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sin city sox fan

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Everything posted by sin city sox fan

  1. Anyone think the Sox might be trying to arrange a conversation between Ozzie and Jake? (Or would this be against league rules?)
  2. I want this done now....but I understand how he's taking some time to think about it. He's considering where he's going to live (and work) for the next several years. I just relocated at the beginning of the year and it took me nearly two weeks to make the decision and accept the offer. Lets hope it doesn't take that long....but if he really looks at all the good benefits of being a White Sox, I think he'll make the right decision in a day or two.
  3. I hate Dick Cheney.....he's keeping our prez focused on Gitmo when he should be calling Peavy to finalize this deal! http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/05/21/oba...eech/index.html
  4. Quick....someone get him an Italian Beef sandwich and a deep dish pizza to enjoy while he contemplates his decision
  5. Too bad we didn't hang on to MacDougal....he could have been part of this deal!
  6. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 21, 2009 -> 09:15 AM) *slowly unzips pants* hold on a minute....not quite time for a circle jerk here
  7. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 21, 2009 -> 09:10 AM) Kenny should mention that we will be moving our fences back 5 feet next season..which I would love to see. Just ask Peavy how far he wants them moved back....I'm sure we can accomodate!
  8. QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 21, 2009 -> 09:03 AM) CJ is a good player and has been playing well. Appartently Peavy called Linebrink last night and received nothing but good feedback from him about our team. I used to think Linebrink was overpaid a bit....but he's earning his salary today!
  9. So to summarize....we know that Poreda and Richards are in the deal....but we don't know the other components? Is that correct?
  10. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 21, 2009 -> 08:22 AM) Peavy has a career line of .178/.219/.234. But his last two years have actually been much better, and even decent for a pitcher: 07: .233/.250/.315 08: .265/.302/.306 So can we use the DH for another position player when he pitches???
  11. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 14, 2009 -> 03:42 PM) For the right price I would definately consider him. I think the Sox could use a corner outfielder starting next season. I'm not sure about that...now that Brian Anderson has established himself in CF, where is Wise going to play next season?
  12. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ May 14, 2009 -> 02:02 PM) Hey now, no hating on The Ross Gload! I don't think anyone is saying Gload is as bad as The 'bridge or that BA is as good as Pujols....however, the comparison is valid.
  13. Before we start trading away the team, lets wait til Brian Anderson comes off the DL. Put that bat back in the lineup and that glove out in the field......I think we'll be fine. Granted, its been a tough stetch with him gone from the club but BA is a difference maker and he'll be back very soon.
  14. QUOTE (Texsox @ May 14, 2009 -> 07:07 AM) finally his mouth and ass are in harmony It would be difficult to prove intent. I can't see how they could ring him up when it can so easily be called an accident. Most of the times that a player or manager bumps an umpire, its clearly an accident with no intent. However, they are still suspended. If the ump heard Ozzie "toot" in his direction or noticed the odor of a "silent but deadly" bomb, I gotta believe that they would file a report with the league office and pursue a suspension.
  15. So from the replys, it sounds like several other posters have heard this story.....however, I've yet to see the incident detailed in any media account of the game? Can anyone verify for a fact that Ozzie farted on the ump? If it's true, I imagine a large suspension is forthcoming because farting on an ump is worse than spitting on one and Alomar received five games when he layed a lugee on John Hirschbeck.
  16. I was unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) stuck at work today and unable to follow the action of the game. However, a friend is trying to tell me that Ozzie was ejected for farting on the home plate umpire. The recap on espn.com states it was for arguing balls and strikes....and makes no mention of flatulence. Can someone please confirm or deny whether Ozzie passed gas in the general direction of the home plate umpire resulting in his ejection? Thanks.
  17. Wahoooooooo!!!!! 4 more walks and the tying run will be at the plate!!!!
  18. Attaboy Broadway....one more out than we go get 'em
  19. QUOTE (fathom @ May 5, 2009 -> 07:47 PM) Really should have Lillibridge run for AJP, but Ozzie never pulls his starting catcher. AJ is one of our best hitters tonight....we really need him in future innings. I don't really want Corky coming to bat with the game on the line.
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