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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. Buehrle should be hitting coach for this team!
  2. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jun 13, 2009 -> 03:56 PM) Going to Charlotte really appears to have turned the Count around. He still sucks. 0-3 at the plate today
  3. Is it too late for his momma to have an abortion???
  4. Alright....the bullpen did its job....now lets score 2 to go home a winner!!!!!!
  5. QUOTE (Friend of Nordhagen @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 09:20 PM) Let's just suspend them in harnesses. There could be a series of tether lines running over the field. Lets just hang them by their jockstraps
  6. Cut Wise right now....that asshole costs us the game by not making it home in time. If he can't run fast, he can't do s***. Get him outta town right now!!!
  7. Fire his ass right away! Do it before he even changes into street clothes. Ban him from the ballpark and post his mugshot in the security office of the Cell. This man is a criminal for what he's done to our offense.
  8. QUOTE (Capn12 @ Jun 7, 2009 -> 03:11 PM) Anyway we can institute a new rule for the A.L.? All-time defense. BA plays CF the whole game, and we designate a real MLB hitter to play offense for him. Who on our bench would we hit for him thats better? Wise? Nix? Ya gotta have the hitter to push for this rule!
  9. This team would be in first place right now though if we had a competent hitting coach. (Hell....we'd probably be at least 3 games better in the win column with no hitting coach)
  10. If we sweep Detroit, we'll could still be in first place by the end of the homestand.
  11. QUOTE (TitoMB345 @ Jun 7, 2009 -> 02:37 PM) The Sox are the only team where you should feel okay walking the leadoff guy. hey....9 more walks and we have a tie ballgame
  12. Lets get 4 here....give up 2 in the top of the 9th.....and than score 4 more in the bottom of the 9th to get the W
  13. Anyone else feel a walk off grand slam by Beckham in the bottom of the 9th?
  14. QUOTE (daa84 @ Jun 5, 2009 -> 08:02 PM) if you dont like it ...just dont watch his at bats....at least thats what ozzie says you should do Trainwrecks have always been interesting to me though.
  15. Wise is now batting .167 on the season....I think his chances of reaching the Mendoza line are slim
  16. I may be in the minority....but I still have faith. I think we come back to win this game.
  17. Well.......if we're only going to lose one game on this homestand, we might as well lose big (let's just hope its Gobble's last appearance in a White Sox uniform)
  18. The September signing scenario would require our 40 man roster to stay below 40 until than. I don't see this being the case as Kenny is not done dealing. There's a good chance all 40 spots will be filled within the next 90 days.
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