Sox games on 3/19 and 3/20 plus the Hawks game Saturday night. Should be an awesome trip....3 Sox games and 3 Hawks games in only 5 days!
  7. Don't know how reliable it is....but this article states the Yankees have offered Damon $2 million for the upcoming season and have no plans to increase it. I'm with the majority here....if we could get Damon for $3-5 million, he'd be a perfect fit for this lineup. http://nymag.com/daily/sports/2010/01/the_...l_flirting.html
  8. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jan 18, 2010 -> 06:15 PM) This is the main reason I liked the trade, cause he is gonna be under our control and at a decent price for a few years, as opposed to having to sign a FA veteran reliever for $20 million... Nobody signs relievers for $20 million
  9. I actually like Pods....I just think its a mistake to sign him as a centerfielder. My guess is that he's playing one of the corners for KC by midseason and Brian Anderson is the starting centerfielder.
  10. No terms announced yet....but he's playing centerfield for them http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=4807676
  11. I like the move.....we are certain to win the World Series now
  12. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Nov 25, 2009 -> 04:30 PM) OK, is this better or worse than signing Crisp for this role? Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better
  13. No compensation for Colon????? Thats BS....we should at least get a Big Mac or two if he signs with another club.
  14. Were the runners going on that last pitch to Q? Otherwise, I don't see any way Nix would have made it home from 1st on that play. It only would have been a 5-4 game.
  15. Has anyone turned on the TV yet so the Sox can watch some NFL action after this game?
  16. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 27, 2009 -> 12:01 PM) Hasn't attendance been great? There weren't 50 percent Tiger fans there last night. No way. Tiger fans don't travel that well. Fan support has been great. Some of the Sox worst pathetic performances have been at home before big crowds. Attendance has been down about 2000 per game compared to last year....but I'm not even talking about numbers. Its attitude and actions that prevail. There are a lot of "White Sox fans" (and I use that term loosely) that I wish would convert to the "other team" in town. I'd rather have 50% of the fans and have them give 100% support to the team than to have 100% of our current fans who only deliver 50% support (if we're lucky). Attitudes prevail upon an organization....I don't care if the environment is an office or a ballpark. If you're a real fan of this organization, you are planning for the 2010 World Series now (although I've already seen people on this board dismissing our chances next season before a game is ever played).
  17. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 27, 2009 -> 10:40 AM) Did you read the thread before posting? The Sox drew 35k last night, even though the team is out of it (some are DET fans I am sure, but not enough to make up 35k). Your idea of the fans not supporting the team is absurd and patently false. Also, are you seriously saying it is the job of the fans to motivate the players? Because I'm pretty sure it should be the other way around. I don't know the particulars of last night crowd....therefore, I didn't comment on it at all. What I said was that most fans "checked out" of this season months ago and all one has to do is look at the archives of this board to see it. As for "fans motivating players" vs. "players motivating fans", I think its a mutual relationship and both should motivate each other. You can contend the players haven't done their job this year (and I'd agree), but I think the "fan support" overall this season has been horrendous and absolutely killed our prospects of saving the season. When most fans are saying things like "you suck", "get rid of them all", and "this team has no chance to win", its definitely not motivating to the team you support. I don't care who you are....when you hear something enough, you start to believe it (why do you think a lot of people think people buy snuggies? because they view enough commercials that tell them its a comfortable item to wear while watching TV). Most kids who get bad grades in school do so because peers or teachers label them as "dumb" and they tend to believe so. I know Ozzie does a lot to try and motivate this team and get them to believe in their abilities. However, when its the voice of 1 vs. an entire fan base, he's fighting a losing battle. Losing sucks....but as Ozzie said in his post game comments its part of the game. However, if the fan base accepts it, the players will too. If you want change, than motivate them to do so.....don't tear down the morale of the team and infiltrate the organization with more of the "we suck" attitude.
  18. Most fans stopped caring about this season months ago......when the fans show apathy towards the team, the team shows apathy towards the game. I don't blame Ozzie for melting down (in fact, I'm glad he did)....however, I can't blame the players for "checking out" when the the majority of the "fan support" did so a few months ago. If we want a winning attitude throughout the organization, it has to exist within the fan base as well.
  19. I'm not even thinking about 2010 until after we win this year's World Series!
  20. I know it would never happen.....but I think the Big Hurt would make an awesome hitting coach!!
  21. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Sep 7, 2009 -> 02:25 PM) It's not as fun to watch at times like this where the Sox have no shot at the playoffs, but it's certainly a lot more relaxing. How do you figure that there's no chance at the playoffs? Granted....the odds are against us, but if we 17-7 over the final 24 games and 6 of those wins are against the Tigers, we are in the postseason. Thats not out of the question.
  22. QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 7, 2009 -> 02:08 PM) the whole idea that you believe we HAVE a chance just tickles me. But i envy your un-jaded sense of hope. We have 6 games left against Detroit....even if we go 5-1 in those games, we have a realistic shot. If we could sweep those games, its almost a dead heat. To give up when thats the case....I just don't understand.
  23. Come on Pena....we need you to start coming through during the stretch weeks.
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