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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. QUOTE (beautox @ Jun 1, 2009 -> 08:27 PM) that is why you dont f***ing bunt, just let the iron of the order do their job and minimize the outs before them. At least the bunt avoided the double play
  2. After we win the world series in October, I think we'll be able to look back at this series as a big turning point in the season.
  3. Nix in for Getz.....so he's definitely hurt (lets hope its very minor)
  4. QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ May 31, 2009 -> 03:04 PM) Stone is one of, if not THE, most intelligent color guy in the biz. And SWEET, Pods! When do the Pods haters on the board start eating crow? I never did and never would hate Pods after what he did for us in 2005. However, I did think it was a bad move to sign him this season and am definitely happy to eat crow (medium well with lots of BBQ sauce please)
  5. QUOTE (fathom @ May 31, 2009 -> 02:54 PM) Ozzie should use this time to let Nix run for AJP. Is Castro here yet? Or is it still Corky as backup catcher? If its Castro, I don't know if you want a brand new catcher (to our team) coming in to work the 9th (and possibly extra innings) when he's never worked with anyone on ours staff before.
  6. BA could be a HOFer if just given the opportunity to play enough
  7. Wise better not hit this inning......you need BA in there defensively at this time anyways, so I may have to put a beer bottle through my laptop if ozzie sends him to the plate
  8. QUOTE (fathom @ May 31, 2009 -> 02:43 PM) DWise is going to go yard this inning. Time to PH BA for him
  9. I have a feeling this could be one of the 16 inning type games.
  10. You can definitely make arguments that Kenny hasn't addressed some needs of this team (i.e. centerfielder)....but you can't argue what he's done with the bullpen. This crew has helped us stay in many games during the last 2 years and is without a doubt the best bullpen in baseball.
  11. We've struck out 3 batters this inning.....but they are still hitting. UGGGGHHHHHHH
  12. Not that I'm saying it should be done....but you can make an argument that Dotel should be our closer. He's pitching that good this year.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 31, 2009 -> 02:00 PM) DJ says that's the first error for the Sox in 9 games. Not a good time for it though
  14. QUOTE (lostfan @ May 31, 2009 -> 01:58 PM) Good thing Wise started, I guess it's better that a lefty goes 0-3 against the best pitcher in the AL than a righty. Or something. Anderson would be 3-3 for 3 HR's and 7 RBI's if he had started today
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ May 31, 2009 -> 01:55 PM) And we just gave Greinke a chance to pitch in the 7th inning. Not a wise move
  16. QUOTE (chw42 @ May 31, 2009 -> 01:54 PM) Wise better make him work. 5 pitch inning so far. It does take Wise at least 3 pitches to strike out
  17. QUOTE (fathom @ May 31, 2009 -> 01:44 PM) Danks should have a very short leash this inning. Danks should have a 1-2-3 inning here
  18. QUOTE (Heads22 @ May 31, 2009 -> 01:39 PM) I'm gonna pretend Alexei did the job there. I'm gonna pretend I'm with 3 naked playmates now.......too bad pretending doesn't equal reality
  19. QUOTE (chisox2334 @ May 31, 2009 -> 01:36 PM) pods is playing his ass off and im glad he's here I agree and I'm eating crow over this move
  20. Bunting here would also be giving up an out for 1 pitch......I'd rather make Greinke throw extra pitches here
  21. Need more AB's like Pods.....make this guy throw 6+ pitches every batter
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