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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. 3 batters in a row (including Kotsay) swing at first pitches with the bases loaded and a wild pitcher on the mound!!!!! Can someone explain?????
  2. When a pitcher walks in a run, why in heck would the next batter even swing at the first pitch? (Yet alone a pitch well out of the strike zone)
  3. When I started this thread, I was surprised how many people thought this possibility was dead. When Kenny Williams wants a guy, he usually gets him (no matter how long it takes). Thats why I still think Chone Figgins will end up on the Sox (even if its in 2018)
  4. QUOTE (ChiSox420* @ Jul 30, 2009 -> 07:48 PM) Can we still say BA makes that catch... BA could have went 0 for the season and been worth a run a game to this team. If we had another reliable CFer on the roster, that wouldn't be the case.....but I can't believe we ran off the only guy on that can consistently make plays in that position.
  5. mlb.com doing free live look-ins now for those who can't watch the game.
  6. I'm feeling a 9th inning rally to gain the split
  7. It seems like everytime we intentionally walk the bases loaded.....we end up walking in a run.
  8. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Jul 24, 2009 -> 10:18 AM) I hope Wise gets a standing O from fans next home stand. I would definitely give him a standing O his next plate appearance (if I was at the game) and I'll cheer for him as long as he's a White Sox. However, I'm not about to give him a free pass or make him a lifetime member of this organization because of one play. I still believe BA is the better option of the two for this team and increases our chances of winning the division more. However, if Wise is going to be the man, I'll cheer for him to do the best and truly hope he proves my opinion wrong.
  9. QUOTE (bighurt574 @ Jul 24, 2009 -> 09:14 AM) Wise leading off, nice. How often do you see a guy make a great catch and then lead off the next inning... A lot more often than you see a guy with a sub .200 batting average leading off in a pivotal July game against the co-leader of the division.
  10. Give him 500 autographed baseballs so he can have something to sell on ebay after his career is over (soon).
  11. I kind of just want us to make quick outs here.....don't want MB to sit on the bench too long.
  12. Since we have a 5 run lead, should we go to the bullpen now and give Mark's arm a rest?
  13. I would personally give Jenks the night off.....not that I'm giving up on him as a closer, but he's thrown nearly 50 pitches in the last 2 games (plus two warm up sessions). Its time to give that arm a rest.
  14. QUOTE (elmo9246 @ Jul 12, 2009 -> 01:28 PM) What happened to the bats? We've been hitting so well lately bad day for them to die. It ain't over til the fat lady eats a bowl of beans and farts Yankee Doodle out her behind.
  15. Come on bullpen....hold the lead where its at until the bats wake up next inning.
  16. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 12, 2009 -> 01:20 PM) How hard is it to understand he's talking about the Sox playing at Minnesota? But we'll still have won 2 out of 3 in this series after todays game.
  17. QUOTE (beckham15 @ Jul 12, 2009 -> 01:18 PM) give me whatever he's got or whatever he's smokin we look slow and lackidasikle out there Nothing that a 10 run inning in the top of the 6th won't cure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I still think we come back and win this game. Time to put on the rally caps!!!!!
  19. Lets up Mark can come up with a complete game tomorrow. Bobby has thrown a lot of pitches the last two days and I doubt he'll be able to produce that workload 3 days in a row.
  20. QUOTE (fathom @ Jul 11, 2009 -> 06:28 PM) Off-topic, but seems like Uribe is having a hard time dealing with his error last night http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=Atkz...p&type=lgns If it had been OCab, he would have been calling the press box saying it was a hit.
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